Fiftieth Year of Publication and Service to the University UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1948 VOLUME L NUMBER 85 4 i McKay In Front For Governor r As election tabulations be came more and more complete , early this morning, the victory of Republican gubernatorial candidate Douglas McKay over Democrat Lew Wallace be came a certainty in the race for * Governor. Late bulletins gave McKay a 49.707 to 35,810 lead i over Wallace. Trailing was Wendell E. Barnett, who ran on the independent ticket. Assured of election to the U. S. Senate as last night’s totals gave him a comfortable lead over Demo crat Manley Wilson was Guy Cor don, Republican. Also conceded to be elected were four Republican candidates for the House of Representatives: Walter Norblad, first district; Low'd! Stockman, second district; Homer D. Angell, third district; and Harris Ellsworth, fourth dis trict. Back on the state government Beene, Earl T. Newbry, Republican, DOUGLAS McKAY was winner over Democratic can didate Byron G. Carney in the race for Secretary of State. Republican Howard C. Belton edged out Demo crat Walter J. Pearson in the State Treasurer’s race, while George Neuner, also a Republican, tri umphed over Democrat William B. Murray for the office of Attorney General. This gave the Republican par ty a clean sweep of major state offices and electoral votes. Ore gon voters also endorsed the Dew ey-Warren ticket, following up their new claim as “the most Re publican state in the Union.” Late returns showed the Hydro Electric Act Amendment losing by a hair, while the School Vote Elec