Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 29, 1948, Page 2, Image 2

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    Britishers Impression of OS
“ Aired Today at 4 over KOAC
British debators Anthony Cox
and Reginald Galer will lead off the
list of entertainment offered by the
«ampus radio studios in the produc
VA Notices
Check Date
' “All veterans who received no
tices of authorization of training
land subsistence allowances prior
to Monday, October 25 should get
itheir checks or have them in the
Snail by November 1,” according
to J. D. Kline, assistant registrar.
“Veterans who did not receive
notices until after October 25 will
tn all probability not receive their
checks until November 10 or later,”
Kline said, “and those who have
received no notice at all will not
{receive checks.”
i He added that a failure to get
the form indicates a delay of some
dcind in processing of papers in
!the Portland VA office or that the
veteran is not properly registered
jfor GI benefits.
“If by November 10 a veteran
does not have a notice of authori
zation from the veterans adminis
tration he should come to the regis
tration office in Emerald hall and
■we’ll try to find the trouble. The
veterans office on the second floor
should also be notified that there
has been no word,” he said, “but
veterans are requested not to
’bring in any complaints before the
Cum Laude j
• Hera are the nylons that lend
distinction to your important occa
sions—on campns and off. The Seal
of the Dancing Twins identifies
... their exclusive Gusset Heel*
for ankle-hugging fit, their
Gussetoe for comfort 11. theii
sleek, ttam-frM loveliness.
Sold under leading brand
names at smart college
shops and stores.
|M»* A.**»Ae«*
OP. A. rat. No. 1888049
tion “University Hour, this after
noon at 4 on KOAC.
Their impressions on their first
trip to the United States will be
aired on the station by tape re
cording. They were interviewed by
Paul Ryman of the University ra
dio studios immediately following
their debate on the decadence of
the British Empire here last Mon
The parade of popular tunes
since 1938 will be reviewed by
Georgene Shanklin, sophomore mu
sic student on the second part of
the program, starting at 4:15. Her
piano numbers include such hits as
“Deep Purple’’ and “Dreams.”
This week’s radio workshop
dama, “The Ghost of Memorial
Park,” features a little guy named
Herbert Perkins, who is unhappy.
The play starts at 4:30.
Classified Ads
FOR SALE: 2 Argus C-3 3 mm.
Cameras f3.5 coated lens, flash
attachments, carrying case. Ex
cellent condition. Cost $85. Sell
ing $65. See Bill Byrd, 1414 Kin
caid, Phone 2466. 25
LOST — Sunglasses. Corrected
ground lenses. Plastic demi
amber rims. In brown leather
ette case. Reward. Phone 5500;
13371/2 Alder. 33
SPECIAL—Special plane to Seat
tle for Washington - Oregon
game, Nov. 6. Leave Saturday
A. M. Return Sunday $19.50
Round trip. Tickets, hotel res
ervations if desired. For reser
vations phone 788J 6-9 p. m. and
all day Saturday.
FOR SALE: 1931 Plymouth, 4
door sedan, in excellent condi
tion. Reasonable. See at 1343
Mill. 33
WANTED: Six men to work Fri
day night, Oct. 29, at Rally
Dance concessions. Also twen
ty men or women to work Sat
urday, Oct. 30, at football game
concessions. Contact Lynn Buck
lin between 4 and 5 p. m., room
204, McArthur court. 32
FOR SALE: Thermador Heater—
$8.00. Electric steam radiator,
$20.00. Ph. 5821. 33
FOR SALE: Navy and pink cock
tail dress, size 14, $8.00. Grey
wool suit, size 14, $15.00. Ph.
5821 or 4954 33
LOST: Lost a Parker “51” pen,
black with silver top. Reward
offered. Contact Nancy Pitman,
Gerlinger hall. 33
Dinnerware Sale
25 % OFF ON
Chase Flowers
and Gilts
58 E. Broadway
Phone 4240
Schedule Changed
For Motion Picture
Showing of the motion picture
“Miracle in Paradise Valley," orig
inally scheduled for Monday at 4
p.m. in Deady hall, has been post
poned until November 19, Don Mc
Neil, president of Sigma Delta Chi,
announced Thursday. The Sinclair
Oil company, for whom the picture
was made, has notified the Audio
Visual department of the Univer
sity library that it will not be
available until the later date, Mc
Neil said.
Oregana Payments Due
Living organizations which have
contracted for space in the 1949
Oregana must make payments by
November 1, members of the busi
ness staff announced Thursday.
Payments will be accepted at the
Oregana office in McArthur court.
A man aoesn i uve «. nuuuicu
years, yet he worries enough for
a thousaimd.
When not in class,
be at ease in a
cord brunch coat, pedal
pushers, and a wool
skirt. For class, a wool
skirt and a cashmere
will do.
newest and cutest hard
finished rayon dress.
TT. >"•
The new “CHECK
MATES dress is as pretty
as a picture, just the way
it is. BUT, it can be
switched around, ( a dif
ferent blouse with the
“CHECK-MATES” skirt,
and vice versa) thereby
actually giving you many
dresses in one.
dress comes in sizes 12 to