Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 23, 1948, Page 6, Image 6

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all Oregon students are saying
can’t be put into print so we'll
leave this sad subject to the au
thorities. . . .
Think it’s only proper and fit
ting to extend a rousing razzber
ry to our "friends” in Cornvalley
for their sportsmanlike hospital
ity . . . everything was so typical
. . . before our entrance into the
Aggie stadium was permitted all
forms of ID including grandmoth
er’s false teeth had to be pro
duced to the ticket taker. (Decid
edly tinged black and orange)
. . . we were hustled through
what must have been the stock
yards to water soaked bleachers.
. . . (if any of our gallant Ducks
are missing they may still be
floundering around in that mud
hole) ... ,<4# <|191
Wonder liow many activity
points the OAC frosh received
for properly digging the moat
around the Oregon stand and then
hosing it down . . . but good? . . .
Prom our bleacher seat we
looked out upon a range of mud
land . . . understand the condi
tion of the field was caused by the
fact that a new potato crop had
just been planted and every eve
ning the dutiful Rooks, after a
few grid tussles, made sure that,
their seedlings received a proper
amount of H20. . .
wiui preliminaries wen pre
pared, the darling's of FFA
seemed to feel we needed nour
ishment . . . many goodies began
rocketing our way . . . first, the
oranges, which were very de
licious . . . then the tomatoes
gave us that added “Rosy” glow
and the mud that came whizzing
through the air brought to mind
what we already know, that Stat
ers are very close to the soil . . .
and when the egg bombardment
reached our stands we were sure
it was just another provincial
OAC custom, . . . but we’re sat
isfied ... we brought home the
bacon. . .
The Gamma Phi house flour
ished with excitement over their
twin blessing . . . twin engage
ments, that is Phyllis Hotdman
and ATO Jerry Moore . . . Nancy
I5el/. and Alpha Sig Tom “Trap
per" Edwards . . .
Two more ATOs hit pay dirt
with their pins . . . Garry Hull
found a receptive receiver in Pi
Phi Coral Kneeland and Zeta
hall’s Nancy Pollard intercepted
Ed Chrolint's cross . . (where
does this leave AOPi Marilyn Ar
From the Pi Kappa Phi house
comes news that Cynn Bucklln
planted his pin on Charlotte
Weed and over on Kincaid the
Phi Delts tell of Gou Cellos tap
ping rally gal Cathy Carter with
his sword and shield . . . Theta
Chi Ralph Johnson merged his pin
with the ADPi jewelry of Bar
bara Bennett. . . .
Understand Theta Molly Mnnt
yel and IC Sig Vie Rlsely are clos
er than tIris . . .Advice to an SAE:
. . . Early to bed, early to rise,
and that Alpha Phi goes out
with other guys . . . Seems Theta
Barb Stevenson has been mighty'
low since Beta Mac Montague
withdrew from school: . . .
Alpha Phi Joanne Frydenlund
seems to enjoy the unswerving
attention she’s been receiving
from DU Peter Poort . . . Chi O
Dolores Kletzing is all aglow with
the news that Bob Cox from OCE
plans to enroll at Oregon winter
term . . . an “easy going” two
some are Theta Ruth Fades and
ATO Don South.
To the Champs:
We’re doggone proud of you.
In our books you’re the 'undisputed’
Our sincerest congratulations,
The Emerald
Rather Expensive Ammunition
To mutilate an old saying, “Students who go to agricul
tural colleges shoudln’t throw eggs.”
Saturday afternoon, as Oregon students huddled in their
sad end-zone seats, the Aggies carted in a case of eggs, un
doubtedly secured at the Poultry building on the campus, and
splattered their numerically inferior guests.
True, some of the Ducks retaliated with a little mud, but
it was purely in self-defense. The Oregon student body hadn’t
arrived at the game armed for combat.
In the future, when the two schools play the Mud bowl at
Bell field, it is suggested that the Staters issue a formal chal
lenge and allow the Ducks to choose the weapons.
With the price of eggs hovering around 80 cents a dozen,
the Oregon students will probably choose brass knuckles. B.
Three for Three
Oregon publications hit three out of three last year.
The Oregana and the Emerald both held their places on
the All American lists, and Old Oregon alumni magazine was
place among the top publications of its type over the nation,
and rated highest honors on its original cover.
It’s always with a sigh of relief that the editors receive
these notices, but we’ve yet to see the editor who is bloated
with personal pride. He's usually a little amazed that the
publication really made it—and he’s very grateful to those
who worked with him, especially to the people whose names
appeared on no mastheads, and whose back will not be slap
ped the day the honors announcement appears.
For it is these helpers, the ones with ink or glue smeared
hands, who assure the success of a publication.
And few editors forget it.—B. H.
Oregon W Emerald
The Oregon Daily Emerald, published daily during the college year except Sundays,
Mondays holidays, and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University of
Oregon Subscription tales: $2.00 per term and $4.00 per year. Entered as second-class matter
at the postofliee, Eugene, Oregon.
Boh Keed, Managing Editor
VIRGIL TUCKER. Business Manager
Tom McLaughlin, Adv. Manager
Associate Editors: June Goetze, Bobolee Brophy, Diana Dye, Barbara Hey wood,
Bctli Miller, Circulation Mgr. Virginia Mahon, Assistant Adv. Mgr.
Eve Oveibtvk. N.it'l Adv. Mgr. Donna Brennan, Asst. Adv. Mgr.
Sally Waller. Assistant Adv. .Mgr. lack Sclinaidt, Asst. Adv. Mgr.
Juau Mimuaugh. Assistant Adv. Mgr.
Mike Callahan. Stan Turnbull Don Smith. Assistant Managing Editor
Co Ne’ws Editors Evelyn Kill and Ann Goodman
Glenn Gillespie, Sports Editor Assistant News Editors
Bob Funk, Church Editor Tec Arthur, Research Assistant
The' nation’s networks are mak
ing elaborate preparations for
your holiday radio listening. Bat
teries of stars will be the feature
attraction in most cases. The El
gin watch company has assem
bled a star studded cast again
this year for their annual “Holi
day Star Time.” This program is
aired at Thanksgiving time and
again at Christmas with two sep
arate casts handling the assign
The show, which will be heard
from 1:00-3:00 p.m. PST over
NBC, on Thanksgiving day, will
feature Red Skelton, Frances
Langford, Andre Previn, the Mills
Brothers, Jimmy Durante, Garry
Moore, Jack Benny, and many
more. It should make good after,
dinner listening, or if you are
eating later in the day might help
you get your mind off your stom
ach for a while.
* * *
Over at CBS they have planned
a little different tune of holiday
listening. If your turkey has set
tled, and your heartburn has
eased, tune in to “Suspense.”
This program has one of the best
hair-raising averages in radio
today. Just because Margaret
O’Brien is the star of this week’s
program don’t think you are go-,
ing to have to listen to a cheerful
little fairy tale.
The show, from advance infor
mation, will be as blood curdling
as ever. It should be quite inter
esting to see how they adapt Miss'
O’Brien’s talents to this type of
show. I’m quite sure the “Sus
pense” producers are just the peo
ple who can do it. Air time foi'
this epic, entitled “The Scream
ing Woman,” is: 6 p.m. PST, on
Thursday, November 25, over
Add note on KGW tour: It’s
quite an interesting deal trying,
to carry on a conversation with
an announcer who is trying to do
a broadcast and talk to you at
the same time. Frank Billings of
the KGW staff had several spots,
station breaks, and fill-ins to do
while we were indulging in a
slight bull-session. Right in the
middlq^ef a sentence Frank would
check the clock, clear his throat,
take his cue, do his spot, then
(Please turn to page 2) *
"In MY Opinion "...
To the Editor:
Someone has declared open sea
son on the music school. May I
fearfully edge out from my re
treat in the depths of the grave
yard and see if the situation is
normal ?
First, let it be.understood that
no one in the music school thinks
that our programs are perfect.
Anyone performing in public is
usually painfully aware of any
mistakes or shortcomings.
We do not, like some writers,
delight in our ignorance and
lacks of ability. No one can ob
ject to criticism that is just and
written by one with a knowledge
of the subject. Honeyed criticism,
though not so personally offen
sive as the un-honeyed incompre
hension of this reviewer, is just
as misleading.
It would seem that Friday’s
critic had stocked up on mali
cious and witty sayings gleaned
from the reviews of another, per
haps more learned, critic. Not
knowing just where to apply par
ticular remarks, but feeling that
they were too good to leave out
of his subtle and searching re
view, he included them rather in
discriminately. His ignorance be
came apparent in proportion to
his malice.
On Saturday appeared a col
umn which contains some very
good ideas. However, two state
ments might be contradicted.
“Wouldn't it be better if local
critics would recognize the fact
of a sour note, or a badly inter
preted passage?”
The “badly interpreted pas
sage” idea is entirely sound and
is the basis of musical criticism.
The “fact of a sour note” has
much less to do with the value of
a performance; no reputation is
based upon the fewness of errors;
but upon the level of interpreta
tion. ,
On Saturday it was said that
student endeavors should be
judged on a professional basis.
This sounds quaint coming from
the representative of a sheet that
fills its columns with such sig
nificant drivel as, “A mature milk
cow will drink an average of IS
gallons of water a day.” (Please,
this is not Corvallis!” ' -
You say that you are judged by
professional journalistic stand
ards. To judge by professionaf
standards is to compare with the
best in the field. Do you contend
then that this concentrated col*»
lection of misinformation is com
pared to “The N. Y . Times,” and
still comes off with an “All
American” rating ?
Many of us feel that the qual
ifications of a critic are very im-.
portant and that it is a responsi
bility of the Emerald either to'
merely report the concert, or, if
opinions are offered, to assign a
qualified person to the job.
Since the reviewer was proba-'
bly given the assignment of cov
ering the concert, he is to blame,
only so far as he went outside
his experience and passed judg
ment upon matters not in his
ken. A preventive for such future
tempests would be to have some-*
one from the Emerald who knows
music (there are some), but is not
a music major, criticize the con
certs, thereby combining knowl
edge with impartiality. *
I shall now scurry back to my
graveyard foxhole and await the
cessation of hostilities. Hope they*
end soon; it gets cold up here in
the winter.
Richard Smurthwaite