Porchlight Parade By ED CAI DI KO Cow-catchers fastened to the old lizzie, it's off to Cornvalley to hustle up a few Beaver skins. That is, if you were among the lucky 1460 to get tickets or on the Executive Council . . . In the pin dept, things have been moving slowly but one latching caught our atten tion this past week when ATO .Jim Hanson hung his jewelry on AOPi Grace Simpson . . . the hot test triangle on the campus this fall: K Sig Don Ausland trying to be secretive with his dates, Chi O Janet Harris and Pi Phi Margie Hammond . . . the gals, however, are wise and have com pared notes . . , news to you Don ? . . . Theta Carol Ifohlffs is a firm believer that the sun rises and sets in the East . . . especially when the youijg man in question is from the East ... Pi Phi Jack ie Younger and K Sig Dave Aiken .seem quite satisfied with their ex isting arrangements . . . (pass the brass, Mirandy!) . . . An item of interest to the Freudians: at the mere mention of ATO, lovely Theta Joan Larue begins to chant Never! Never! Never . . . .Al though we’ve promised not to mention details, we think Chi Psi Tom McLaughlin should got some sort of prize for carrying the most dignified torch of the year. Somebody better tell suave Iticlt Ward and luscious Dorothy Dalqulst that Homecoming is over or do they guard the “O" just for kicks . . . Frank Hart and Al pha Gam Jean Davis are sharing the same raincoat to make sure their romancing be waterproof. Seems like old times seeing Phi Delt Hill Abbey and Gamma Phi Martha Cleveland back together again after a lay off period . . . no place like home, is there, Bill? Theta Sally Boutin is finding it mighty difficult to hold a love match when it’s burning on both ends . . . the males that are fur nishing the fire are Beta Will Mangelsdorf and Phi Delt Fete Whit hoy, natch . . . The cookie jar at the u/, nouse took a beating the other PM when cute Pat Kaxton announced her pending consolidation with Pi Knp I-.es Jones . . . the lad even designed the sparkler. . . Fiji Bill Lake is spending ev ery spare moment with Chi O Janet Morrison ... too bad pledge pins-can't be planted . . . Report comes in that the friendly Chi Os arc mighty perturbed about the disappearance of their door name plate . . . it's getting to be an expensive hoax . . . Roundabouts: Gamma Phi llon na Rankin just back from a visit to Hillcrest and ready for a fresh start . . . Rich Hopper all hopped rip over Tri Dell Corky Hoppe . . . DZ Casey Hyde proudly display ing the trophy her man Hank Chaney won for his outstanding heard at the Whiskerino . . . Gam ma Phi Marylin Morse cuddling with SAP. Don Kessler . . . Theta . Melba Heyser eagerly accepting the attentions°of Sigma Nu Hal Tergeson . . . Phi Psi Doug Car ter showing more than a casual interest in Gamma Phi Sue Hel Irin . . . Kenny Allen doubting his chances for a house date . . . I’i Phi Joan Carr enjoying the terrific rush being given her by Sig Chi Perry Holloman. . . . DG's petite Gay Williams swamped with orchids from an anonymous giver . . . that's 30 for now . . . Happy hunting. As We See It On the basis of our present understanding of the DuShane plan we’re opposed to it. Here’s why: Two weeks ago, Donald M. DuShane, director of student affairs, present his deferred living plan to the Interfraternity council. The council had not been consulted during the for mation of the plan, nor had it even been warned of any im pending change. Now, after two weeks of study the council has formulated a set of arguments against the plan. We heard them present ed to Mr. DuShane yesterday afternoon at. a special meeting of the council. . Those arguments we feel are strong enough to refute or cast in considerable doubt many of the advantages claimed for the plan. In brief, they center around the difficulties fraternities and sororities would face in taking up the slack in membership by next fall and the undesirability of having pledges living in the dormitories. Perhaps when further light is shed we’ll change our minds. But, we call ’em as we see ’em. And at present the argu ments presented by the council, in our opinion, outweigh those presented by Mr. DuShane. Of Evil Portent? The Nobel peace prize will not be awarded this year. Can this be the “Signs of Our Times”? Although no explanation was given, the announcement has been interpreted to mean that no worthy candidate has been found. On the surface, the committee’s announcement may ap pear blacker than necessary. A provision in the will, under which th£ trust for Nobel prizes was created, states that “Any prize may be reserved for one year; if not then distributed, the amounts revert to the main fund, or special reserved for each section.” The peace prize has been reserved frequently and special Nobel institutes have been created from surplus funds. So this is not the first time that the Norwegian parliament’s com mittee of five has not awarded the Nobel peace prize. On the other hand, in this period of cold war, it would have been more uplifting if someone or some organization could have obtained the highest standards worthy of the award given to the one who has “most or best promoted the fra ternity of nations and the abolition or diminution of standing armies and the formation and increase of peace congresses.” Whether the committee gives the peace prize is not for the layman to decide. It does seem ironic, however, that the physics prize was awarded to Patrick Blackett for his outstanding contributions in the field of nuclear physics. D. D. Win, Lose, or Draw Old timers tell us that a football season is never successful for Oregon unless the Webfoot gridders beat Oregon State. Phooey! Win, lose, or draw today, Jim Aiken’s men have had a suc cessful season this year—a VERY successful season. We doubt if any Oregon team in history ever played better and more consistent winning football, or received so much favor able nation-wide publicity. We’re as convinced as anyone that the final gun will find Oregon way out in front. But regardless of the final score, we’re going to stand up and give those guys one hell of a yell when they leave the field. Oregon Emerald Th? Orfuon Dait y Emerat.d, published daily during the college year except Sundays. Mondays, holidays, and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon Subscription rates: $2.00 per term and $4.00 per year. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. BILL, YATES, Editor Bob Reed, Managing Editor VIRGIL TUCKER, Business Manager Tom McLaughlin, Adv. Manager Associate Editors: June Goetze, Bobolee Brophy, Diana Dye, Barbara Heywood, UPPER BUSINESS STAFF Pt-lli Miller, Circulation Mgr. Eve Overbeck. N.it'l Adv. Mgr. Sally Waller, Assistant Adv. Mgr. Juan Mitmiaugli, Assistant Adv. Mgr. Virginia Mahon, Assistant Adv. Mgr. Donna Brennan, Asst. Adv. Mgr. lack Sehnaidt, Asst. Adv. Mgr. UPPER NEWS STAFF Mike Callahan, Stan Turnbull Co-iSesvs Editors Glenn C.i'u-spic. Sports Editor Hob Funk, Church Editor Don Mima, Assisranr A'anaguig i^anor Evelyn Xill and Ann Goodman Assistant News Editors Tec Arthur, Research Assistant ---Musing Is 'Honeyed Criticism' Era At an End? Scribe Asks By Bill Wasmann For three long years we’ve been reading the hearts-and-flowers offerings of the local music crit ics, those left-handed members of the fourth estate whose ink is al most without exception not ink at all but some sort of a queer hon ey-like stuff capable of forming only sweet words of praise, no matter the facts, good, bad or in different. But the honeyed era in local music criticism may be over. Someone has finally gone and done it. Friday morning’s Emer ald carried as rough a report of a concert as you’ll ever see. Whether or not the critic was qualified and his pointed remarks valid, is not my subject. I’m not judging the critic, neither am I concerned with the presentation he worked over. I am hoping that right or wrong, this particular report will start us down a new and better road of music criti cism. It seems that the local critics have the idea that they should use weaker standards to judge* the output of local musicians, particularly student musicians. This may be a moot point, but it seems to me that every other student endeavor, journalistic, scientific or what have you, is judged on a professional basis, therefore, why not student musi- „ cal presentations? To judge them by any other’ _ standard is to do them an injus tice, moreover, it casts an un healthy light on their teachers - and finally the institution in which they study. Wouldn’t it be better if the lo cal critics would recognize the fact of a sour note, or a badly - interpreted passage ? Construc tive criticism never hurt anyone; like fresh air, it’s healthy for you - and a musician will eventually be better for it. This leads to another thought. Some of the outpourings of the professional musicians in McAr- - tliur court have left much to be desired, but it seems that they enjoy some sort of immunity • from criticism,#no matter how in ferior their product. Honest, well-founded criticism would give the local audiences more for their money; it does in - San Francisco and New York. Some music critic could prob ably do something with a compar ison of the artists of this year with those who appeared several _ years ago in McArthur court. -The Political Front Analogies Seen in DuShane, Dewey, and Marshall Plans By Vinita Howard With the Rose Bowl talk and the DuShane Plan fast becoming THE topics for campus conver sation it seems almost useless to go back to the national political scene even for a day. However, perhaps a few analogies can be drawn between the various plans now before us. It seems as though someone has devised a plan for almost ev erything within the past few years. There’s the Dewey Plan (now obsolete), the Truman Plan, the Marshall Plan, and of course, the DuShane Plan. If it’s any consolation to the opponents of the DuShane Plan, President Truman is being forced to move out of the White House for a year, too, in order that the sagging second floors can be re paired. Still on the DuShane Plan, prior to the presidential election everyone said Dewey was sure to win and Truman was certain to lose . . . this proved a misconcep tion. And, there seem to be a few misconceptions on the supporters and the opponents of the DuShane Plan. For instance, in Friday’s paper The Druid Corner said that the Inter-Dorm council was opposed to the deferred living plan. The correct information is that the council, as a group, has not made up its mind on the question and will not decide until a special meeting is called either this weekend or the first of next week. When the Marshall Plan was proposed by the national admin istration, it too met with some op position; however, as note the millions being spent by the Unit ed States today in Europe, the administration had its way on this question too. Somehow the. administration, national or local, usually finds a way of making eertain that their friends are suc eessful . . . Mr. DuShane probably knows how this is done also. Truman’s Plan will undoubted y meet with some trouble among tne minority section in tne sist . Congress. However, since the HR and the senate are now controlled by the Democrats it seems safe to ' assume that most of the Truman Plan is destined for success. Truman’s Plan, like the Du Shane Plan, is also concerned with the housing problem. Mr. housing and the high cost of hous- - ing . . . opponents to the DuShane Plan have also mentioned some- ' thing about the increased cost of housing for freshmen. Another part of Truman’s Plan is centered around- the Taft-Hart ley labor law that the Republi- _ cans put in about a year ago. This law is almost certain to be ’ whacked down to size by the ' Democrats and some say it will - be repealed altogether. It might - be interesting to observe whether the deferred living plan will be whacked down to size also or if its founder will stick by his guns. . He might even try a filibuster. It is proper and customary to show your appreciation for hospitality WITH A FLORAL GIFT — FROM — Wayne's Flowers Truman’s big concern is veterans’ WITH FLOWERS 849 E. 13th Phone 7172 FREE DELIVERY