pty Manager Quits Position •J Deane Seeger, Eugene city man ia’ af;er, has resigned his position with (the city to become consultant for ^,the League of Oregon Cities. ?’i ^Seeger, who has been city man ager since the manager system was ^inaugurated in Eugene in 1944, will eanove from his offices in the city pall to League offices in Johnson ‘Chilli. ■j* Interviewed .yesterday afternoon, ?t^eger stated that his resignation jin no way reflected dissatisfaction fJwith his city job, but was rather a fnjrflove which he believed to be in his I ^Jbest interest. d “I tendered my resignation to the dpty council last night, and will fleave as soon after January 1 as diwssible.” Seeger will retain his po rtion until a new manager is ap ointed. 'The League of Oregon Cities rep esents 187 cities in the state. See der will act as adviser to member municipalities, and will represent yihe league in legislature. He will J9|ptain his home in Eugene, where nfie moved after residing in Belling gjham, Washington, during the war. fvienna Choir %oys Scheduled or December 6 A concert by the Vienna Choir ys will be the third event on the gene and University Civic Mu association series. They will ig December 6 at McArthur 'our't under the direction of Felix iolzer. On its first transcontinental tour l^in 10 years, the choir consists of SO boys, ranging in age from 8 to 1,12 years. The program is selected from a large repertoire of sacred and folk music and always con tains a costumed operatic sketch. - The group was established in Vi enna in 1498 by decree of Maximil an I, and has produced many fam ous musicians and composers in the four and one-half centuries of jts existence. Members receive a general education as well as their musical training. ** The choir was introduced to .America in 1932. Of them the New York Times critic wrote, “The chorus has to a remarkable degree excellence of diction, precision of ^attack, a clear enunciation of each vocal line in its part singing and a fine balance . . . They immediately ^captivated a large audience!’’ /Deadline Near k All .A,'- *_ i All prospective teachers who ^•plan to avail themselves of the ser t vices of the University Teacher F Placement Service in obtaining ' teaching positions for mid-year or ^ for next fall are asked by C. L. Huf pfaker, director of the servide, to meet Tuesday, November 30, at 4 Huffaker requests those interest fed to enroll and file their records ^with his office in the near future, \as enrollment should be completed I before Christmas vacation. • p. m. in room 4, Education. ^Ban Seif-Service »Gasoline Stations * PORTLAND, Nov. 23 (AP)—The | Portland City Council today ban ned self-service gasoline stations in ^the city as a fire hazard. ► Fire Marshal Miles E. Wood kworth recommended the action. He I said the stations have been banned fcin Los Angeles and that the State *Fire Marshal has taken similar ac * tion in Oregon. Health Service Hours The student health service has announced its hours during the Thanksgiving holidays. They will be closed all day Thursday; open from 10 to 12 noon Friday; and from 10 to 12 noon Saturday. Reg ular hours will be in effect Sunday. From Other Editors (Continued from page si.v) better be good; for though we are not accomplished in being hoity toity, we plan on some catty re marks. In fact, California had best dedicate to practice some of that time for study which it has been so carefully husbanding. Of course, we agree that it was a close decision, and that the fac ulty representatives had an un happy job to perform in casting their ballots. But whether or not the exact votes are ever re vealed, we believe that in all justice the individual arguments should be submitted to the pub lic. Otherwise a great many peo ple will continue to feel that the assmption of the right of Cali fornia schools to the bowl contest, except in extraordinary cases, ac tually played a part. BIG THANKSGIVING DANCE Wed.- Nov. 24.1948 PALAIS ROYALE BALLROOM Dick Day Orchestra PLUS FLOOR SHOW HOW ABOUT A LOVELY CORSAGE TO PIN ON HER SHOULDER? STEVENS FLORAL SERVICE 6353-W PUBLIC MARKET BLDG. (Hers) "DARE DEVIL” ' In Weatherknit Sizes 32-40 $11.95 His) “DARE DEVIL” In Weatherknit Sizes 34-44 $12.95 JANTZEN KNOTTING MiUS INC. PORTLAND 14, OREGON Jantzen Sweaters steal every campus scene... and >* ' no wonder! Exclusive with the 48 Jantzen sweater collection aie the coordinated college colors permitting a perfectly matched wardrobe. Sensational, new fabrics for women include the tweedy Homespun shot with Lure/, the exciting metallic yarn, luxurious full-fashioned Angoras and Chinese Cashmeres. Fabrics tor men include Scotch Fleece, Snowshaker and • Handstitch. At leading store".