Fiftieth Year of Publication and Service to the University UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 194!) NUMBER 70 VOLUME L 'DuShartePlan' Tabled 'Til '50 JC Plan Goes to Lawmen Almost first into the legislative hopper of this session of the Ore gon state legislature were two bills, reflecting past criticism of Oregon system of higher education, pro posing the establishment of junior colleges. The first and most controversial bill, introduced by Senators Rich ard L. Neuberger and Robert D. Holmes would set up a junior col lege in Por’tland'as a part of the state’s college system. This would require an initial appropriation of $2,000,000. The second bill, by Senator Aus tin Dunn, would set up adult edu cation programs with credits earned applicable to lower division work in college. This plan proposes financing by school districts. Much date, has been accumulated showing the desirability of an Ore gon junior college. Two important factors affecting college atten dance, cost and proximity to a col lege, were considered and it was cound that upper income families send ten times as many students to college as do lower income fam ilies with children of the same in telligence rating. Also statistics show that in Oregon, college age students have a four times better chance of furthering their educa tion if they live in a college town. Thus a junior college maintaining a reasonably low rate of tuition and located in Portland, near which forty per cent of the Oregon popu lation live, would tend to increase the state’s college enrollment. Vanport college is at present filling the position of the junior college in Oregon which one of these bills would establish. This in stitution has been on a purely tem porary basis and it is felt by some to be inadequate. Chief setback to the proposals is the financial question. Edgar W. (Please turn to page eight) Got No Love to Keep'em Warm It was a cold, cold night last night. If you don't believe it, just ask the Sigma Nus. With an ex pected temperature of 10 degrees last night, the Sigma Nu’s oil burn er exploded. The only casualties were a few men in the basement at the time who were slightly singed. Damage was slight and limited to the base ment, but that didn’t keep the Sig ma Nus warm. To add insult to injury, the ex plosion occurred just a few mo ments after the members had se lected “Hell’s Fire” as the theme of their winter term dance at their house meeting. “Mighty peculiar,” reported Bill Lance, who should know, he was there. The oil burner was just recently installed, replacing the old sawdust burner. It is expected to be back in operation within a couple of days. Meanwhile, where, oh where, did I put that electric blanket. USA Sponsors Frosh Mixer United Students association will hold a frosh mixer this afternoon in Gerlinger annex from 4 to 5:30, according to the USA steering committee member Lou Weston. Purpose of the dance will be to acquaint freshmen with the USA freshman candidates, John Chaney and Virginia Wright. Miss Weston states that the AGS candidates, Bob Gitner and Shirley Hillardp, have also been invited to attend. Music by Magnavox, and free cokes will be available. “USA cordially invites all fresh man students to this mixer, regard less of political leanings,” urged Miss Weston. USA particularly urged off-cam pus students to attend, marking the dance as an example of their pro jected program to bring all fresh men into activities. Freshman Elections Tomorrow Preferential Ballot Used in Voting At YM From 8-6 'L'be freshman class will select their officers in tomorrow's frosh elections. Polls will he op en from Ha. m. to 6 p. m. at the YMCA. Warren Davis, Druid presi dent, will be in charge of the polls. Handling the election work will be members of Kwama, Skull and Dagger, Phi Theta Upsilon, and Druids. Only freshmen are eligible to vote; and on receiving their ballots, their names will be checked in the poll book. Any eligible voter not listed in the book must clear his status with Virgil Fogdall or the registrar to cast his ballot. Watchers from both parties will be at the polls at all times, and 4 counters from each will serve on the counting board: Marv Rasmussen, ASUO first vice president in charge of elections, reminds freshmen that the prefer ential ballot will be used. The fig ure "I” must be placed opposite the choice for number one position, “2” for second, "3” for third, and “4” for fourth position. Under this sytem, the voter can vote for one, two, three, or all of the candidates, in any order he chooses. Ballots marked X will be discarded. Candidates from two parties are competing in the elections. Bib Git ner and Shirley Hillard will repre sent the AGS, and on the USA slate are John Chaney and Virginia Wright. Golf Meeting Today All persons eligible and interest ed in playing golf may attend a meeting today at 4 p.m. in the ath letic office in McArthur court. Reds Threaten Barometer Inquiry By Bob Funk Communism vs. Democracy made headlines at OSC and the Univer sity of Washington last week as “reds” madd’ real or imagined at tempts to infiltrate the student press on one campus and the fac ulty on the other. At OSC, new light was cast on the “cold war” which has raged on the Oregon State Daily Barometer editorial staff. Student Body Presi dent Tom House declared in the January 22 Barometer that certain OSC students “are on this campus for the sole purpose of ‘converting’ students to the cause of commun ism.” In the column entitled “A Trag edy at OSC,” House asserted that the OSC Young Progressives or ganization was “determined to take action to set up a machine for investigating the newspaper (Ba rometer) without any apparent practical reason for doing so. The Young Progressives had pre viously issued a pamphlet called “What’s Wrong With the Barom eter?" They proceeded to hold meetings in an attempt to bring about an investigation of the Ba rometer editorial policy. Commenting further on the Young Progressives, House ven tured that “In my opinion, most participants in the Young Progres sives movement on the campus are not Communists, but will be brand ed as such by the student body as a whole because of the actions of a small faction of the group.” OSC President A. L. Strand stated that “While we probably have less of this sort of activity than the average campus, we un doubtedly have some, hence it is gratifying to see the responsible student leaders recognizing the sit uation and thus taking steps to guard against it. My chief concern is that a number of sincere, well meaning students . . . have been misled by the few active and per sistent pro-Soviet advocates . . Meanwhile, the University of Washington was feeling the after math of the state Canwell investi gations. The investigations, which began last summer, had found six University professors guilty of Communist activities. Although the committee had no authority to pass judgment, the University observed its decision by suspending three professors and placing three more on probation. All of the professors but one had been on the University faculty over twenty years. Committee tes timony had brought out the fact that the six faculty members had been in some way connected with the Communist party during their years at Washington. New Date Allows 'Breather' Period; Policy Unchanged Organizations Will Have Longer Period To Work Out Details, DuShane Says In a short, three paragraph statement, Donald M. DuShane, director of student affairs, announced yesterday that the defer red living plan had been postponed until the fall of 1950. At the same time, he made it clear that the postponement ap plied only to the effective date, not to a change in University policy. DuShane met with representatives of the IFC vesterdav af ternoon in his office. Efforts to reach an agreement concerning the plan had been unsuccessful up to this time. lie told representatives that the new date would give the fra ternities and sororities a longer period to adjust themselves to the measures necessary to put the plan into effect. He said the details of the plan can be worked out better in the additional time thus granted. After the meeting, the IFC repre sentatives said the statement was not what they had wanted. “Present Situation” Carl Reusser made the following statement: “We now feel that although we may not be able to change the plan, we should let students and alumni know the situation. “When the IFC first started studying the plan, we didn't at tempt to enlist the Emerald's aid. We agreed to work the program out with Mr. DuShane, the IFC, and the student body. “We talked with the girl's houses and with the Inter-dorm council, but we kept our promise to stay out of any public controversy. Now, however, we feel we’re only getting a breather.” II1 C Stand A spokesman for the Inter-fra ternity council released this state ment : “The statement released by, Don ald M. DuShane on the deferred liv ing plan is not what the IFC had hoped for.” “We still desire to continue the j discussions and try to work out a so , lution agreeable to all parties con cerned. Up to this time, the IFC has withheld from publication informa tion regarding its stand on the is sue.” “The IFC will continue to inves tigate the problem, and seek alter native action.” This same opinion was expressed by Ann Woodworth, spokesman for sorority presidents. The policy requiring all freshmen to live in dormitories or University supervised housing, was first pre sented to the IFC at a council meet ing on November 0. Since that time, committees have been set-up by various campus groups to study the proposed living plan. An IFC com mittee headed by Carl Reusser has | been the most active in working out | with Mr. DuShane in a series of con ! ference problems raised by the new j plan. Choose Managers Fneshmen and sophomores in terested in 1949 assistant baseball managers' jobs next year should | contact Coacfi Don Kirsch in his | Mac court office Thursday after noon at 1. Druids, Junior Honorary, Tap Three at Ball Malcolm Epley, George Pied Taylor, and Robert Lavey are the new members tapped by Druids, junior men's honorary, at the Sen ior ball Saturday night. Druids, limited to a membership of ten, traditionally tap eight new members during the junior week end festivities each spring. The new members then select the last two members the following fall term. Tapping was delayed this year, however, until winter term and as one member, Bill Monroe, dropped at the end of fall term, there were three vacancies to fill rather than the normal two. Scholarship, personality, past service to the University, and pos sible future service to the Univer sity are the factors that determine the selection of new Druids. Radio Station Permit Granted EUGENE, Jan. 24 -(AP)— Eu gene Broadcasters, Inc., granted a construction permit today fo: a standard radio station, said here that no construction date yet has been set. The Federal Communicati ms commission in Washington, D. C., granted the permit for a station to operate on 1280 kilocycles, 1000 watts power on unlimited time. Principal stockholder in the broadcasting company is the Eu gene Register-Guard Publishing company. Alton Baker Is publisher of the Register-Guard. Other stock holders are Roger Houglum, Eu gene, manager of the Eugene Vo cational School radio, KRVM-FM; William Tugman, managing editor of the Register-Guard; Bromaugh, Eugene insurance m. n; and Earl Meisner, Portland. The station’s call letters would be KERG. The company has a lease on the new Studio building" at 13th iml Willamette. Latin-American Ad Discussion Topic M. D. Ross, assistant professo; of architecture, swill speak on “The Colonial Art of Latin America" to day at 4 p.m. in the art gallery of of the school of architecture and al lied arts. This lecture will be m? .il ly concerned with the Latin Amer ican material on exhibition in the gallery.