Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 20, 1949, Image 1

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    Fiftieth Year of Publication and Sendee to the University
Moral Rot
Gets Denial
Whitman College
Head, UO Professor
Defend Student Ideas
Are postwar collegiate mor
als undergoing a general degen
eration ?
An AP dispatch reveals that
Chester C. Maxey, president of
Whitman College in Walla
W alia, Washington, thinks that
they are not.
“The college student today is out
standing in his ideals and stand
ards, in his concern for the things
that will make for a better way of
life,” Dr. Maxey maintains.
Thinking that the Oregon reac
tion to Dr. Maxey’s statement and
some recent criticisms of students’
morals could make interesting read
ing, the Emerald's reporter yester
day slushed over to the office of E.
H. Moore, head of the University’s
sociology department.
Moore’s reaction was that people
have held the veiw that college stu
dents are going to the dogs during
many periods of development.
“Collegiate students are represen
tative of a general social pattern.
They are possibly somewhat super
ior because they are somewhat se
lected. I would not expect to find
their standards worse; I would ex
pect to find them somewhat bet
ter,” he said.
“Personally,” Moore continued,
“—and this does not come from any
formal study of the matter, but
from by own day-to-day experience
with their scholastic standards, I
have been well-pleased with the
post-war student body. It has rep
resented decidedly higher stand
ards in intelligence, performance,
and good common sense than pre
war student bodies.
“I have enjoyed these post-war
students more than any other group
with which I have ever worked,”
Moore concluded.
Delt Prexy
In Accident
Five members of Delta Tau Del
ta, including the house president,
and the Delt candidate for freshman
class president, escaped serious in
jury late yesterday in an auto acci
dent at 18th and University.
The car, driven by Delt President
A1 Hale, was returning to the Delt
house from Mac Court when anoth
er car, driven by Bud Huffman, Rt.
4, Eugene, skidded into the inter
section, broadsiding the Delts.
Hale’s car was thrown more than
20 feet, slamming sideways into a
telephone pole.
Bob Wilhelmi, Delt senior, suffer
ing a deep gash below the left eye,
was taken to the infirmary for
Also in the car were Bob Gitner,
freshman class presidential nomi
nee; Tom “Rags” Ragsdale, a jun
ior; and John Barton, sophomore.
They were uninjured.
Fair and slightly colder Thursday;
and Thursday night. Friday in- j
creasing cloudiness.
Campus Gets Snow Job
suiufi -JuiiMf me ueauues oi me neat) snuniau mai- coinrn
the campus yesterday morning while others, among them Dick
Olsen (inset) decided the stuff was good for washing faces of co-eds.
Car owners had trouble driving on the slippery streets. (Vhotos by
Kirk Braun)
Then and Now'Theme
Senior Ball Feature
“Forty-Niners—Then and Now” will decorate McArthur
court for the Senior Ball Saturday night.
Sponsored by the Class of ’49, the all-campus dance will fea
ture the music of Wally Ileider and his orchestra.
Tickets, which sell for $2.40 each, will be on sale today and
tomorrow at the co-op or may
be purchased from representa
tives at the men's living organi
zations, according to Ticket
Chairman Janet Beigal.
Hans Wold, decoration chairman,
announced yesterday that he can
use the services of artists today in
putting the finishing touches on the
poster-style decorations. He may be
contacted at Campbell club.
Heider’s orchestra features Patty
Pritchard as vocalist and first
trumpet man Andy Peele. Seven of
the bandsmen are expert arrangers.
Robin Arkley, senior class presi
dent, is general chairman of the
dance. Others on his committee art
Hans Wold, vice-president, decora
tions ; Janet Beigal, secretary, tick
ets; Mike Madden, programs; Mikt
Mitchell, promotion; Anne Wood
worth, chaperons; and Bobolce Bro
phy and June Goetze, publicity.
Exams Offered
Civil service examinations foi
“Clerk stenographer No. 1” an<
“Clerk stenographer No. 2” will b<
held at 8:30 Saturday morning ir
the school of business administra
Who Heads Campus Auto Pool?
Identity Still Remains Secret
Not even reliable sources” seem r
to know who he is, but some en-!
terprising Oregon student is re- ■
ported to be starting an auto pool.: j
According to an AP dispatch j
broadcast over Eugene station ]
KUGN, a Stanford student Gordon <
L. Ness, 22, has organized a ]
“Co-op Auto Club” in Palo Alto, ! I
and plans are being formulated for j <
similar organizations at eight col-j
leges, including Oregon. j 1
The system works like this: a ’
group of auto owners form a club., '
?hey send a representative to i
ervice station or garage and maki
l bargain for price cuts on gasolin.
md services in return for the ful
msiness of all the members.
The Stanford group is reported
y getting 40 per cent off for lubri
ation; 20 per cent on labor am
:arts; 15 per cent on accessories
i cents per quart off on ail and :
:ents per gallon on gasoline.
Other institutions mentioned ii
he dispatch were San Diego, Uni
-ersity of Washington, California
JSC, and UCLA.
Draft Called Off
'If Enlistments
Provide Quotas
Armed Forces May Withhold
Inductions During Next 18 months
WASHINGTON', Jan. !9—(AP)—The armed forces have
filled their quotas of men—and there are indications that nobody
will be drafted in the next 18 months.
There's one "if" in this outlook. If voluntary enlistments do
not provide enough men to replace those who leave the service,
Police S.eize
Cops in Another
Gambling Raid
PORTLAND, Jann. 19— (AP)
The sheriff led another gambling j
raid last night and what did he
catch ? A crowd of policemen.
They were members of the "Foot
printers,” a social organization of
businessmen and law enforcement
officers, who were conducting
initiation ceremonies at El Rancho
Some of the club's occupants
leaped out doors and windows as
the raiding party came in. The
raiding officers confiscated slot
j machines and a dice table, but
made no arrests.
Sheriff Marion Elliott said the
guests included former Sheriff
Martin T. Pratt; the sheriff’s chief
traffic deputy Art Pratt; Deputy
District Attorney Charles Ray
mond; Harbor Patrol Capt. Carl
Prehn; and several key city police
The sheriff suspended Art Pratt
from duty, and asked the civil ser
vice board to dismiss him, on
grounds of neglect of duty. "I had
issued orders that all officers were
responsible for suppression of vice
and gambling in their districts,
whenever found,” he said.
Pratt promptly announced he
would fight dismissal. Denying the
charge of neglect of duty, he said
said he saw no slot machines or
gaming table while at the meet
. ing. “Apparently they were in the
I back of the place,” he said. “I was
I in the front of the club and did not
: j go back there.”
| The Footprin'ters were defended
• by their president, Portland Police
Lt. Clyde Sanders, and by Port
land's police chief, Charles Pray.
Sanders said he was seated at
the head table when the raid took
place. “If there were slot machines
in a back room and they were be
ing operated,” he said, “I was not
i aware of it.”
; Dime March Dance
Friday Night
A March of Dimes Mixer dance
[ will be held Friday, January 21 in
. Gerlinger annex from 8:00 to 11:30
> p.m. Admission is free.
It is to be jointly sponsored by
i the Young Democrats and Alpha
-\ Phi Omega. Collection will be tak
, j en up during the dance for the
benefit of the March of Dimes.
then the draft is expected to be
Secretary of defense Forres
tal released figures today show
ing 1,621,000 men under arms
as of Dec. 31. That is all the armed
service will be able to pay through'
the fiscal year ending- June 30, 1950.
In his budget message to cong
ress, President Truman set the
strength oi me armed forces at 1,
616,000 for the fiscal year beginning
July 1. His figures did not include
about 5,000 cadets and midshipmen
at the military and naval acade
Forrestal included the cadets
and middies to make up the 1,621,
000 total now in uniform.
Draft calls already have been
withheld for February and March.
Recruiting in recent months bau
been more than sufficient to keep
the armed services at maximum
USA Campaign
Group Named
United Students Association*
President Walt Freauff announced*
the members of the USA freshman
elections campaign committee yes
Campaign chairman will be Bol»
Miller, Theta Chi. Working with*
Miller will be Co-chairman Ron
Brown, Campbell club, and Jack
Smith, Lambda Chi Alpha. Four
committee heads have been named,
including Rosemary Beatty, ZTA,
speeches; Pat Mullen, DZ, finances;
Clara Bell Roth, Rebec, promotion;
Bob Furrer, Sigma hall, notifica
tion; and Bob Funk, TKE, public
Miller estimates that one hun
dred students will work on tho
various committees in a campaign
directed toward electing UCA nom
inees John Chaney and Virginia
Wright to the number one and two
freshman positions.
Beaux Arts Ball
Yheme^ Chosen
“Twenty Thousand Leagues Un
der the Sea" has been chosen as
the theme for the annual Beaux
Arts ball, according to Don Stet
son, committee chairman. Tho
dance is scheduled for January 29
in the architectural annex.
Tickets are $2.50 a couple, and
will be sold only to members of tho
Architecture and Allied Artsi
league. All tickets must be pur
chased in advance, as there will bo
none sold at the door. Sales are lim
ited to 150 couples.