WEATHER, Eugene and vicinity. Increasing cloudiness with proba ble rains in the evening. Oregon - VOLUMEL UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1918 NUMBER 4 Bob Don Homecoming Chief Memorial Building Construction Begins Within Next Thirty Days ARCHITECTS’ PLAN OF ERB MEMORIAL UNION BUILDING to be erected for University students on a two block area bounded by 18th, University and Onyx streets. Construction on the building, which will house student offices, combination ballroom-auditorium, and various ft* wmamm recreational rooms, will begin within 30 days by general contractor Ross B. Hammond Co. of Portland. The structure is expected to be finished and ready for student use in approximately one year and a half. The building is self-financed through student fees, gifts, and other funds. Construction of Oregon’s student union building will begin within 30 days, according to Lyle Nelson, di rector of information. The contract was awarded Saturday to the Ross Hammond Co. of Portland. Beginning of construction will mark the successful end to a 25 Seminar On Atomic Energy Starts Today Three University faculty mem bers selected to attend the atomic energy school at Oak Ridge, Tenn., this summer will conduct an inter departmental seminar, “Radioac tivity and Tracer Techniques,” be ginning today at 5 in room 105, Mc Clure. Dr. Donald Swinehart, assistant professor of chemistry; Dr. Ray mond Ellickson, newly appointed dean of the graduate school and professor of physics; and Dr. A. L. Scderwall, assistant professor of of biology, who will take charge of the seminar, were enrolled in an in tensive training course sponsored by the Atomic Energy commission during August. Eight men were sent from the state of Oregon to the national school. The course will be given fall term only, on Tuesday and Thursday af ternoons at 5. Advanced students and members of the science de partment faculty will attend, and others are invited. In addition to the new seminar, the biology department will con duct a research project for the Atomic Energy commission this year, according to Dr. A. H. Kunz, head of the chemistry department. Tracer techniques will also be used in the chemistry and physics de partments. year drive for a student union building. The structure will be complete with the exception of $50,000 furnishings. Money for the furnishings will be raised before the building is com pleted, it is the hope of University officials. The student union will house student offices, a combina tion ballroom-auditorium, banquet and recreation rooms, an art lounge, music listening looms, and other recreational facilities. Memorial to War Dead Named in honor of Ex-University President Donald M. Erb, the building will also be a memorial to University of Oregon men and women lost during both world wars. Contractor Ross Hammond has expressed a desire to move ahead with the construction as soon as Tryouts Slated For First UO Play Tryouts for Guild theater’s pro duction number one will be held this evening at 7:30 in Guild hall, according to Horace W. Robinson, director. The field of prospective scripts has been narrowed down to two, and the announcement of the final decision will be made soon. Guild theater is composed chief ly of drama students; however, any student at the University may try out for theater productions. The forthcoming play begins the drama season on the campus, and affords an opportunity for new talent to enter dramatic activities. Order Of O Meet An Order of the O meeting will be held today at noon at the Sigma Nu house. President Roger Wiley has requested that all members be present. possible. He hopes to complete the building ahead of the one and one half year time estimate. The Erb memorial building will occupy the two block area between Thirteenth and Fourteenth and University and Onyx streets. Earth-turning ceremonies were held at the 25th reunion of the class of 1923, originators of the student union fund drive, at the commencement this spring. Building Self-Financed The building is entirely self fi nanced with student fees, gifts, and other sources. Upon recommendation of the building committee, the state board of higher education approved the awarding of the bids, totaling $1, 723,503. The Hammond low bid was $1,371,793. The mechanical contract was Hawaii Club Meets Members of the Hawaiian club will hold their first meeting of the term at 7 o’clock tonight on the sunporch at Gerlinger hall, Kihei Brown, a member of the group, announced yesterday. given to A. G. Rushlight & Co. of Portland on a low bid of $271,860, and the electrical contract to the Morgan Electric company of Port land for $70,850. Student Recovering From Crash Injury Ralph P. Himmelsbach, Portland, psychology student at the Univer sity, was reported to be improving yesterday from injuries suffered in a glider crash near Portland Sun day. Himmelsbach and his companion, Ralph Angel Jr., also of Portland, were taken to the Hutchinson hos pital in Oregon City after their glider plane reportedly crashed during a test of glider towing which was being conducted by the CAA at the Aurora airstrip. Himmelsbach is a sponsor of Sigma hall. He is a nephey of Mrs. Genevieve Turnipseed, director of dormitories, and a brother of Lois Himmelsbach, a sophomore in lib eral arts. Selection Made From 13 Petitions Bob Don, junior in business ad ministration, was selected last night by the ASUO executive coun cil to head this year’s Homecoming celebration, October 23. Don was chosen from a field of 13. In a new plan being used thi3 year, each person petitioning for the chairmanship position appeared before the council for a special in terview. In the past appointment was made entirely on the basis of information appearing on each asp irant’s petition. The 1948 chairman has served on both Homecoming and' Junior Weekend committees. He is also a member of the varsity basketball team and is affiliated with Beta Theta Pi, social fraternity. This year's Homecoming will fea ture a football game with Washing ton State. Other traditional events at the annual weekend will include* a dance, rally, and a frosh bonfire. According to ASUO President Bob Allen, his office has received 116 petitions from persons desiring to serve on the various Homecom ing sub-committees. _ * 4982 Register At University Registration week ended Satui-. day n0on with 4982 students signed up for classes. This is 285 less than last year’s 5267 at the end of the same period. The total number of registrants in 1947 was 5905. Of the new number, 1489 are women and 3493 men. Men and women new to the University add up to 1737, while 3245 are returning students. Several hundred more people are expected to register before October 2, the last day to add classes, said Registrar Clifford Constance. The system of registration this year inaugurated an appointment system whereby students picked up their material on specified date3 to avoid long lines and crowds. Thursday Deadline For Dance Dates The deadline for house daneo preference dates for the coming year is 5 p.m. Thursday, announced Golda Wickham, assistant director of student affairs, at the campus social chairmen’s meeting yester day. Available house dance dates may be secured at her office in Emer ald hall. Mrs. Wickham said that failure to submit specified dates will cancel any preference desired. Refreshments, Entertainment, Interviews Slated for Oregana Open-House Today at McArthur Court Interviews of prospective Ore gana workers will be included in the open house planned by the year book staff tonight from 7:30 to 9:30. The open house will be held in the Oregana office on the north west corner of McArthur court. It is being arranged so students and faculty members can visit the yearbook offices and see some phases of publication, according to Trudi Chernis, editor. She said the evening will include entertainnment by the Phi Psi trio, refreshments, demonstrations of layout work on the Oregana, and a “tour" across the office's bulletin board. Artwork by Ed Cauduro, art edi tor of the 1949 Oregana, will be on display during the evening'. Ore ganas from previous years will be shown along with annuals from other colleges and universities. Cauduro emphasized that stu dents interested in doing artwork attend the open house. Orders for the 1949 book, to be distributed next spring, will be taken tonight for students who didn't place orders during registra tion. Interviews for Oregana business and editorial workers will also bo conducted during today, Wednes day, and Thursday in the office in. McArthur court. Hours for interviews for editor ial workers are 11 to 12 and 1 to 5 p.m. today, besides the open house; 3 to 5 Wednesday; and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday. Business interviews will be con ducted Tuesday evening and after noon from 3 to 5 p.m.