Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 19, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    All-Campus Dances
The cancellation of the annual Frosh Glee does not we hope
mark the beginning of a new era in all-campus dance history.
Because the Glee had not been a financial success in any
one of the last three years the executive council deemed it nec
essary Monday night to drop the dance from this year's social
Unfortunately, the Glee has not been the only dance which
has had financial difficulties since the war. Last year, for in
stance, the sophomore whiskerino, the senior ball and the mili
tary ball all ended in the red columns.
Such was not the case before the war, old timers tell us.
‘Time was when ALL dances were a success, they say. Stud
ents looked forward enthusiastically to a Saturday night’s
dancing at the court. Practically everyone attended the “big
What’s happened? As University enrollment has jumped,
dance attendance has skidded.
For one thing band prices have increased considerably,
making it necessary sometimes to engage bands without glit
tering “big names.”
Then, too, admission prices have been increased somewhat
over what they were before the war.
However, we believe that those in charge of the dances
have been getting the best music possible under rather diffi
cult conditions and have been justified in raising the ticket
prices to meet the rising costs of staging the dances.
Therefore, the onus for the cancellation of the Frosh glee
would seem to lie primarily with the students. Without better
support, we fear, campus dances will continue to lose money.
There COULD BE more cancellations. D. D.
With the Legislators
A bill to let Alaska students
attend the University of Oregon
and other Oregon state colleges
without paying non-resident tui
tion fees will be introduced in the
Oregon legislature by Sen. Rich
ard L. Neuberger, Portland Dem
• Neuberger said his bill would
lot the Alaska students pay the
same tuition as Oregon students.
Foreign students now are exempt
from non-resident fees.
Neuberger said the University
of Washington takes Alaska stu
dents on the same basis as Wash
ington state students. The result
is, Neuberger said, "That Wash
ington state’s commercial and
cultural ties with Alaska are
A legislative wrangle over
whether the government should
create a Columbia Valley author
ity was shaping up yesterday.
The argument is over a Dem
ocratic-sponsored memorial ask
ing congress to set up the CVA,
which is bitterly opposed by Re
publicans. President Truman
wants a CVA along the same Idea
as the Tennessee Valley Author
The memorial says that only a
OVA could develop northwest
flood control, power, navigation
and irrigation, and protect the
fishing industry.
The senate got into a dispute
yesterday over whether to ex
empt farm fairs from the federal
admissions tax. The debate held
up the predicted quick action on
the nomination of Dean Acheson
to be secretary of state.
In the house, Democratic lead
er McCormack (Mass) said he
hopes for a vote next week to
raise the nation's minimum wage
from 40 to 73 cents an hour. GOP
leader Martin protested that a
kill of such importance should
have full committee study first.
Meanwhile, the administration
proposed a stop-gap six months
extension of the voluntary-agree
ments anti-inflation law which
the GOP majority puj through
the last congress. The act ex
pires February 28.
Chairman Spence (D-Ky) of
the house banking committee said
the plan is to give congress time
to study President Truman’s
broader economic program. In ad
dition to the six-months extended
on other economic legislation, he
offered a bill to keep export
controls in effect until June 30,
Senator Baldwin (E-Conn) set
off the debate on tax exemption
for agricultural fairs. He wanted
it tacked on as an amendment to
a measure to exempt admissions
to inaugural events from the levy.
Senator George (D-Ga), new
finance committee chairman, pro
tested that the house would not
go along- and the amendment
would kill the whole thing.
Senator Morse (R-Ore) told
the senate that was all right with
him—lie favored anything that
would kill the original proposal.
The senate finally rejected the
The Oregon Daily Emerald, published daily during the college year except Sundays,
Mondays, holidays, and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University ot
Oregon Subscription rates: $J.0U per term and $4.00 per year. Entered as second-class matter
lit the postoffioe, Eugene. Oregon.
in 1.1. YATES. Editor
Bob Keen. Managing Editor
Associate Editors: June GooUe, Boblee Brophy, Diana Dye. Barbara Hey wood
Advertising Manager: Joan Minna ugh
Don Smith, Ass’t Managing Editor
Ann Goodman, Ass't. News Editor
Stan Turnbull, News Editor
T om King. Sports Editor
Jj v turner. Suotts Editor
Tom MurijuU, Radio Editor
\ IKG1L TUUKKR. Business Manager
Torn McLaughlin. Ass’t. Bus. Mgr.
-— Footnotes
ASUO President's Job Not
All 'Hearts and Flowers'
By Michael Callahan
It's a fine world we live in.
Time was when the word "par
ty" carried with it all sorts of
pleasant musings: a bottle, a
babe, and a bood time with the
boys. Now the popular game of
“who do you vote for; or do they
write editorials about you, too,”
has changed all this.
During the political uproar of
the past few days, I couldn’t help
wondering whether even the top
spot on the campus political pile
is worth it all. As far as I could
see, the president of the ASUO
is only burdened with such duties
as opening the annual All-Cam
pus Sing and collecting his sixty
bucks per.
Bob Allen, a man who should
know, has a different story to
“The important things is not
what the president can do now,
rather it is what he can do from
now on,” Bob told me yesterday
at the end of a half-hour inter
view. This simply means, as he
explained it, that the president
has to convince the University
administration officials that stu
dent officers cap and should run
student affairs.
This is not all the hearts-and
flowers routine it seems to be.
The prize that the students can
win or lose by the quality of their
elected government, is the con
trol of their own Student Union.
More often than is funny to
think about, Bob told me, the past
student governments on the Ore
gon campus have been—poor, to
put it mildly. It has been said
that two Oregon coeds attending
a California school during its
summer session, found the Oregon
student government being used as
an example of corruptness in a
political science class.
The routine duties of the ASUO
prexy shape up something like I
this: letters from other schools
requesting information or help
on political affairs are all ad
dressed to the ASUO chief s of
fice, and must be answered
promptly and wisely. All the pub
lic relations counsel in the world
can’t undo the harm that one un
answered letter can cause.
Then there are frequent rounds
of conferences with University
administration officials, especial
ly those in student affairs, to de
termine policy on student matters.
That word “policy” gets an aw
ful kicking around. It can mean
much or nothing.
On the Oregon campus it has
come to mean much, in recent
years. The campus social calen
dar, and the regulation of cam
pus service honoraries, are just
a few of the matters now under
the jurisdiction of the executive
council, and of the ASUO presi
dent. And there could be more,
much more.
The joker clause in the ASUO
constitution that prompted Bob’s
remark about what the president
can do from now on, is worth re
peating here. It says, simply,
that: “the management of all af
fairs and interest of the ASUO,
except those delegated to the
president of the University to
other sources, shall be vested in
the executive council.”
To me it looks like that clause
could give to the ASUO control
over its own disciplinary situ
tion, its own Student Union, its
own living plans and so on. How
much authority is delegated by
President Newburn to “other
sources” will depend on how much
house or hall patronage, cloak
and-dagger meeetings, and other
high school tactics will be part of
future student government.
> >
I the Guy Really Wants Is
Home, Ring, and Everything
By Hank Kane
Duplicity, thy name is men. An
astute coed has exposed college
males as wicked and designing
atavists who with fair blandish
ments lure innocent coeds into
that slavery called marriage, in
capacitating them in an oversized
closet called a trailer.
What is worst, all the brute ev
idently wants is a housekeeper
who will satisfy his obsolescent
urge for a “home and a ring and
He casually proposes to the
cute junior in journalism on their
third date. He believes that if he
asks enough girls he will find
one who isn't a career woman.
The first scene is Hendricks
park at Saturday midnight.
“Ya know, honey, I’ve been
knocking around this world a lit
tle longer than I like to think
“Now I'll tell you, sweetie.
We’Ve had three dates since Mon
day. and that's long enough for
two people to get to know each
other well enough to know if they
like each other.”
“I'm a second term freshman
now. I graduate in three and a
half years. Then I'll be making
the kind of money I used to make
when I was an Air Corps colonel.”
“Whaddd'ya say we set up
housekeeping . . . not what you
think ... I mean get hitched le
“Here’s the engagement ring.
Cost me the two Leicas and the
Zeiss binoculars I liberated in
Germany in ’45. What do you
know, it fits perfectly. First time
that’s happened.
“Hey, let me breathe. And the
boys said you were cold-blooded.”
“Let's get married next week
end in Vancouver. We don’t have
to take a blood test there to get
married. The sight of blood al
ways makes me dizzy.”
“It makes me dizzy too. We can
be dizzy together, Alphonese.”
“Your folks won’t object to our
getting married, will they?”
“Oh no. Mother has been hound
ing me since I came to college
straight from high school. She
keeps asking me what she sent
me to college for ? What will your
parents say?”
“They disowned me years ago.
Will I have the last laugh on my
father. He said I would come to
a bad end. We’ll tell them the
news on our honeymoon.”
“Will we have enough to live
on, dearest?”
“Glad you brought that up. I
suppose you realize that you'll
have to quit school and get a job.
All the boys put their wives to
work so you won’t be any excep
tion. You've been saying you’re
sick and tired of getting up for
(Please turn to page seven)
By Fred Young
Question on the campus. What
band are we paying all this money |
to hear at the annual Senior Ball ? !
Who’s Heider? Other schools . . .!
Two years ago, Ted Hallock
operated a 15-piece dance band
on and around the campus. Hal
lock proved that no matter how |
much you practice and develop a
musically line local band, as long
as Arkie’s cowboys and T. Texas
are around your band will prove
a financial headache.
Most of this good Hallock mu- j
sic was due to Wally Heider and :
Bob Hays’ arranging. With this
in mind, and the fact that Heid
er’s group performed for the Uni
versity of California (where they
get what they want) junior prom,
that ticket should be an invest
ment in a “pleasurable” evening. j
Heard underground in Port- J
land’s own Rathskeller—the Cas
tle jazz band. A group of Portland
purists who have been compared jj
with the Lu Watters bunch by j
Look magazine. No bass fiddle or j
guitar, but rather the original .:
Dixieland rhythm of tuba and 1
This all happens during a usual
ly peaceful Sunday afternoon, 3
to 7. No charge at the door, in
fact, you don’t even have to check
your coat. Maybe that was be
cause I walked in backwards and
they thought I was leaving.
Is it ironic that the tune sweep
ing the nation since December
and the start of that cool weath
er is Les Brown’s “I’ve Got My 1
Love to Keep Me Warm?” An
extra recorded three years ago
and forced into circulation by the
late (Caesar buried it Dec. 1) re
cording ban. “Me Warm” and
Woody Herman’s “Four Broth
ers” are probably the two most
relaxed recordings of the ’48 sea
son. Not for dancing but amus
Stan Kenton’s band dissolution
will not find Stan going to college
as ..some ..rumor ..rumored. ..The
press quotes him as planning to
spend his time writing, and try
ing to improve conditions for big
band jazz performances.
We mention Kenton individual
ly being impressed by his fans’
devotion as they voted him to
third place among piano players
in Metronome Mag’s jazz musi
cian poll. With such as Dodo,
Teddy Wilson, Art Tatum, and
Errol Garner below Stan.
Gene Norman, Hollywood jazz
promoter and disjockey, recently
took over the managership of
Tom Brenneman’s nitery. Now
called “The Empire,” it offers a
big band policy and can be heard
easily over KGO 800 kc at 11:30
most nights. Georgie Auld and
Eckstine currently.
One of our reasons for concoct
ing this colm is to help record lis
teners get the most musical fun
possible from their record ma
chines. And the assumption will
be that “A Little Bird,” “Buttons
and Bows,” “Etc.” is not being
So, high on our suggested lis
tening list is “The Moon” by
Gene Krupa. Not as loudly strik
ing as Kenton’s version, but fea
turing a sharp, clean ensemble
and the deft solos in order of ap
pearance by alto Charlie Kennedy,
trombone Leon Cox, trumpet Don
Fagerquist, and Charlie Ventura’s
No. 1 tenor (Metronome readers
placed Ventura at the top of the
tenorman poll.)
(Please turn to page seven)