Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 12, 1948, Page 3, Image 3

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Religious Week
Program Set
For Today
Today’s program for Religious
Evaluation Week includes the fol
lowing events:
7:15 to 7:45 a.m.—Morning wor
ship led by Dr. Harlan Hogue in
the alumni room of Gerlinger hall.
12 noon—Noon forum led by the
Rev. John R. Schroeder in John
Straub dining hall. “Salvation and
the Modern Temper” will "be dis
3:00—The Rev. Dudley Strain
will give > “The Answer of the
Churches’ at a forum in Gerlinger
4:00—Forums in Gerlinger hall.
Doctor Hogue will discuss “The
Meaning of God in Human Exper
ience;” Doctor Henry’s topic is
“Man”; and Dr. J. R. McCullough
will conduct discussions on “The
Reality of Prayer.”
Dinners and firesides will be
conducted in campus living organi
zations by the guest speakers.
Pics Taken Today
Members of Pi Kappa Alpha and
Minturn hall will have pictures
taken today at Kennell-Ellis stu
dio for the 1949 Oregana.
Schedule for the week includes:
Merrick hall, Omega hall—Octo
ber 13.
Hunter hall, Phi Sigma Kappa,
Phi Kappa Sigma—October 14.
Nestor hall—October i5.
Classified Ads
WANTED—Don’t miss the joy of
Campus Capers. Let me type
your themes and papers. 767 E.
15th. Evelyn Craven. Trailer
House. 4c per hundred first 5000
words. 3c per hundred any addi
tional words.
FOR SALE—Bell Disc recorder
complete with saphire needles
and case, $100. Call 6191-R. (19)
FOR SALE—Ladies suits, dresses.
12-16. Phone 5821. (20)
hrs. Sat. night. Inq. Register
Guard Classified Manager, Ph.
6300, Ext. 24.
FOUND — Parker “51” fountain
iPen. Owner identify at 1424
lilt. CARL, F.
Dr. Hague Starts Religious
Week With Early Worship
Dr. Harlan Hogue, instructor at
Scripps college, will open today’s
activities of Religious Evaluation
week by leading the morning wor
ship at 7:15 in Gerlinger hall.
The former traveler in Europe
and Palestine will also be heard at
the 4 p,m. forum, speaking on “The
Meaning of God in Human Exper
ience.” Featured with him at that
time will be Dr. Carl F. Henry,
author and professor at Fuller
Theological Seminary in Pasadena,
California, and Dr. J. R. McCul
lough, from the First Presbyterian
Church in Tacoma, Washington.
Topic “Man”
Dr. Henry’s topic is “Man”. Dr.
Vets Urged
To Memorize
”C" Numbers
Veterans assigned “C” (Claims)
numbers by Veterans Administra
tion are urged to memorize them,
so they can use the numbers read
ily when they write or call VA
about their benefits.
Use of “C” numbers speeds up
service to veterans, VA said.
A number is issued to each vet
eran applying for compensation,
pension, schooling, on-the-job train
ing or other VA-administered bene
fit. The number, appearing on his
case folder, will identfy him in VA
records the rest of his life, and
may be used by dependents after
his death.
Numbers Distinguish
“C” numbers often are the only
means by which VA can distinguish
one veteran from another. With
some 24,000,000 veterans’ names in
VA’s files, many names are dupli
cated thousands of times over.
The files contain 217,000 Smiths,
12,500 of them named John. Also
on file are 38,500 Adams, 960 of
whom are named John Quincy; 7,
000 John Browns; 9,000 William
Browns; 12,00 Bradleys, and 102
When a veteran requests infor
mation from VA pertaining to his
case, his case folder, filed by “C”
number, must be located first. If
he does not know his number, VA
must search its alphabetical index
card file until the veteran’s card is
Wait Explained
From the card, VA obtains his
“C” number. The case folder then
McCullough will discuss “The Real
ity of Prayer.”
This noon Rev. John R. Schroe
der from Linfield college will speak
on “Salvation and the Modern
Temper” in his noon forum at the
John Straub dining room.
Representing the Protestant faith
is Rev. Dudley Strain, who will talk
during the 3 p.m. forum today in
Gerlinger hall. The theme of this
daily session of Religious Evalua
tion Week is “The Answer of the
Rev. Strain has studied in Jeru
salem, and is at present minister
of the First Christian Church in
Speak In Class
Students in history, political
science, religion and literature
classes will hear some of the eight
guest speakers in class today.
These men will also visit campus
living ’organizations to speak at
dinner and hold discussions after
Informal sessions will be held
later at firesides, according to co
Guests Visit
Religious Evaluation week speak
ers will be guests of various cam
pus organization during their stay
at Eugene.
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellow
ship will be host to Dr. Carl F. Hen
ry this evening at 7 o’clock in the
dining room of John Straub hall.
Dr. Henry will speak on “Modern
Man and His Reversals”—a topic
akin to the evaluation week theme.
A holder of five degrees, including
a Ph. D. from Boston University,
the doctor has written several books
on theological subjects.
Another speaker, Father L. H.
Sohler of Springfield, will be a guest
at Friendly house tomorrow at 8:15
p.m., according to Mr. and Mrs.
Jamjes Brant, house supervisors.
Father Sohler will speak on the eval
uation week subject of “Man’s Pre
dicament and God's answer.”
can be located in the files. The
entire procedure is time consum
ing. As a result, the veteran is
forced to wait longer for his in
On the other hand, if the vet
eran knows his “C” number, his
folder can be located immediately
and he usually will receive a reply
in a much shorter period of time.
Come in and jr-ir meals will be served to you in a
jiffy—deliciously prepared, piping hot.
Kampus Kafeteria
7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
1249 Alder
Around the Corner from the Campus
chairmen Pat Williams and Bob
- General chairman of the week
is Warren Webster, with Dave Sea
man acting as adult adviser. Other,
committee heads are:
Velma Snellstrom, program;
Shirley Fossen, hospitality; Ella
Mae Kelley, classroom engage
ments; Gloria Seaman, breakfasts;
Art Johnson, Finance; the New
man club, decorations; Helen Sher
man, publicity.
Ed Heide, Union meeting; Clell
Conrad, forums, Lou Weston and
Mary Grubbs, morning worships;
and Nicky Murphy, book exhibits.
Music School
Slates Messiah
“Prelude to Christmas’’ is the
title which the school of music
gives to its December 5 presenta
tion of Handel's “Messiah.”
Sponsored by the music school
and the University Religious coun
cil, the “Messiah” has been in the
planning- stage for nearly a year.
Taking part in the production will
be the University Symphony Or
chestra, which will play the score,
and the Choral Union. Both groups
will be under the direction of Dean
Theodore Kratt.
Perfecting the vocal part of the
“Messiah” is the term’s work of the
Choral Union. Union members are
not given try-outs—persons with
completely untrained voices are
permitted to take part. At the
present time there are about 500
persons enrolled in the union.
McArthur court will be the scene
of the extravaganza.
Mortar board meeting at 6:45.
p.m. today at the Pi Beta Phi
Gamma Alpha Chi, women’s ad*
vertising honorary, will meet at
4 p.m. Wednesday at the Delta
Gamma house. Important that all
members attend.
There will not be a YWCA cabi
net meeting this noon.
Christian Scientists
To Vote on Building
A vote on the formation of a
building fund for the Christian
Science organization will highlight
the board of directors meeting of
the group tonight, according to
Bob Morton, clerk. The director’s
meeting will follow the regular
Tuesday evening service in the
YWCA cottage at 7:45.
Fish 'n' Chips
Delicious Snacks
Main Highway South
This Is WKere
You Get Them!.
Makes Ideal
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Easy to Carry
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Slgfc 2 for $1.00
13th and Hilyard