[DUCK TRACKS By DON FAIR / Oddly enough, when Oregon and Washington square off to morrow night in the spacious Husky pavillion, the Webfoot cagers will be out to match their longest winning streak of the season, three straight. Earlier in the campaign, the Ducks cap tured a trio of successive contests before California abruptly snapped the skein. Arm chair strategists can point to Oregon’s 63-62 victory over Washington in the Cow Palace tourney, and figure that the Willamette Valley quint is a cinch for at least a split this weekend. But a lot of other factors must be considered in Fri day and Saturday’s encounters. First, these games are “musts” on both team’s list if either court ouint nopes to enliven Northern Division crown hopes. Art McLarney’s Huskies have their backs to the wall, follow ing the WSC thumpings, while Oregon’s new found five will have to prove if they are coming back from an inert start or were just showing flashes of brillian ce against Idaho. A big point in Washington’s favor is having the game played on the Huskies’ home base. That 12,000 capacity gymnasi- ■ um has always been a nemisis i for Oregon teams, which have LEO HARRIS n t won a contest in the pavillion since the 1947 season. Husky Rooters Make It Rough on Opposition In line with this is the attitude of the Husky fans toward a visiting team. Marlowe Bram\agan, Oregon journal sports man, had much to say about the rabid spectators in Seattle, following coverage Of the Washington-Oregon State series this year. Brannagan feels strongly that something should be done to curb this somewhat belligerent attitude of the home town fans, not only in Seattle but in every ND court. He advocates having the host coach make an appeal to the fans before a game, to do less hooting against the opponents and show more all-round sportsmanship. e Reports from the Inland Empire invasion indicate that this problem, certainly not a new one, is very alive at the other lea gue schools. Against the Cougars at Pullman, Bob Lavey in par ticular was the butt of the crowd’s caustic tongue. Admittedly Gus Q. Fan plunks down his dough with the idea to receive a little more out of a contest, other than to sit silently and watch proceedings. He likes to get in his cheers for the lo cal boys and his jeers at the invaders, but too often the latter procedure is carried to extremes. Oregon Sportsmanship Fluctuates At Oregon, the sportsmanship has been a mixture of both good and bad. High point came last Saturday night, when the AVebfoot student body, nearly to person, gave Idaho’s Bob Prit chett an honest and loud ovation when the Vandal sharpshoot er left the game, following a 19-point performance. Yet this at titude is more often the exception, not the rule. Brannagan’s idea of making a direct appeal to the specta tors can work, at Oregon at least. Since Webfooprooters aren’t any different than other division team boosters, reasoning fol lows that such a plan can function at the other institutions. Twice, within the last year, the University Athletic Depart ment has felt such a need and has made an appeal to fans for good conduct. .Prime example was the filial contest ot the campaign between Oregon and Oregon State at Eugene last winter. Upon the out come of that battle hinged the loop crown. Seeing the implica tions, Athletic Director Leo Harris issued his “we'll have good sportsmanship or else” edict. The result was that the fans took the hint, and showed the Beavers courtesies such as have not been seen in a Civil War cage skirmish in many a season. Be fore one goes too far abroad in criticizing others, he must do his own housecleaning, and maybe the idea will catch on, for the eventual betterment of all concerned, if we start here. Wiley, Pritchett, Gay da on Loose Roger Wiley is still ahead of the pack in the loop scoring race with 74 points for a 12.3 average per game. Idaho’s Pritchett made a big jump in the point column with 46 points on the Van dals’ disastrous Oregon trip. But Washington State’s Gayda, with 53 markers and a 13.25 average, looks like the surest bet to press Wiley for the honors. Gayda, a rubber legged backboard artist, possesses an almost unstoppable hook shot, which he pots with workmanlike regularity. In the all-important matter of foul shooting, the Webfoots have canned 87 out of 138 in the six conference games for 63 per cent—a respectable showing. Will Urban has proved dead liest from the charity line with 20 successes in 27 attempts. Phi Delts, ATOs Post Easy IM Wins; Delts Edge by Chi Psis XUUAY'S SCHEDULE 3:50 Sigma Nu vs SAE Kappa Sigma vs SAM 4:35 Sigma Chi vs Fijis Theta Chi vs Phi Sigma Kappa 5:15 ATO vs Tekes Sigma Hall A vs French Hall A By DAVE TAYLOR Action was limited to the “B” league for the third consecu tive day in intramural play as Phi Delta Theta trampled Pi Kappa Phi 41-5, ATO laced Minturn hall 29-14, and Delta Tau Delta defeated Chi Psi 8-5. Phi Delts 41, Pi Phis 5 Led by the sensational shooting George Watkins, a power ful Phi Delt quintet ran roughshod over the Pi Kapp five to win easily 41-5. Starting with the opening whistle and never faltering, the i in ictineu ill puiiits irom ev ryvvhere, moving into a comfortable 12-to2 bulge in the first quarter. Then Watkins entered the game, pumped in four quick field goals, two of which were perfect ringers from behind the keyhole, and help his teammates to big 24-to5 advan tage at halftime. In the final conta, Watkins came back to sink another howitzer to take top scoring honors with a to tal of 10 counters. Delts 8, Chi Psis 5 In the lowest scoring game this season, Delta Tau Delta edged out Chi Psi 8-5. It was a slow, awkard battle all the way with over four minutes elapsing before either team could dent the scoring column. Then Earl Knutson, Delt forward, hit the hemp from deep behind the key, and the initial frame ended 2-to-0 in favor of the Delts. Another Delt field goal and three Chi Psi markers brought the half time count up to 4-3. The Chi Psi five tied it up at 5-all on Bob Taylor’s loying, but Knut son dropped in another two-pointer to give his team the winning mar gin, and become high point man for the victors with four. ATOs 29, Min turn 14 In the others tilt of the afternoon, Alpha Tau Omega drubbed Minturn hall handily 29-14. The first half of this contest was also slow and it looked like a car bon copy of the Delt-Chi Psi affair with the midway score reading a scant 6-all. However, during the final half the ATO squad, spearheaded by Larry Hull’s eleven points, caught fire and pushed the count to 29-14 before the horn sounded. Paper Lashes At 'Phog' Allen ST. LOUIS (AP)—The Wash ington university campus newspa per “Student Life” editorially lashed out at Kansas university basketball Coach Forrest C. (Phog) Allen yesterday. “College athletics are undergo ing a slow but steady change which, if continued, could well prove to be the ruination of scholastic sports,” the editorial stated. “This movement toward pro fessionalism, with its accompany ing burning desire for victory, hoodlumism, official-baiting, and general misuse of all ideals of sporrsmansmp, was wen demon strated Saturday night, when an evening of bickering and com plaining by the Kansas univer sity basketball team culminated in an attack on Referee Eddie Davidson. “Forrest C. (Phog) Allen has been coach of basketball at Kan sas for 32 years. In all that time, he has learned how to fashion a good basketball team but, judging from his actions and that of his team, he still is a beginner when it comes to decency and sportsman ship on the court.” The newspaper referred to an outburst during the game between Washington and Kansas when Da vidson was struck with a basket ball and later struck at Allen. Conflicting versions of the argu ment later were given by Allen and Davidson. Kansas won the game 46 to 41. Women Cagers Finish Practices Today’s WAA basketball prac tices will be the last held before be ginning intramural league competi tion on Monday. Included in the fourteen teams on the list is one composed of off-campus girls who call themselves Wiki-Wiki. The girls' teams will be divided into four leagues with playing to continue until March 2 at which time the winners of each league will play in an elimination tuornament for the championship. Practicing today will be Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Omricon Pi, Uni versity house, Gamma hail, Sigma Kappa, Wiki-Wiki, Hendricks hall, Alpha Xi Delta, and Alpha hall. Others—Kappa Alpha Theta, Rebec house, Pi Beta Phi, Zeta Tau Alpha, Alpha Delta Pi, Highland house, and Delta Delta Delta—practiced Tuesday and Wednesday. Chicago Cubs Sign Vet Mort Cooper CHICAGO—(AP)—The Chicago Cubs came up with another surprise yesterday in their camapign to shed the memory of a dismal 1948 sea son. They signed Mort Cooper, 34 year-old former pitching star of the St. Louis Cardinals. Cooper, peeled down to 205 pounds, but inactive last year fol lowing a third operation on his arm in August, 1947, becomes the eigh teenth member of the Cubs’ pitch ing staff. Cooper’s 10-year Major League career lists 128 victories against 75 defeats. RADIO Service and Repairs on all makes ENDICOTT'S 5739 Ph. 871 13th E SIGHTSEERS — SKIERS — PHOTOGRAPHERS SKI BUS For Saturday and Sunday SPECIAL! Jere Gillis Junior Tournament Hoodoo Bowl 11:00 A.M. Sunday Tickets on Bus or Hendershotts Santiam $3.50 Round Trip Willamette $2.50 Round Trip SCHEDULE Leave Leave Arrive Eugene Arrive Area Eugene Santiam 7:00 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 4:30 P.M. 8:30 P.M. Willamette 7:30 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 4:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M. Leave Hendershotts and Campus Stay Overnight Saturday Night Santiam Lodge Suttle Lake Lodge Willamette - Summit Lodge