From Our Mailbag (Continued from page six) tect her honor and her interests. And some of the best gossip I’ve heard about other girls has been repeated to me as com ing into general knowledge at a bull-session—not a hen-party. Jane Clark. OVERBALANCED To the Editor: If there was one thing I learned in Philosophy 201 it was "the ap plication of critical habits of thought, anrd the employment of rational criteria in the evaluation of all opinions and prospective beliefs.” This is introduced for those with the questioning mind, by the way of saying, the word “Students” as used in last Sat urday’s Emerald in the statement: “Students Oppose Semester Plan, Survey Shows,” was used very ambiguously. In fact, the writer felt the article was very over-bal anced; in one direction. Certainly anyone familiar, in some respects at least, with sur veys or public opinion polls, knows that those obtaining the information are, or should be, pri marily concerned with the infor mation are, or should be, primar ily concerned with securing a rep resentative cross section of the individuals being questioned. I throw out the question: “Was this the procedure in the survey at hand?” Yes, the writer is aware that this was a “short random survey,” and also why then should a "short random survey” repre sent the “Students” opinions The issue at hand is the term system versus the semester sys tem, and as you have undoubted ly surmised by now the writer is partial to the latter. I have now been under both systems, since coming to the University of Ore gon, and it behooves me to find any educational, or logical rea sons that justify the term sys tem in preference to the semes ter stystem! If there are reasons would some one informe me as to why some 600 odd colleges throughout the United States prefer the latter, as opposed to a small minority in favor of the former ? ? As for students who maintain that, under the semester plan they would have to study for fin als during the Christmas holi days, why take your books home ? I see no reason, other than psy chological, why you have to study during the holidays. I have sin cerely enjoyed my short stay at the University of Oregon, and shall go along with whichever plan is sanctioned in the end, but, let us be more objective and get at the essence of this matter. Look what happened on Dr. Gallup’s last presidential poll! (“short random survey”?) Michael Rybarczyk With the Legislature (Continued from page six) Ark) of the senate executive ex penditures committee to give him broad authority. It was sponsored by three other Democrats as well as Senator Mc Carthy of Wisconsin, Republi can spokesman on that commit tee. Senator Aiken (R-Vt) for mer chairman, told a reporter he agrees with the Hoover recom mendations. In the house, Speaker Rayburn (D-Tex) told reporters he expects the president’s plan to have no trouble there. But Taft said the reorganiza tion request will be studied Fri day by the senate Republican pol icy committee, which Taft heads. “It ought to be very carefully examined by congress because of the tremendous powers in volved,” Taft told a reporter. “We don’t want to give the president authority to legislate, to change the powers of bureaus set up by congress.” McClellan said in a statement that under the bill Mr. Truman may submit to congress plans to “transfer, consolidate, or coordin ate any agencies or functions of the executive branch and may also abolish functions.” In addi tion, such plans “may authorize any officer to delegate any of his functions.” Be a dream girl a Lustre-Creme girl! LUSTRE-CREME SHAMPOO leaves hair with new Dream Girl,” 3-way loveliness: (1) Fragrantly dean; (2) gleaming; (3) soft and manageable. Ao/ a soap, not a liquid, but a dainty, new cream MlUIIipoO. DICIia 01 secret ingredients plus lanolin. Created by Kay Daumit, famed cosmetic specialist. Try it today! 1 LB. JAR...$3.50 (STORE NAME AND ADDRESS) Radio Script Contest Opens The Association for Education by Radio is sponsoring its second National Radio Script contest, open to any student regularly en rolled in any recognized college or university in the United States. The contest is co-sponsored by the American Educational Thea ter association, the National Council of Teachers of English, Plays Magazine, Scholastic Mag agines, and The Writer’s Maga zine. Audio Devices, Inc., National Safety council, Radio Station WJJD, and World Book Encyclo pedia have contributed cash awards for winners, and have un derwritten the expenses of the contest. Added awards will be contributed by the School Broad cast council, Board of Education, at Chicago, Illinois. Cash prizes will be awarded in ten divisions for original dramat ic scripts, scripts for dramatic adaptation, non-dramatic scrips for one or more voices, scripts suitable for home or school re cording, scripts of various sorts on safety, and scripts in Ameri can history. The contest will close Marcn 30, 1949. Scripts may be submit ted any time before the closing date. Authors may enter several types of scripts and in several of the divisions will be allowed to re tain ownership of their scripts. Contestants, however, must ex pect to give permission for publi cation. Any students interested in en tering this contest may see Mr. D. Glen Starlin at the radio ex tension building for additional in formation. Alaska Missionary To Address IVCF The Rev. Donald Stump, a mis sionary from Alaska, will speak at the regular meeting of the In ter-Varsity Christian fellowship to night at 7 p.m. in the dining room of John Straub hall. The Rev. Mr. Stump, a graduate of the Bible institute of Los An geles, has spent the last four years at Lake Iliamna, Alaska. I.V.C.F. is an interdenomination al organization designed for college students. The meeting is informal and all interested are urged to at tend. Willamette Ski . Trip Planned A ski trip to the Willamette Ski Bowl will be sponsored by the YMCA Sunday, January 23. The 35 * passenger bus which has been char tered for the trip will leave the Y _ bungalow at 7 a.m. Sunday morn ing. The transportation fee will be $2. The Y will furnish coffee and ' doughnuts for the trip. Those at tending should bring a sack lunch or arrange to buy their lunch. All ski enthusiasts who are in terested should contact Jack Mer- _ ner at the YMCA before Thursday afternoon. This trip is the first in a series * of activities which the Y will spon sor this term. Ticket Sale (Continued from page one) Stevens, Tau Kappa Epsilon; and Roger Mocksfort, Theta Chi. Ticket Door Sales Tickets will also be on sale at the commons in the Vets dorm and at the door of the dance. The ball is sponsored by the sen ior class under the general chair manship of Robin Arkley, presi dent. » FOR YOUR FUTURE These are styles for you—if you want an exciting, new career ... a future far and above the ordinary ... opportunities open exclusively to women! Wearing these, you’ll go places in the new Regular Women’s Army Corps or in the United States Air Force. All these benefits—thrilling travels, free basic living costs, thirty-day yearly vacation with pay, rapid promotion, and a generous retire ment fund—can now be yours ... because these fields are a permanent part of the Regular Services. This is an opportunity tailor-made for college women ... styled for you who would do something worth-while. Prestige positions are now available in the military Service. Where to go? Just visit your nearest U. S. Army and U. S. Air Force Recruiting Station. Check these distinguished careers with your advisor or college place ment oificer. WOMEN IN TIIE ARMY — enlisted and commissioned WOMEN IN THE AIR FORCE — enlisted and commissioned NURSES IN THE ARMY — as commissioned officers NURSES IN THE AIR FORCE — as commissioned officers WOMEN MEDICAL SPECIALISTS — as commissioned officers U.S. ARMY AND U.S. AIR FORCE RECRUITING SERVICE