Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 20, 1948, Page 8, Image 8

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    Record Concert
Sunday in Libe
Works of Benjamin Britten and
Prokofiev will be played in the
browsing room of the library this
Sunday afternoon at 4, according
to Mrs. Burr Fisher who will be
hostess for the Mu Phi Epsilon pa
tronesses, who are sponsoring the
record concert.
Records to be played include
Britten’s “Sea Interludes,” and
“Passaeglia,” from Peter Grimes,
and Prokofiev’s “Classical Sym
phony,” and “Violin Concerto No.
These informal Sunday afternoon
browsing room concerts will be
sponsored regularly by Mu Phi
Epsilon throughout the rest of the
school year, and everyone is invit
ed to attend.
This Sunday’s records were se
lected from the library of Roy An
drews, instructor of physics and
ATO, Sigma
(Continued irom page five) «
had lost the opening serve, the
ATO six chalked up ten consecu
tive points before surrendering the
Sterling playing by Walt Mc
Clure, Pete Miller, and Tom Gur
ney spearheaded the ATO on
Moving quickly into the com
mand in both rounds, Sigma Chi
soundly trounced Campbell club
15-4 and 15-5 to tuck away the
only “A” loop contest of the day.
Sigma Chi’s control of the ball
was almost flawless as they set up
kills which Ed Eveland punched
through the Clubber's defenses.
Most bitterly contested battle of
the afternoon was Delta Theta Pi’s
three-round win over Phi Gamma
Delta. The Betas dropped the ini
tial round 15-3, then annexed the
next two, 15-12 and 15-3.
In the final and deciding encoun
ter a two-point lead separated the
two teams until the Fijis moved
out in front by a 13-10 margin. At
this point, the Betas called time
out. When play was resumed, a
coordinated Beta attack netted
five straight points and the victory.
Jim Stanley and John McBee were
Foreign Students' Thanksgiving
Dinner to Have 'All the Trimmins'
By Donna Kletzing
All foreign students on the campus will celebrate Thanks
giving the American way this year, according to Marjorie Peter
sen, chairman of the international affairs committee of the
The YWCA and YMCA are sponsoring a Thanksgiving din
ner November 25 at the Zeta Tau Alpha house at 4:30 for all
foreign students who otherwise would not have a place to enjoy
Thanksgiving dinner.
“It is our way of making them a participant of the American
way of life,” said M’iss Petersen.
“We have tried to contact all foreign students on the cam
pus, but if we have overlooked anyone who could come, please
contact the YWCA immediately,” the chairman urged.
The traditional dinner of turkey, cranberry sauce, pumpkin
pie, and other trimmings will be followed by games and an ev
ening of informal entertainment. Mrs. Ethyl Mitchel, advisory
board member of the committee, will be the official hostess.
Funds for the dinner are being secured from the YWCA in
ternational affairs committee, the YMCA, Kwama, Chi Omega,
and Mrs. Frank Chambers, charter member of the YWCA.
the big guns in the Beta camp,
while Ray Hiedenrich turned in an
excellent game for the losers.
Turning in identical 15-9 scores
in both rounds, Phi Delta Theta
triumphed over a stubborn DU
In the first stanza, after Delta
Upsilon had edged away to a lead,
Marv Rasmussen served eight
counters for the Phi Delts and put
them on the victory trail. In the
second fray, Max Maude headed the
Phi Delt Drive as he consistently
came through with shoestring saves
of DU thrusts.
Delta Tau Delta’s “B” squad
continued its winning ways as it
snowed the Kappa Sigs under with
final point-producing surges in
both wins, 15-9 and 15-4.
Kappa Sigma’s only attempt to
down the Delts came in the first
round, when they slipped out to a
6-3 lead. The Delts came to life
and quickly tied the score at 6-all.
From this point on, it was Delta
Tau Delta all the way.
In the final game of the after
noon, Sigma Chi’s “B” boys also
turned in identical scores of 15-2
in both rounds as they romped off
with games from Campbell club.
Ji mStanley and John McBee were
Classified Ads
WANTED: Tutor for math 10. Con
tact Delton Porter C-29. McChes
ney evenings. 49
REWARD: $25.00 reward for infor
mation resulting in apprehension
of person who stole a black light
weight 3-speed bicycle from front
lawn of school of education be
tween 4 and six p. m. Monday,
Nov. 15. Call 315. 48
WANTED: Advance accounting
student for interesting special job
in Business Office. Requires
good knowledge of inventory con
trol methods. Must be able to
work about four hours per day
for several weeks period. Good
pay. Call E. W. Martin, 3300, Ex.
206. 51
FOR SALE: Log—Duplex decitrig
and case. Keyffel Essler. Call
2561-R 47-48-49
FOR SALE: New Spencer Micro
scope for s'ale. Movable stage,
oil emersion. Contact Les Jones,
Phone 5373 52
Talks Contused;
The lecture which Father James
E. Royce gave at a Newman club
meeting last Sunday evening acci
dentally was announced in the Em
erald to be given this Sunday.
Interested students who were
planning to attend this meeting to
morrow night may attend instead
the second lecture of the series by I
Father Royce entitled “The Cath-.
olic Approach to Psychology.’’ It
will be given on Tuesday evening,
November 23, at 6:30 in Gerlinger
Father Royce will also answer
questions about the topic of the last
lecture, “The Psychology of Chris
tian Marriage,” for those students
who did not know of the meeting.
The woman who advocates equal
rights for her sex is a generous soul,
willing to settle for half.
P. s.
Still Hard
at work Fixing
up your Busted
up Watches.
Why not Bring
in yours?
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