Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 19, 1948, Page 2, Image 2

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    Argentinian, Carlos Pesado, Likes Oregon 'Fine'
Tells Travel, Differences Of Schools And People
Carlos Pesado lives in a second
floor room at the western end of
Merrick hall. When the window is
open he can hear the chaos of notes
from the music practice huts. On
his bed is a blanket with a lemon
colored “O” in the middle; out in
Oregon atmosphere, Carlos is
thinking of the town of San Juan
in western Argentina. It was only
last June that he boarded a plane
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“I did not come on the boat—it
would have been too slow. I flew
up so that I’d be here in time for
summer session.”
Carlos knew almost no English
when he arrived. “Back in San
Juan I took high school English,
the same that you might take Span
ish. I learned to say ‘this is a bed’
and ‘here is the chair,’ but you can't
converse with that kind of Eng
“The people here are much the
same as the people in Argentina.
We think and talk about the same
things. In comparing the friends
I have here with the friends I have
in Argentina, I can see very little
difference. Of course, things like
the climate and the kind of food
differ, but it isn’t hard to adjust
to that.”
Webfoot Influence
Carlos came to Oregon because
of the influence of a Webfoot
friend—“and I like it fine.” He is
majoring in business administra
tion at the present time, although
his chief interest is learning the
English language. At the end of
the 1948-49 year he will go to
Michigan to continue his education.
Back at San Juan, Carlos was a
chemistry major. “College is run
on a different basis in Argentina.
We have three oral examinations
which take place in November,
March, and July. A student can
British Debate
Set October 25
Warren Miller and Jack Miller
will speak for the affirmative of
the question: Resolved, that the
British Empire is decadent. The
combined British Universities De
bating team will argue the nega
tive at a debate October 25 in the
Music auditorium.
Warren Miller is a graduate as
sistant in political science and
veteran of Symposium and inter
collegiate speaking. He was ASUO
vice-president last year, and presi
dent of USA, campus political
party formed last Spring term.
Graduate Student
Jack Miller, a graduate student
in education, is a former intercol
legiate debater at Moorhead col
lege, Kentucky.
The British debate is being spon
sored jointly by the local chapter
of Delta Sigma Rho, national fo
rensic society; education activities,
and the Symposium.
The members of'the British team
will participate in a discussion of
international affairs in room 3
Fenton at 4 p.m. the same day.
flunk the first two, but if he flunks
the July examination—well!”
Students “free”
Another interesting practice in
Argentine colleges is the students
are in no way compelled to attend
classes. A student may stay away
all year with no damage to his
grades—supposing, of course, that
he keeps up on the reading and
passes that crucial July test.
“Instead of living in fraternity
and sorority houses, or in dorms,
students generally live in private
gon way much better.”
Oregon Alumnus
Gets Foreign Post
Melvin L. Alter, a former Univer
sity student, has been appointed as
sociate staff secretary of the secre
tariat general, office of the military
government of the United States in
Berlin, the army announced last
Alter, a transfer from Pacific uni
versity, was a student here in 1939
’40, majoring in business administra
tion. He began work as field audit
or for the Oregon tax commission
in 1941 and later worked for the state
department in Spain and the army
department in Korea.
While in Spain in 194S, he was
manager-catcher for the American
baseball team in Madrid.
Alter’s home is in Hillsboro.
Ducats for Seattle
Game on Sale
Student tickets for the Washing
ton football game in Seattle No
vember 6 are now on sale at the
athletic business office in Mac
court, according to Howard Lem
ons, athletic business manager.
The tickets, of which there is
only a limited number, will sell for
$1.50. Only one ticket will be sold
to each student. Each purchaser
will be required to present the last
ticket from his athletic ticket book
when buying one of the ducats.
Beat List Revised
A revised beat list of Emerald
reporters has been posted in the
Emerald quonset. All reporters,
whether or not they have yet writ
ten for the Emerald, have been
asked by the news editors to check
the list, as several changes have
been made. *
A meeting of reporters will be
held at 6:45 Thursday evening.
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Wesley House
Discussions Set
“University of Life” series will
continue at Wesley house this Sun
day despite of the UO-USC game.
Three different discussion groups
will meet at 6:30. Dr. C. E. Diebel
of Eugene high school will lead
the forum on science and religion.
Mr. J. Spencer Carlson of the
counseling service will lead a sem
inar on “Understanding Our
A former member of the national
labor board and a Eugene attorney,
David C. Shaw, will talk on the
Taft-Hartley bill. Mr. Shaw is par
ticularly well qualified to deal
with his topic due to his experience
with government-labor relations.
Foreign Policy Set
As I.R.C. Subject
The United States foreign policy
will be the discussion topic tonight
at the International Relations club
meeting set for 7:30 p.m. in West
minster house.
Plans for the annual conference
of the Northwestern Federation of
College International Relations
clubs, to be held in Eugene Decem
ber 3 and 4, will be considered at
the meeting.
Committees, housing, program,
and other features of the Decem
ber convention must be organized,
Glenn Morgan, president of the'
University IRC, stressed.
The meeting is open to all stu
dents interested in international af
Med Honorary Meets
Asklepiads, men’s pre-medical
honorary, will meet Thursday at
7:30 p.m. in room 103 Deady. Pros
pective new members will be dis
Tuesday, October 19
Noon—YWCA cabinet meeting
at the Y bungalow.
6:30—Kwama meeting at the
Kappa Kappa Gamma house.
Phi Theta Upsilon meeting at
the Alpha Gamma Delta house.
Alpha Delta Sigma meeting in
room 105 Journalism. All mem
bers and pledges must attend.
7:45—Christian Science organi
zation’s regular service in the
YWCA building, followed by a
special meeting of the members.
4:00—Homecoming dance com
mittee meeting at the Side.
7:00—Intervarsity Christian Fel
lowship meeting in Straub dining
room. This will be an exchange
with Oregon State.
7:30—Interdorm council meeting
at the Side.
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