IFC Elects Snyder, Arizona Phi Delt, President 1948-9 After some discussion over whether to hold next year’s .con Fred Snyder, University of Arizona Phi Gamma Delta, was elected president of the Western Regional Interfraternity Coun cil conference yesterday afternoon in a business meeting of the third annual conference on the Oregon campus. Bob Thurston, Alpha Delta Phi from the University of British Columbia, was chosen vice president; Ray Shaaf, Tau Kappa Epsilon from Washington State College was named secretary, and Bob Stewart, San Diego State Kappa Sigma was elected treasurer. ference in the northern or south ern division of the western re gion, it was decided to hold next year’s convention jointly in Moscow, and Pullman with the University of Idaho and Wash ington State College as hosts. In case this is not possible, the meeting will be held at the Uni versity of Arizona. . “We certainly want to thank the University of Oregon for its hos pitality,” said the newly elect . ed president following the busi . ness meeting. He added that he had noticed the critical comments recently printed in The Emerald about snobbishness on the UO campus. From his visitor’s stand point at least, he has not found this true. Among other resolutions passed yesterday, the WRIFC went on rec ord favoring the removal of re strictive or discriminatory clauses, including those on race, religion, creed, and color. No man is a fraternity man un less he lives up to the ideals of his ritual, Dr. Ulysses G. Dubach, dean of men emeritus of Oregon State college, told 120 guests and dele gates at the IFC banquet last night in the Osburn hotel. His talk, titled “What Fraterni ties Should Do and Be,” stressed the Lippman belief that "our genera tion has an appointment with des tiny.” Fraternities must help as sume this responsibility, he said. Three goals fraternities should try to achieve, he continued, are to help create a new attitude to ward virtue, to train their mem bers in diliigence, and to instill brotherly love through fraternity spirit. Dubach emphatically denounced hazing as a fraternity policy. “I never saw fraternity get into a man through the seat of his pants,” he said. A member of Sigma Phi Epsilon, Dubach was dean of men at OSC for 24 years. At present he heads the political science department at Lewis and Clark university. Today Concludes Meet This morning’s discussion groups and the Oregon-St. Mary’s football game this afternoon will bring the conference to its close. Deans and advisers of men will discuss “The Fraternity and the Institution” from 9 to 10:20 a. m. Dean Harold Beatty of Fresno State College will lead the discus sion, and R. H. Berg of USC and Raymond Powell of the College of Puget Sound will serve on the pan el. Final discussion will be the 10:30 “Grab-bag Session” for the topics which delegates think the program committee missed. The University of British Columbia will preside. Three Linemen Ready (Continued from page five) more than his share of secondary tackles. Although he plays very little on offense, Holcomb has scored one touchdown on a punt return against Santa Clara. Aiken is a veteran of two seasons at Nevada, and will earn an Ore gon letter at left halfback. A good pass-receiver and tricky runner, Aiken has averaged more than four yards per try so far this year. He's a high-stepper, and his shifty running style enables him to go for long gains around the ends. Aiken is certain to see plenty of ac tion in the remaining four games. Activity Ticket Due A chance of attending the OSC game at Corvallis November 20 may be had by signing ticket no. 33 in the student athletic books and dropping it in a box in the Co-op, which will be there until Monday, Monday night 1450 names will be drawn from the ballot box at a meeting of the executive coun cil. 2 ESSENTIAL SERVICES In Eugene vour two most important homeservices —WATER'and ELECTRICITY—are provided by municipally owned utilities. Rates are LOW. Service is DEPENDABLE Municipal Electric and Water Utilities 1116 Willamette Oreqonian Carrier Boys Guests at Game Reserved seats at the St. Mary’s game this afternoon will reward 150 carried boys of the Portland Oregonion for promptly meeting their September-October sales quo ta. The carried-salesmen are making the trip by chartered buses. They will tour the campus and dine at John Straub hall following the game. M. J. Frey, general manager of the Oregonian, will also atteend the game. He will sit in the presi dent’s box. Arrangements for the trip were made by Elving N. Anderson, sen ior in BA and of the circulation de partment of the Oregonion. This is the first time carriers from the Portland paper have come to an Oregon game. Several hundred were sent to the East-West game in San Francisco last New Year’s. Gen. Albert Brown To Inspect ROIC Major General Albert E. Brown, commanding general of the Northern Military district, will be on the University campus for an informal inspection on Monday, November 1. General Brown is in command of all of the civilian components of the army in the four states of Ore gon, Washington, Idaho and Montana, which includes the Of ficers’ Reserve Corps and the We invite and will appreciate your banking business. EUGENE BRANCH U.S. National Bank of Portland, Ore. National Guard in addition to the college KOTO units. Your Order for FLOWERS Telegraphed Anywhere FLOWERS are the personi fication of Devotion and Gen erosity. Be a thoughtful companion. WAYNE' FLOWERS 849 E 13 Ph. 7172 HEADQUARTERS for All Sport and Athletic Equipment NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANCH JOE GORDON HARDWARE SPORTING GOODS GENERAL HARDWARE 771 Willamette Phone 1008—1009 Effgene, Oregon % edwo. Johnson • Four Years Experience o nthe City Council • Twenty Years in Business in EUGENE 9 In Favor of Mill RACE I • A Graduate of the U. of O. Paid Advertisement by Johnson Committee