Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 30, 1948, Page 6, Image 6

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    Happy Halloween!
Friday morning’s Oregonian stole our Halloween editorial
that we’d had partially written for several days.
It seems that they received the same form letter we did
from the National Hallowe
en committee in New York—
but the Emerald is doing the
Oregonian one better just the
same. We have a Halloween
pinup girl. Behold. She came
through the mail, too.
This sleek creature, “the
prettiest witch around these
parts,” has no connection
v/ i t h Halloween ‘Associa
tion’s suggestion of “Plan
ned Donut Parties for a
Safe and Serene Halloween.” x
She’d be a disruptive element
at any donut party.
But the Association has
some fine suggestions. As
an alternative for “breaking
windows, smashing gates and
getting run over . . . late at
night” it encourages the eat
ing of “donuts” off a string
and bobbing for apples.
We pass this bit of inspira
tion for a Safe and Serene Halloween on to you, dear reader,
trusting that you, too, will back this worthwhile cause. B. H.
Latest in Books
'Remembrance Rock'— An Epic
Of Monumental Stature
“The idea for this book,” says
author Carl Sandburg, “had in
terested me for a long time; . . .
an epic, weaving the mystery of
the American Dream with the
costly toil and bloody struggles
that have gone to keep alive . . .
that Dream.”
Sandburg began the book in
3 943. Five years and 1067 pages
later, the idea has grown to a
work of astounding proportions
and giant structure.
“Remembrance Rock" is an
epic, true enough, with an epic’s
virtues and vices. The language
is poetic and stately, both con
versation and description. Three
hundred and fifty years of his
tory are covered. As in most ep
ics, emphasis is placed on battles.
Yet, these very attributes will
discourage most average readers.
The conversation—an incredible
mixture of poetic metaphor,
stately cadence and mysterious
prophecy—prevents the charac
ters from ever coming alive. Fic
tional adventure is smothered
with historic fact, painstakingly
set down in full. The Mayflower
Compact, the Declaration of In
dependence and other documents
are written completely, with all
signatures included. Three hun
tired and fifty years of historic
documents diffuses all action.
The reader loses touch with the
characters and any interest he
Justice “Bowbong” Winton is
the rememberer of “Remembrance
Rock.” On his Washington, D. C.,
estate is a huge boulder at whose
foot he has placed dust from
Plymouth Rock, Valley Forge,
Gettysburg and the Afgonne.
Now, in 1944, he wishes to pass
on a heritage to his fighting
So, he writes memories—and
what memories! Going back to
1608, he traces the history of
America and, only incidentally,
his family.
After reading the memories,
the grandson places at the foot
of Remembrance Rock a casket
of dust from the South Pacific
atoll, where he fought, and a
handful of earth from the Nor
mandy beaches. It appears that
the remembering will continue.
“Remembrance Rock” may
never be seen clutched in every
hand. But it is truly a monument
al work—an American epic.
(“Remembrance Rock” by Carl
Sandburg. Harcourt and Biace
Company. $5.00. 1067 pages.)
The Orkgon Hatt y Emkrat.d. published daily during the college year except Sundays,
Mondays, holidays, and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University of
Oregon. Subscription rates: $J.OO per term and $4.00 per year. Entered as second-class matter
at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon.
Boh Reevl, Managing Editor
VIRGIL TUCKER. Business Manager
Tom McLaughlin, Adv. Manager
Associate Editors: June tioet/e, Bobolee Brophy, Diana Dye. Barbara Hey wood.
Mike Callahan, Stan Turnbull
Co-News Editors
Clean Gillespie. Sports Editor
Vinita Howard. Women’s Editor
Bob Funk, Church Editor
Don Smith. Assistant Managing Editor
Evel>n Nill and Ann Goodman
Assistant News Editors
Jo Rawlins, Research Director
Tee Arthur. Research Assistant
Jletli Miller* Circulation Mgr.
Eve Overbeck. Nat’l Adv. Mgr.
Sally Waller. Assistant Adv. Mgr.
Juan Munnaugh. Assistant Adv. Mgr*
Virginia Mahon. Assistant Aviv. Mgr.
Donna Brennan, Asst. Aviv. Mgr.
Jack SchnaiUt, Asst. AJv. Mgr.
The Green File
by Brubeck
“Well, according to Esquire magazine . .
"In MY Opinion...
To the Editor:
May I put in a few good words
for the students of the U. of O?
They have been accused of snob
bishness and lack of friendliness
which I feel they do not deserve.
I, too, am new on this campus.
In fact I am new In this country.
Yet the number of students who
greet me with a friendly smile
every day far exceeds the num
ber I remember to have met.
Naturally, I am only too willing
to return their smile.
I talk to a large number of
people I don’t know. That is,
when I have something to say to
them. But I do not expect these
people to treat me as a long lost
friend the next time we meet.
I say this for two reasons.
First of all, I haven’t time for all
the friends I might pick up this
way (much as I should like to).
Secondly, the little time I do
have to spend with friends, I
should like to spend with people
who have approximately the same
interests as myself.
Contrary to what is commonly
believed ill this country, this
holds true in England, too. It is
not considered bad manners to
talk to people you don’t know, so
long as you have something to
say to them. It would, however,
lie tile height of bad form to pre
sume on this chance meeting.
There is no limit to the num
ber of friends you can make if
you want to on this campus. I
was very much disappointed to
see how few students actually try
to make friends by joining in ex
tracurricular activities. Surely
that is where you will meet peo
ple who think much the same as
you do! There is such a wide
range of activities that everyone
should be able to find something
he is interested in. If not, he could
always start his own club.
Or are you the type of person
who has time for friends, but no
time to cultivate them ?
Yours very truly,
L. John Martin
(Editor’s note: Mr. Martin is
an Englishman. He came to the
campus this term and is aogradu
ate assistant in the school of jour
To the Editor:
... I have come 3,000 miles
in order to study at the Univer
si'ty of Oregon, and when I ar
rived I did not know a soul here.
I feel I can truthfully say that I
have made a lot of intimate male
friends. In all my classes I have
friendly neighbors, both frater
nity men and independents.
... I feel that any person who
cannot make friends here is either
hard to get along with, or just
unfriendly himself.
But I will go ahead with the
theory that the women are “snob
bish, conceited and too good for
anyone without a convertible.”
From my experience, the coeds
here are the coldest, most un
friendly women I have ever met.
. . . They should come out of
their shells and get friendly.
Yours sincerely,
A College Freshman
To the Editor:
For the past several days I
have been reading in this column
letters from individuals complain
ihg about the unfriendliness of
Oregon students. I, too, am a new
student here and would like to
express my candid observations
on the topic.
I have attended school on three
campuses in diffeent sections of
the country, and it is my opinion
that students are basically the
same, despite different geographi
cal surroundings.
The problem of making friends
is an individual one. If a person
sets out to meet people and be
come acquainted, he can do it
with a little honest effort on his
part. Naturally, anyone who sits
back and expects others to come
to him will be disillusioned.
Complaining and writing let
ters to the Emerald will do little
to change a person’s position.
Much more would be accom
plished if those concerned would
approach the situation positive
ly rather than negatively.
Contralto to Sing
Carol Brice, contralto, will sing
at McArthur court next Friday at
8:15 p.m., in the second concert
this year presented by the Eugene
and University Civic Music asso
Night Staff:
Mac Epley
Vern Stolen
Larry Meiser
Take off your make-up gals,
it’s Halloween! . . . and while on
this topic I’ll mention the art
school party Friday night which
nearly rocked the buildings off
your ol’ campi. Even the profs
gave in to the gaiety and let
down their hair . . . was hoping
Mr. Hanrahan would revive his
tap routine for the occasion . . .
The Bunion stomp at the Ig
loo last eve was strictly “Hogan
ized” . . . Igloo is certainly a
misnomer for that barn; some
thing like “hot box” would be
more appropriate. Wonder if the
powers that be w'ill ever have the
place air-conditioned. As an al
ternative suggest they have am
bulances waiting at all exits dur
ing the affairs there.
The All-American Oregana
again hit its mark with its “Miss”
. . . green and yellow orchids to
Miss Ann Fenwick . . .
“I’ll Never smile Again” seems
to be Bob Rinde’s theme since
Theta Ann Ornduff stepped out
on him last night ... just re
member, Bob, there’s always
Snowbelle . . . Paid Ad. Dept.
Anita Holmes of Hen Hall has
something mighty captivating
waiting for her in Spokane for
Thanksgiving. At present she is
desperately trying to locate a
ride to said town or vicinity. . . .
Was told by one of the campus
queens that 4 AM dates are quite
the novelty; must be great start
ing your social life with the birds
. . . Understand that DG Merry
“Firesale” Captivation is booked
solid these PMs that she’s hoping
for 36-hour days. The secret of
her success: “I go in Taylor’s
every day.” . . .
Bob Thurston, an ADPi del
egate from British Columbia, was
so fascinated by the “freshettes”
while casing our libe that he de
cided to pull up a lounge and
scrounge awhile. Seems U. of BC
doesn’t offer broad education.
Hearts and Flower Dept.:
AOPi Mary Keller, who confided
to a friend that she planned to
re-new an old acquaintance with
a Phi Delt pin, was throttled in
her scheming when the owner of
the badge cancelled a date in fa
vor of a quail hunting party. Big
game hunter, minus fraternal
jewelry, returned with a rally
rally Gamma Phi. . . wotta pistol
Teke Larry Davidson was seen
rambling down sorority row the
other afternoon when an cnrush
ing herd of women came charg
ing towards him with out
stretched arms. The eager Larry’s
beaming face quickly became a
picture of complete ruin when he
found that they were out to greet
a new “nugget” following behind
him . . .
How to win fans and influence
porters: On the train coming
from Portland Coach Jim Aiken,
confusing a three letter word
with a six-letter word, added to
the entertainment of the other
passengers when he was seen en
tering and exiting from the wrong
little room. . . .
Now tell me Alpha Phis:, How
much lumber can three girls car
ry from Villard to the Phi house
in one trip down back alleys after
dark. . . .
For the benefit of the frustrat
ed socialites who have been writ
ing letters to the editor, a Friend
ship club is being organized and
cards will be punched between
^ and 3 a.m. in the graveyard.
... If they find no satisfaction in
this, remember there’s always
Hello Walk during tradition
weeks. . . .