Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 16, 1948, Page 6, Image 6

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The weekend was one of many
pinnings and unpinnings . . .
combos that used to by insepa
rable have split for greener pas
tures, and many first dates will
in two weeks be the scorchers in
the “Hearts and Flowers” dept.
Three ATOs lost their heads
and pins in the mad scramble;
Mac McDaniel making sure Mil
Veggy Morton’s time will be all
his; Dan Cudahy cinching Pi Phi
Pat I.akin and Barry Mountain
trapped by Kappa Emily West.
Good things come in pairs so
.say the Thetas cuz they added
two new Sig Chi pins to their
collection . . . Pretty boy Stevo
Button to vivacious Mary Marri
fiehl and smoothy Jim Goode
•spicing with the lovely Nancy
Chamberlain . . . The DGs chalked
Tip another one when Fiji Ray
Heidenrick hung his brass on
Maggie Johns. (Who’s left un
pinned over there anyway?) . . .
A quote from Saturday’s Em
erald: Olga Yevtich, Coed of the
Week, “in 1916 was Editor of the
digger’s Guide” . . . my, my!
Oogie didn’t tell us you beat
Bonce to the fountain of youth.
Suggest that for the Rose Bowl
game and the ensuing basketball
season Marv Horenstein swap
rally sweaters with George Wat
kins . . . wonder who’s “King”
now? ... To Boli Davis, ISA
prexy, in regards to your state
ment, “Clean out the fraternities
and sororities first” . . . Remem
ber the old sage who said “Char
ity begins at home,” and have you
such a short memory that you
don’t recall what happened to
Dewey who thought the White
House needed some cleaning up.
Tlie Phi Psi and Fiji frosh tus
sled in a touch football game
Hat. afternoon witli the Theta
ifreshies giving side-line support
to their Phi Psi dates and the
Kappa pledges rooting for the
Fijis . . . novelties of the game
were a deflated pig-skin and hour
long time-outs for refreshments
. . . in the second quarter the
gals took over ... no one was
able to make any points . . .
Score: 0-0.
Sly old Dick Neeley, DU, and
bubbly Chi O Mary Hall are the
subject of much excited talk
these days ... by the way Dick
is one lad who solved his ticket
problem to the OSC game . . .
he'll be sharing space With the
Governor . . . Dick and John are
oh so close. . . .
Saturday night Henrietta, the
Pi Phi Kllroy, disrupted the peace
at that domain when she wel
comed dates In before closing
hours with a picture gallery dis
playing faces with appropriate
titles of the male half of the duos
. . . Nan Humphreys, however,
proved to be the center of at
traction. . . .
Campus Quickies: Mildred
Chotty and Kalpli Stratford go
ing strong after nearly three
terms. (Well?) . . . Dick Olson
swing-shifting with a DG lovely
and hoo-owling with AOPi Judy
Hendrickson . . . Bliss Ward and
Betty Bond can't see anyone else
in the room nowadays . . . further
developments come January! . . .
The Dolly' Sisters, Joan I .a rue
and Patty Beaton, in levis burn
ing a path from the “Green Mon
ster" to the art school. Jane Hull
bemoaning the fact that she only
rated “Average" and not "excel
lent" in her psychoanalysis test
. . . Hear one of the jolly Pi Phis
picked up a Beta pledge pin . . .
be seeing you at the Amphibian
Academic Reasons?
Oh, come now, Mr, Hamilton
Are those sturdy Golden Bears of California actually
AFRAID of our Mighty Oregon Webfoots?
Darned near everyone seems to favor a playoff between
Oregon and California provided the two teams knock over
their respective foes Saturday.
Their reason? The game would “interfere with academic
matters,” says their athletic director Brutus Hamilton.
We’ve got a sneaking suspicion that Jim Aiken’s men show
ed too much power in pasting the UCLA Bruins at Los An
geles last Friday night.
Or maybe Mr. Hamilton would secretly agree with USC
Coach Jeff Cravath that “when two teams of equal ability go
on the field, you must pick the team with the best passer, and
Oregon’s Norman Van Brocklin certainly is a great passer.”
Not long ago the Portland Oregonian asked in an editorial:
“Surely the Golden Bears do not want the Rose Bowl as
signment if they are not the best team?”
Here’s how we see it:.
Unless the powers-that-be at California change their minds,
we’ll be forced to the conclusion that the Bears want the Rose
Bowl assignment but are not willing to risk finding out wheth
er they actually deserve it.
Oh, come, now, Mr. Hamilton.
The Straight Scoop
Rumblings—both vocal and editorial—of public sentiment
over the action of executive council in voting themselves and
Orders of the “O” men tickets to the OSC game have been
heard recently.
Did the exec council have a right to do this? students
debate. If those tickets were not put in the lottery, how many
more were,saved out?
The Emerald called up Howard Lemons, athletic business
manager, for the straight scoop on the disposition of tickets.
Here is how they were alloted:
Oregon people will have 2700 seats at the OSC game. Of
these, 1200 are reserved seats at $4 per hard-spot-on-the
bench. Most of these will go to alums and friends of the
University who are given first preference because they are
donors to the grants in aid fund that pays tuition of athletes.
The rest of the tickets are complimentary ones to be claimed
by players, coaches, and other athletic staff members and
Students will have 1500 seats. Tickets for these were
thrown in the lottery with the exception of about 40. These
now belong to executive council members and Order of the
“O” lettermen.
These people payed their $2. They announced that they
had reserved these tickets for themselves.
But the exec council’s defense of this little snatch, though
it had some basis, is definitely weak.
Student Body President Bob Allen explained it this way.
The exec council took care of the lottery, and should be
paid for its services. (This would be OK if it were not the
duty of the council to perform a few such little services
throughout the year.)
Furthermore, said Allen, University officials are expect
ing trouble at the game. A representation, at least, of stud
ent body officers should be there, because any complaints will
come back to them.
The “O" men will, in addition, handle seating arrangements.
(This is one reason that holds water.)
Not all of the “O" men and exec council members given
preference for tickets accepted them. Therefore, as men
tioned above, only 40 tickets were held out of the lottery.
Of the tickets in the lottery, 141 were unclaimed. Thirty
three of these went to the freshman football team, and the rest
were put on sale.
And that’s the scoop on tickets.—B. H.
Oregon W Emerald
The OaEfiox Daily Emekat.d, published daily during the college year except Sundays,
Mondavs, holidays, and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University of
Oregon Subscription rates: $2.00 per term and $4.00 per year. Entered as second-class matter
at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. _
Bob Reed, Managing Editor
VIRGIL TUCKER, Business Manager
Tom McLaughlin, Adv. Manager
Associate Editors: June Goetze, Bobolee Brophy, Diana Dye, Barbara aeywood,
Beth Miller, Circulation Mgr.
Eve Overbeck. Nat’l Ady. Mgr.
Sally Waller. Assistant Adv. Mgr.
Joan Minmaugh, Assistant Adv. Mgr*
Virginia Mahon, Assistant Adv. Mgr.
Donna Brennan, Asst. Adv. Mgr,
lack Schnaidt, Asst. Adv. Mgr.
Mike Callahan,'Stan Turnbull
Co-News Editors
Glenn Gillespie. Sports Editor
Bob Funk. Church Editor
non s*nutn, Assistant Managing senior
Evelyn N ill and Ann Goodman
Assistant News Editors
Tee Arthur, Research Assistant
Letter From Paris
(Editor’s note: Elizabeth Kratt,
a University student in the school
of architecture and allied arts, is
studying in Paris, France, this
year under the Junior Year plan.
Through special arrangements the
Emerald will publish from time to
time letters from Miss Kratt. The
following is the first.)
By Elizabeth Kratt
The University of Delaware
program for junior year study
abroad is now under the direction
of Sweet Briar college. This
year's junior year in France
group has as director Professor
Joseph E. Barker of Sweet Briar
and as professor in charge Dr.
Theodore Andersson of Yale.
We're 65 members, 33 women and
32 men who represent 32 Ameri
can universities. The largest dele
gation is from Yale with 14.
Other universities having sev
eral representatives are Sweet
Briar, Wellesley, Connecticut col
lege, New London, Mills, Wiscon
sin, Bryn Mawr, Carlton, Colum
bia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Goucher,
and Mt. Holyoke . . . quite a list
even though it doesn’t include
some 19 universities with one
representative in the group.
The majority of the men are
veterans who are taking advan
tage of the GI bill whose aid be
gins the minute they set foot on
the boat and lasts until their re
turn to the U. S.
A major in French is not a re
quirement for membership in the
group. Chosen from an unlimited
number of applicants, more than
half this year’s group are majors
in other fields; art, music, Eng
lish, history, political science, so
cial science, comparative litera
ture, philosophy, drama, econom
ics, mathematics, and interna
tional affairs. Applicants must
have had, however, at least two
years of high school and two
years of college French or the
All the men and all but nine
teen of the women are living with
French families. The nineteen
women have rooms have rooms
at Reid hall, American Univer
sity Women’s center in Paris and
headquarters for the group, where
the girls of the Smith college
group are also staying.
We had a couple of days after
our arrival the fourth of Septem
ber to get somewhat settled be
fore starting the six weeks pre
liminary course of composition,
phonetics, grammar, dictation,
and a survey of nineteenth and
twentieth century literature.
The most profitable and most
interesting part of this period, I
think, were the daily lectures
given to the group about contem
porary trends and happenings in
all areas of French life by men
prominent in their various fields.
To mention a few.
M. Romain, a staff member, has
been a wonderful guide and
helped us to make good use of
the warm Clear Sundays in Sep
tember. We first visited Versailles
and Fontainebleau . . . joined
the crowds of people that go out
Sunday afternoon. Then we
toured the forests north of Paris,
stopping to see the cathedral and
town of Senlis and the chateau
of Chantilly.
The last trip we made to Char
tres where we spent all of a won
derful fall day visiting the ca
thedral and wandering through
the narrow, crooked streets from
which at almost any point you
can catch a glimpse of part of
the church. The stained glass win
dows are undamaged and they
were just completing the reinstal
lation of the windows taken down
during the war. Last Saturday I
visited the cathedral again and ,
was very glad to find all the win
dows in place.
The six weeks ended with final
exams the fifteenth and sixteenth
of October, and the group scat
tered for a two weeks vacation
before classes begin the third of
November. Only those enrolled
for political science courses had
to stay in Paris since they began
immediately. Many chose to stay, *
however, to take advantage of the
time to really see Paris. Others ^
were off to England, Spain, Italy,
the Cote d’Azur or other parts of
Registration of the group has
almost been complete. Those en
rolled for courses at the Sorbonne
will have as members of the
group the privilege of attending
any of the lectures given at the
Sorbonne, a privilege usually giv
en only to graduate students that ,
Elizabeth Kratt
offers the wonderful opportunity
to hear men who are well known
for outstanding work in their re
spective fields.
Each class has just one lecture
period a week and for most cours
es examinations are not given un
til the end of the year’s work, but
for the group each lecture will be
supplemented by two hours a
week of explanation, discussion,
examination, and guidance for in
dependent study with French tu
tors to help us in following a sys
tem of education so different
from our own.
I’m very glad to know that a
number of students at Oregon are
planning to study in France next
year and would enjoy very much
hearing from them. Perhaps I can
be of service in tracking down
definite information about cours
es or answers to other questions
they might have.
It doesn’t at all seem possible
that I’ve been here now almost
two months ... no problem to
keep busy with so many things
to do and see all the time when
besides the rich offering of thea
ter, opera, museums, concerts,
etc., the UN meetings and French
political activities form such an
important part of every day.
The group is just varied enough
in interests and fields of study
that whenever we get together to
compare notes I'm amazed again
that so much can happen in one
city at the same time. No need
to say how exciting and stimulat
ing it is, or how overwhelming,
and it’s difficult to believe that
I’m really here, somehow a part
of it all.
A mature milk cow will drink an
average of 15 gallons of water a
day; a horse, 10; a pig, two, and a
sheep, one gallon. f
A manufacturing company re
ports that one of its merchandis
ing experts began his career as a
door-to-door salesman, offering
“No Peddlers Allowed-’ signs.