Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 05, 1949, Page 2, Image 2

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    Snowfall Biggest
Since January '43
Returning Webfoot students
were surprised to find a blanket of
fresh snow covering the campus
for the resumption of classes Mon
—'The snow, as reported by the
weather bureau, fell January 1. An
inch fell during the early morning
hours, and two additional inches
fell late the same day.
It was the first considerable
snowfall in Eugene since January
25, 1943, When 14 inches fell and
remained on the ground for sev
eral days.
The forecast gives little hope for
relief from cold weather. Clouds
and a somewhat higher tempera
ture are expected today, but no
rain is in sight for some time.
$1400 Given
For Scholarship
A sum of more than $14,000
from the estate of the late Lois
Zimmerman, University alum and
well known secondary school teach
er has been left to UO subject to
the approval of the state board of
higher .education.
The fund will be used to establish
a scholarship fund, designated the
‘‘Joseph P. and Eva Zimmerman
Scholarship fund,” providing an
nual scholarships to seniors and
graduate students.
Previous to her death, Lois Zim
merman was a member of the Uni
versity high school faculty, having
previously served as an instructor
at Weston, Mills City, Molalla, and
St. Helens.
Classified Ads
WANTED: Independent off-camp
us men for basketball team to play
in intramurals. If interested call R.
Lahti 471. 58
Wagne's Flowers
849 K. 13th
Turns Down Cornhuskers
Coach Jim Aiken 'Not Interested'
In Nebraska Offer (see sports page)
Nebraska Officials
Becon Lon Stiner
—The Oregonian said last night
that the University of Nebraska
hopes to hire Lon Stiner of Oregon
State college as football coach.
The newspaper said “an unim
peachable source” close to Oregon
State athletic affairs disclosed
Stiner was first approached by
George “Potsy” Clark, Nebraska
athletic director, before the Oregon
State-Nebraska game here No
vember 27.
It added they talked several
hours after the game and that the
Nebraska board since has been in
communication with Stiner.
Stiner, a graduate of Nebraska,
where he starred as a tackle, has
been at Oregon State 16 years.
Oregon State officials at Corval
lis had no comment. Stiner is at
Palm Springs, Calif., for a coast
conference meeting.
Night Staff
Chuck Grell
Hal Coleman
Lorna Larson
Francis Flehr
Warren Collier
Stan Turnbull
Don Smith
We Are Still
Kampus Kafeteria
1249 Alder
Open 7 A. M.—7 P. M.
Stanislavsky was really a "nom
de plum’ for the Russian dramatic
leader’s real name—Aleekiev.
To Address
President Truman will tell the na
tion about the “State oX_the union’’
Wednesday in a 30-mmute address
before the new 81St congress—and
even some Republicans seem in
clined to go along with his pro
The president’s speech, starting
at 1 p.m. (10 a.m. PST) will be
carried over the four major radio
Buoyed by a smashing victory in
their first test of strength on Cap
itol Hill yesterday, administration
officials looked for no such obsta
cles as blocked Mr. Truman’s leg
islative proposals in the Republi
can-controlled 80th congress -dur
ing the past two years.
House Speaker Sam Rayburn
(D-Tex) expressed this view with
dry humor to newsmen today. The
Texan, who relishes understate
ment, said he thinks Mr. Truman’s
recommendations will be received
by congress “with considerable fa
Rayburn declined to predict what
President Truman will ask in his
annual message to the lawmakers.
He did indicate, however, some of
his own views on the controversial
topic of the Taft-Hartley law.
In his election speeches last fall,
Mr. Truman committed himself to
repeal of the Taft-Hartley measure
which has been so bitterly attacked
by labor leaders.
Rayburn predicted to reporters
today, in his first news conference
since he was elected to the House
leadership, that be believes Con
gress wil lsubstitute some new leg
islation for that law.
•—Did you know you save money a tDel’s—and not
only that but for either breakfast, lunch, or dinner
you can be assured of only the best.
—Our after theater snacks are wonderful.
jbel'4, Oust
Across from Sigma Nu
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