Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 04, 1948, Image 1

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    Oregon Emerald
, Fiftieth Year of Publication and Service to the University
Demo Sweep Now Certainty
Sigma Chi
Names '48
* Joan Nelson was named the 1948
-“Sweetheart of Sigma Chi” last
night in a fifteen minute radio
broadcast over KORE, and the
'sweetheart song was dedicated to
her following the selection.
Six freshman girls, finalists in
the contest were guests of the fra
" ternity during the program. Other
finalists were Mary Ann Clark,
.Jeanne Hoffman, Jackie Wren, Lu
cille Durst and Ann Darby.
Blond Joan, a Delta Gamma
"pledge, is eighteen years of age.
This brown-eyed liberal arts ma
-jor knows Portland as her home
town and is very interested in ski
- Lucille, a pledge of Pi Beta Phi
Sorority, comes from Portland,
Oregon, and is seventeen years of
age. The blue-eyed, light brown
tiaired interior decorating major
.is especially interested in knitting.
4 Blue-eyed Ann, also a Pi Beta
Phi pledge, is a liberal arts major,
"^tlso hailing from Portland, she is
Seventeen years of age and has
"brown hair.
* As sweetheart, she will partici
pate in all house functions of Sig
jna Chi, will be present at all of
_their intramural sports, will be
“wined, dined, and sung to,” will
Jiave her picture in the national
magazine of Sigma Chi and a full
-page in the 1948-49 Oregana.
Salem is the home town of
Jeanne, a Kappa Alpha Theta
"pledge. Eighteen years of age, she
has hazel eyes and brown hair, and
_,is a sociology major.
v Mary Ann hails from Medford,
Oregon, and she is a pledge, of
Gamma Phi Beta sorority. She has
brown hair, brown eyes, and is
.eighteen years old.
An Alpha Delta Pi pledge, Jack
ie is seventeen years of age, and is
from Portland. This blond, blue
eyed co-ed enjoys dancing and golf,
' her major is liberal arts.
A The annual Sweetheart ball, held
. in honor of the Sweetheart and her
court will be held Saturday night
-at the chapter house. At that time,
last year’s sweetheart of Sigma
Chi and the trophy will be given
to this year’s sweetheart.
'Arrival of Press
Set for Tonight
Members of the largest delega
tion ever registered for the Ore
gon high school press conference
will begin arriving on the campus
tonight, according to Warren C.
• Price, general chairman of the con
’' Registration for the twenty-sec
ond conference reached an all time
high of 193 high school students
and 38 advisers yesterday.
Delegates will be housed in the
•various campus houses. Members
;Of Sigma Delta Chi and Theta Sig
ma Phi, journalism honoraries,
will escort the high school dele
gates to the houses.
Rally Scheduled
For Duck Team
A Webfoot rally to send the Ore
gon squad on to victory when they
tangle with the Washington Hus
kies is a "must” in every rooter’s
schedule tonight at 5:50, according
to Yell Duke George Watkins.
Watkins requests all rooters to
be at the train depot by 5:30 to
“We want the same spirit to send
them off as we had during the last
two minutes of the last game,” he
UO Community
Chest Drive
Gets Underway
Nearly 50 campus leaders began
work Wednesday on th« Univer
sity Community Chest drive. The
drive is expected to be completed
by early next week, according to
Chairman Paul Washke.
Petitions for committee chair
manships and committees in the
campus Community Chest drive
have been called for by Alpha Phi
Omega, national service frater
nity conducting the drive. Posi
tions open are the chairmanships
of the promotion, publicity, col
lections, and program commit
tees. Petitions must be turned
in to general chairman Virgil
Tucker at the Phi Kappa Psi
house or at the Emerald business
office by 5 p.m. Friday.
The University drive is getting
under way two weeks in advance
of Eugene campaign due to the
necessity of finishing before the
holidays and also so that it will
follow closely upon a regular pay
day, Washke said. Other sections
of the education division, of which
President H. K. Newburn is chair
man, also will start early for the
same reasons, Washke added.
The campus committee will
strive for 100 per cent participa
tion among faculty and staff mem
bers. Although the University’s
goal is not high, it is important
that it be reached because of the
effect it will have upon the rest
of the Lane county campaign,
Washke said.
UO to Hear
Carol Brice,
Students and residents attending
the concert of Carol Brice, contral
to, who will sing tonight at 8:15
in McArthur court, will hear what
Serge Koussevitsky has termed a
“voice like a cello.”
Miss Brice, whose concert to
night is open to all students upon
presentation of their registration
cards, had been invited by Kous
sevitsky in 1946 to sing for Friends
of the Boston symphony, which he
Grew Up With Music
Her career has included singing
for the Pittsburg symphony under
the direction of Fritz Reiner, and
being soloist with 13 other prom
inent symphonies from coast to
In accounting for her success,
the contralto says, “I just grew up
with music and I also had unusual
music - training opportunities.”
Both her mother and father sang,
and both played the piano. Her
brother Jonathan is now her ac
Attended Finishing School
As a child, she lived at the Pal
mer Memorial institute in North
Carolina. Founded and run by her
aunt, it is believed to be the only
finishing school for Negro girls in
the United States.
She won first prize in a state
wide musical contest at the age of
15, and since then has graduated
from Talladega college in Alabama
and won a five-year fellowship to
the Juilliard graduate school in
New York.
Has Own Radio Show •
In recital she has sung at New
York’s Carnegie hall and Town
hall. She has starred in her own
radio show, “Carol Brice, Contral
to,” broadcast over a major radio
network. During the 1947-48 sea
son she made a transcontinental
tour and appeared before audiences
in more than 60 cities.
The National Council of Negro
Women, an organization of some
800,000 members, honored her in
1948 as “outstanding Negro wom
! an musician.”
| (Also see picture and program
on page 3.)
Conclusive Totals
Spell GOP Doom
(For complete local and state election news see page eight)
(>reat white hope of the Republican party, Thomas R. Dew
ey, conceded defeat in the national elections yesterday morning
aftei being billed as a sure winner. Republicans have not won
a presidential election since 1932, when Franklin D. Roosevelt
swept m for the first of his four terms.
, Losme "ith Ue"'ey was Karl Warren, fabulous California
Governor. In spite of long popularity among voters of both
parties in his state, Warren could not keep California out of
the 1 runian column.
Jubilant over his re-election, Harry S. Truman pledged
himself “lo the cause of peace in the world and the prosperity
and happiness of our people." llis running mate, Senator Bark
ey of Kentucky, was credited with drawing many votes to the
Democratic ticket.
I feel very deeply the responsibility which has fallen to
my lot as the result of theelection. I shall continue to serve the
people to the best of my ability’’ was a Truman promise from
Missouri, where the President voted.
Latest election results gave Truman 21,593,356 votes; b'v
ey, 19.877,162; Henry A. Wallace, Progressive, 998,847 votes;
and Strom Thurmond—"Dixiecrat” 826,846. Truman nabbed
304 electoral votes to Dewey’s 189.
Democrats stepped firmly into control of Congress; they
also gained 30 of tlje nation’s 48 governorships. An even more
impressive sweep might have been made had Wallace and
I hurmond not taken a portion of the Democratic vote, accord
ing to Demo spokesmen.
* >:<
By Associated Press
I he I ruman drive that came from nowhere swept the Re
publicans out of eight gubernatorial offices and rolled up Dem
ocratic victories in 20 of the 33 state contests.
Only one race was in doubt. In Washington, Democratic
governor -Mon C. \\ allgren, close personal friend of the Presi
< ent, appeared to have lost to Republican Arthur B. Lamdie
He was trailing by nearly 20,000 with only 600 of the state’s
precincts unreported.
Statehouse victories mean far more nationalfy than some
thing to brag about. They are sources of party strength, and
(Incase turn to page eight)
Whiskerino Plans Move; Zito to Plav
Some four or five phases of the
forthcoming Sophomore Whisker
ino are moving ahead in prepara
tion for the annual event, sched
uled this year for November 13.
Signing of Jimmy Zito and his
orchestra to play for the Whis
kerino dance Saturday night has
been announced by Moe Turner,
dance chairman.
“Designed along soft and smooth
lines . . . tailor made for the cur
rent band mart,” is the way the
trade magazine Billboard
scribes Zito’s crew. Formed in 1947,
the group hit top ten on the na
tion-wide poll of Down Beat mag
azine in its first year.
Smart stylings without use of
strings, cross blendings of trom
bones and saxes, and well-defined
beat without rafter-raising dy
namics are said to characterize the
playing of the orchestra. Down
Beat calls Zito’s trumpet-playing
"one of the prettiest tones on a
brass instrument of any horn
astudio or afoot.’’
Tickets for the dance will go
on sale0 for $2.40 at file Co-op
Tuesday, November 9, Don
Smith, ticket chairman, has an
Non-beard growers will be de
tected by an ingenious new meth
od, announces High Sheriff Eddie
Artzt. Betty Co-cd finalists (who
will bo announced in tomorrow’s
Emerald) will tour the men’s liv
ing organizations at meal times
to make a personal check to seo
that all sophomores are growing
the required foliage.
House presidents are asked t©
turn in lists of their sophomores
to Bill Lance at the Sigma Nu
house to aid the search for shaven
sophs. Last year’s fresh numeral
winners will accompany the Betty
Co-ed finalists arid administer suit
able punishment. Particularly
stubborn violators will still bo
tubbed in front of the Side.