Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 30, 1948, Page 5, Image 5

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    Ten Seniors Set for Final Eugene Clash
Webfoot Co-Captains Finish Hayward Season
Emerald Sports Editor
A short column’s on the books today, so we’ll knock out
our weekly grid predictions and retire to the hock shop to pay
off our bets. We’re rolling along with a .790 accuracy per
centage, so this week’s ten better be good.
Many Pacific Coast Conference teams, including Oregon,
are taking an extra breath this week, playing non-counting in
dependent of intersectional games. The three conference clash
es—California-USC, Stanford-Washington, and Washington
State-Idaho—all are tough ones to pick. It looks like a week of
OREGON vs. ST. MARY’S—Third and last home game
for the Webfoots this year, and Hayward field fans will get
a good show. Gael Coach Joe Verducci must have a fair out
fit, with Spike Cordeiro leading the way, but the Saints are
out of their class.
We’re not as sure as Larry Lau, who tabbed the Ducks by
34, but Oregon by 21 points to be safe.
It's Now or Never for California
Golden Bears will be defeated, this is the week. The Trojans
have a big chance for THE major upset of the week, but it
would be a true miracle. Cal by 20.
STANFORD vs. WASHINGTON—The red-hot Indians
are due for an arrow in their backs, and we’ll pick the Huskies
to turn the trick. It’s at Palo Alto, but Howie Odell’s boys
are ready for a win.
In a close one, Washington by seven.
the Cougars last week, it’s a hard decision. Another tradition
al game, and both teams can be mighty tough. By compara
tive scores against Oregon, the Vandals rate an edge, but we’re
staying with Phil Sarboe’s speed boys. WSC by 13.
Midwest Teams Over PCC Squads
UCLA vs. NEBRASKA—Those down-trodden Uclans take
a big jump back to Lincoln to play a fair Cornhusker team.
The Bruins had better win one for LaBrucherie pretty soon,
and we’re not sure whether today’s the day or not. Flip a coin
and it’s heads. Nebraska by seven.
sectional rivalry goes back to 1915, and today’s game should
be close. The Spartans have been around, meeting strong
opponents like Michigan and Penn State.
Stiner’s Aggies are on the go from a 28-0 win over UCLA
last week, but those Spartans know how to play football. Mich
igan State by 13.
Big Nine Action Attracts Attention
MICHIGAN vs. ILLINOIS — The Fighting Illini came
through for us last week with a win over Purdue, but not today.
Oosterbaan’s Wolverines are headed for an undefeated season,
and Illinois is just an oil-spot on the road.
Michigan by three or four touchdowns, in a game that will
have many western listeners.
MINNESOTA vs. INDIANA—The Hoosiers have dropped
three in a row, and look good for a repeat. We’re all for a 20
point Gopher victory. ,
wins this one should go to the Rose Bowl. Northwestern in
a tight win, by six or seven points.
down in Texas, and Matty Bell’s Mustangs are listed as favor
ites. We’ll ride along, and pick SMU by one or two touchdowns.
Cordeiro, Jarvis
To Lead Young
St. Mary's Team
St. Mary’s Galloping Gaels will
roll tomorrow as 20-point under
dogs, but they have some stars to
watch. Top man for the Saints
will be little Spike Cordeiro, 5-foot,
5-inch 155-pound tailback, who
starred in last week’s 33-22 tri
umph over Denver University.
Cordeiro is a fast, tricky run
ner, and a frequent receiver of
passes form Dick Jarvis, Gael
quarterback. Jarvis can throw
either long and short, but with fast
and good pass-catchers, he prefers
to throw for distance.
And St. Mary’s has the receivers,
with Dan McGeehan and Tony Ko
towski, both speed-demons ends.
Cordeiro and Frank Cassara at the
halfbacks are also frequent targets.
The Gael running attack is based
on Cordeiro’s shiftiness and the
plunging of Cassara and Glen Bell
at right half. Frank Massero and
Dave Haffner, 215-pound blaster at
fullback will make their share of
yardage. Bell is a Don Paul type
of runner, fast ,tricky, and hard to
A tough Gael line, averaging 197
per man, plans to give the veteran
Webfoot forwards a tough battle
They will be outweighed, but will
fight to make up for it with speed
and drive.
Ducklings Slate
Vanport Battle
Coach Bill Bowerman takes his
33-man Duckling football squad to
Portland today, for a game with
the Vanport college gridders to
night at 8 p.m. on the Jefferson
high school field.
The Oregon Frosh defeated the
Washington Pups 25-24 in their
opening game, but lost a 32-14 de
cision to the Oregon State Hooks
in their second encounter. Vanport
is favored to win tonight’s game.
Looking good in scrimmage this
week, the Yearlings will be in top
physical condition lor the game.
Bowerman’s probable starting
lineup will be:
Eddie Glass, center; Ken Kirk
patrick and Don McCauley, guards;
Dick Hudson and Dave Hall, tack
les; Jerry Leslie and Bob Wilcox,
ends; Jim Calderwood, quarter
back; Tommy Edwards, right half;
Emile Holeman, left half; and
Chuck Missfeldt, fullback.
After today’s game, the Web
foots play three conference con
tests away from home.
Three Linemen Ready
For Win Against Saints
When the Oregon Webfoots and St. Mary's Gaels meet m
a football game today on Hayward field, ten members of Jim
Aiken's league-leading squad will be playing their last home
game in an Oregon suit.
Jim Aiken, Jr., Wayne Bartholemy, Jim Berwick, Keith De
Courcey, Brad Eckiund, Dan Garza, Ben Holcomb, Don Stan
ton, Dick Wilkins, and Win Wright are the ten who will dig
their cleats into a lusTt Hayward field turf for the last time this
Three of these grid veterans,'Stanton, Eckiund, and Garza
are co-captains of this year's Ore
gon team, and the other seven have
contributed plenty to Oregon’s lof
ty standing in the Pacific Coast
Stanton Honored
Stanton, a 220-pound ironman at
right tackle, will win his third Ore
gon “O” this season. He was out
standing during the 1947 campaign,
playing 523 minutes of a possible
600. Named on the coaches’ all
conference team last fall, Stanton
was nominated as a possible All
American in pre-season forecasts
this year.
Stanton came to Oregon in 1942,
and turned in a season of Frosh ball
before entering the navy. He re
turned in 1946 to earn a varsity
starting tackle spot, and has been
there ever since. Weight, speed,
and football sense make Stanton a
key man on both offense and de
Garza Outstanding
An All-Coast end last year, Garza
is doing a repeat on his fine play in
1947. His offensive play is out
standing. On the famous “Van-to
Dan” passing combination last
year, Garza received 21 passes for
367 yards and three touchdowns,
and scored two others on a blocked
punt and a pass interception. In
six games this year, he has caught
11 aerials for 129 yards and one
On defense, Garza can't be moved
from his left end position, breaking
up plays in the secondary and shed- '
ding interference to smear end
I runs. His blocked punt against
USC gave Oregon the game-win
ning safety.
The rugged 190-pound Texan, al
so in line for his third letter, should
turn in one of his best seasons for
an Oregon team this year.
Ecklund Rugged
One of the toughest men in the
middle of the Webfoot line, Ecklund
plays a rugged game at center. Op
posing teams have respect for the
215-pound towhead, and for good
reasons. Brad is best known for his
crushing defensive play as a line
backer, and many a scampering
halfback has come to fear the big
He’s hard to move on plays
through the middle, and often
brings down his man way back in
the secondary. Smart on pass de
fense, Ecklund has several inter
ceptions to his credit. After four
years in the marines, the Milwau
kee, Oregon, prospect returned to
Eugene in time for the 1946 season.
On offense, Ecklund is rated as a
key blocker in power and quick
plays up the center, besides his ball
snapping duties. Another candi
date for a third letter, Brad is very
much in the running for all-coast
honors this year.
Four other linemen, Wilkins, Bar
tholemy, Berwick, and Wright, are
playing their last season.
Rookie Stars
Breaking in as a college football
rookie, Wilkins has made a brilliant
rise as an offensive end this season.
He played football in high school,
this year. A natural athlete, Wil
kins also has lettered four times in
basketball and played baseball last
Although his defensive play is on
the rise, Wilkins is better known for
his amazing pass-receiving ability.
He was named on the United Press
team-of-the-week for his perform
but didn’t turn out at Oregon until
ance against Washington State last
So far this season, Wilkins is
leading Duck receivers with 13
catches for 256 yards and three
Two outstanding defensive line
men, Berwick and Bartholemy, are
included in the departing ten.
Bear On Defense
Berwick started the 1947 season
as the handy man of the line, but
was shifted to defensive left guard
later on in the year. He holds down
this spot now, alternating with Ted
Meland, who moves in on offense.
Berwick has plenty of drive and is a
hard tackier, helping to make the
middle of Oregon’s line one of the
toughest in the conference.
A two-year letterman, Berwick
will receive his third monogram this
year. From The Dalles, he came to
Oregon in 1946.
Bartholemy, a regular in 1946
and alternate last year, plays de
fensive right end on the 1948 Duck
squad. He originally planned to
leave Oregon last year, but decided
to complete his eligibility.
A fair offensive player, Barthol
emy is at his best on defense, mak
ing driving tackles to break up
plays that come his way. He leads
Duck pass interceptions, with five
for 83 yards and one touchdown.
Wright Fast
Final lineman playing his last
season is Win Wright, a trackman
trying his first year of college foot
ball. Wright, a fast hurdler, shines
on defense as a halfback pass de
fender, and also is a fair pass-re
ceiver. He’s speedy and may see
considerable action before the sea
son is over.
DeCourcey, Aiken and Holcomb
are the backfield men who are mak
ing their last home bow today.
Good Runner
DeCourcey, another The Dalles
boy, has seen plenty of duty this
season as alternate right half, be
hind George Bell. After a slow
season last year, DeCourcey has de
veloped into one of the better run
ners on the 1948 squad, going for
long gains when he’s in there.
His two touchdowns last week in
the WSC game boosted his scoring
total to 18 points. DeCourcey is
slated for heavy duty in the re
maining games.
Safety First
Holcomb, first-line defensive man,
blossomed as a first-rate defensive
player last season, playing second
string behind Jake Liecht.
He’s a good safety man, showing
on punt and kickoff runbacks. Hol
comb, a good diver on the swim
ming team, is a hard man to get
through on the ground, making
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