Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 14, 1948, Page 2, Image 2

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    A Chi Or Kappa, S N Pledge Most
Pledged to fraternities and sor
orities during rush week were 213
men and 254 women, who were hon_
ored Friday, Sept. 10, at the tra
ditional pledge dance. 467 were
pledged in all.
Alpha Chi Omega and Kappa
Kappa Gamma sororities led the
women, each with 21 pledges, fol
lowed by Alpha Delta Pi and Delta
Gamma, with 19 pledges each.
Sigma Chi fraternitiy ed the men
with 17 pledges, followed by Alpha
Tau Omega with 15 pledges and
Sigma Nu and Phi Delta Theta,
each with 14 pledges.
Elrey, Anita Frost, Jeanette Houf,
Beverly Jean Michel, Marilyn
Mitchell and Connie B. Orgill, all
of Portland; Nancy Ann Chase,
Frances Lowry and Jacquelyn Mei
sel, all of Eugene; Barbara Nas
burg, Coos Bay; Margaret Jean
Smith, Dallas; Doris Jean Miller,
Hood River; Carol Monteith, Kla
math Falls; Patricia Finnegan,
Pendelton; Norma Duffy, The Dal
les; Phyllis avis, Troutdale; Betty
Zinn, Willamette; Nancy Wright,
Burlingame, Cal.; LelaDe Jarnette,
Los Angeles, Cal.; June Rowe, Ab
erdeen; Wash., and Carmaine Shed
fer, Seattle, Wash.
Anderson, Margaret Bote, Mari
lyn Horr, Juanita Kelson, Mary
Geraldine Marsh and Jacqueline
Wrenn, all of Portland; Priscilla
Cuthbert and Lois Kathryn
Schmidt, Eugene; Shirley Hillard
and Barbara Williams, Astoria; Sue
Graham, Forest Grove; Barbara
Howard and Mary Joyce Smith,
Grants Pass; Norma Lamoreaus,
Junction City; Ann Butler, Med
ford; Betty Christian, Springfield;
Joanne Baker, Glendale, Cal.; Nan
cy Gribbin, Weiser, Ida.; and Joan
Williams, Toppenish, Wash.
ces Bull, Wiline Bull, Frances Cald
well and Jeanette Meyers, all of
Portland; Lilian Melby and Sherry
Rierdon of Eugene; Donna Clough,
Canyonville; Jo Ann Jarvis, Coos
Bay; Theckla Arthur, Jennings
Lodge; Marian Sexton, Klamath
Falls; Patricia Rilance, Oregon
City; Georgone Shanklin, Rose
burg; Margie Tuggle, SilvertonJ;
Jane Smith, St. Paul; Norma Rae
Smith, The Dales; Shirley Ildstad,
Enumclaw, Wash.; Barbara Etel
ing, Mount Vernon, Wash.; and
Gloria Bailey, Appleton, Wis.
Arnot, Jo Ann Burkett, Ruth Dex
ter, Marian Heath and Patricia
Keep, all of Portland; Judy Hen
drickson, Elaine Nemerousky and
Marilynn Tykeson, all of Eugene;
Margaret Annabil, Grants Pfess;
Norma Jo Smith, Klamath Falls;
Patricia Christian, Lebanon; Mary
Wickman, Los Angeles, Cal.; Mar
ian Christenson, Nampa, Ida., and
Carolyn Wurzburg, Spokane, Wash.
ALPHA PHI: Suzanne Finzer,
Nancy Hodecker, Sally Liehty,
Mary Moser, Barbara Treece and
Karla Van Loan, all of Portland;
Nonda Gustafson and Joyce Pin
ner of Eugene; Starly Sparks, Es
tacada; Carol Udy, Hermiston;
Jocelyn Davis, Lake Grove; Col
leen Rappe, Lebanon; Sally Beck
ett, Mare Island, Cal., and Nancy
Beaver, Redland, Cal.
Huenergard, Marilyn Schuldt and
Virginia Wright, all of Portand;
Caroine Conley, Eugene; Carol
Gray and Laura Ruble, both of
Couquille; Bernice Hansen, Hills
boro; Nancy Haga, Myrtle Point;
Donna C. Anderson and Janet
Hart of North Bend; Joan Staples,
Ontario; Delia Fenton Williams,
Prospect; Nelda Vogel, Union;
Jean Dewees and Mary Dewees of
San Francisco, Cal.; Edith Kading,
Boise, Ida., and Margaret Taylor,
Bellingham, Wash.
CHI OMEGA: Mary E. Hall,
Lorna Larson, Beverly Ostrum and
Maryann Smith, all of Portland;
Patricia Boyle, Eugene; Dolores
Kletzing, Independence; Margaret
Roberts, Lake Grove; Barbara
Yenne, Leaburg; Anana Freeman,
St. Helens; Joan Gorlinski, Sacra
mento, Cal.; Frances Flehr, San
Mateo, Cal.; and Joan Skordahl,
Nampa, Ida.
Clement, Frances Healy, Mary
Penwarden, Joan Risley, Dale
Smith and Joan Thomas, all of
Portland; Lorna Deane Anderson
Marilyn Thompson, Lake Grove;
and Joe Anne Hewitt, Glendale,
Gretchen Grondahl, Fepdleton, Cal.
DELTA GAMMA.: Jacaueline
Chalmers, Barbara' Clerin, Kay
Kuckenberg, Mary Libby Miller,
Louise Moeser, Joan Nelson and
Nancy Weir, all of Portland; Doro
thy Dixon, Sally Ford and Lois
Williams, all of Eugene; Barbara
Honnalcje, Corval'is; -.Yvonne Le
febvre, Lake Grove; Barbara Jones,
Oswego; Joan Hodges, Pendleton;
Betty Bond, Burlingame, Cal.; Ju
die Strain, Fullerton, Cal.; Patricia
O’Harro, Oakland, Cal.; Joan Wil
son, Boise, Ida., and Lois E. Ander
son, Aberdeen, Wash.
DELTA ZETA: Phyllis Calvert,
Coburg; Joy Dean, Hood Rivier;
Pat Mullin, Milwaukie; Donna
Buse, Oregon City; Marian Gordon,
Parkdale; Carol Lapham, Chicog,
Cal.; Gloria Kraft, Grand Junction,
Colo.; Claire Folta, Juneau, Alaska.
ver, Louise Johnson and Carolyn
May Krengel, all of Portland; Joyce
Barker, Dorothy and Joanne Rob
ertson, oil of Eugene; Mary Fran
Lorain, Albany; Virginia Swart,
Astoria; Betty Jo Brannon, Chem
awa; Marian Moore, Couquille; Sue
Keifrin, Klamath Agency;( Ma(ry
Ann Clark and Marilyn Weintrout
of Medford; Jean Stonge, Rose
burg; Josephne Caughell, Crystall
Huntington and Irene McCloed, all
of Salem; Elizabeth Sanders, Alta_
dena, Cal.; Babette Snitzer, Palo
Alto, Cal.; Genevieve Thompson,
Tacoma, Wash., and Patricia Bail
ey, Anchorage, Alaska.
Bailey, Jean Burgess, Mary Mer
rifield, Barbara Metcalf, Sue Mad
dock, Ann Ornduff and Molly Mun
tzel, all of Portand; Colleen Bryan,1
Betsy Stelle and Margery Wood
worth, all of Eugene; Muriel Craig,
Oregon City; Georganne Oberteuf
fer, Oswego; Prances Baum and
Jeanne Hoffman of Salem; Nancy
Hunter, San Bernardino, Cal., and
Renee Johns, Olympia, Wash.
othy Bingham, Margaret Edwards,
Estelle Greer, Betty Hillman, Mari
lyn Hillman, Virginia Kelogg, Sal
ly Lee Lucas, Barbara Needham,
Sally Seley, Sally Stone and Sylvia
Walker, all of Portland; Barbara
Alderman, Catherine Black and
Catherine Fletcher, all of Eugene;
Calista Farrell, Medford; Sue
Bachelder, Prineville; Joan Burgy,
Salem; Elizabeth Prentiss, Berke
ley, Cal.; Joanne Gary, Burlingame,
Cal.; Mary Dunson, Oakland, Cal.,
and Martha Thiele, Wenatchee,
PI BETA PHI: Patricia Arrow
smith, Virginia Bond, Ann Darby,
Lucille Durst, John Enke, Carol
Jewett, Delight Kolar, Marlyn
Thomasno and Janet Weatherall,
all of Portland, Davida Riddell,
Eugene; Lou Ann Chase, Klamath
Falls; Jane Guynes, Oregon City;
Jo >| Anne Gilmore, Salem; Joan,
Manning, Palo Alto, Cal.; Aileen
Betschart, Sacramento, Cal.
SIGMA KAPPA: Joanne Harris,
Carolyn Hill, Kathleen Stryker,
Jane Weber and June Winter, all
of Portland; Shirley Clark, Eu
gene; Nancy Youngblood, Grants
Pass; Lilian Schott, Kinzua; Mary
Havens, Klamath Falls, Ann Moyes,
Lake Grove; Carmelita Cobell, Mc
Minnville; Donna Lestico and Lois
Myers, Springfield; Jean Young,
Bremerton, Wash.; Theda Elbra
der, Seattle; Patricia Honl, Hono
Beatty, Anne Houghton and Mary
Virginia Simmons, all of Eugene.
Joan Hodecker, Redmond; Nancy
Radabaugh, Roseburg; Margaret
Ivie, Sheridan; Rae Enans and
Shirley Thomas of Boise, Ida.
Bentley, John Carson, Bob Cham
bers, Eugene Kuzman, Dick Lee,
Dick Lonie and Dick Montgomery,
all of Portland; Bob Massingill, Al
oha; Robert Kittilson, Astoria; Ar
thur and Gerald Moshofsky of Bea
verton; Byron Haevernick, Forest
Grove; Jack Graham, Newport; J.
T. Hamilton, Lebanon, and Eddie
Glass, Van Nuys, Cal.
ton, George McMath, Ralph Dick
ey, and Dick Unis, all of Portland;
Robert W. Crites, Albany; Malcom
Marsh, McMinnville; Richard D.
Barber and Donald S. Pickett, of
Salem; George Shandera, Hoquiam,
Wash.; William L. David, Mt Ver
non, Wash., and James E. Pierce,
CHI PSI—Radcliffe Devignier
Bealey, James.R. Cooksey, Charles
Johnson, Richard K. McLaughlin
and Kenneth W. Saxon Jr., all of
Portland; David A. Ramstaed, Eu
gene; Paul T.-Patterson Jr., Hills
boro; Donald V. Young, Salem;
William E. Dunbar, Rio Vista, Cal.;
(Please turn to page seven)
See you at registration when you. buy that Oregana
Change Announced
In Co-op Rebate
Rebate slips of the University
Co-op will be collected in a new
method this year, according to G.
L. Henson, manager of the store.
Students will save their own re
ceipts in an envelope supplied by
the Co-op. The envelope, containing
all the individual member’s receipts,
will then be turned in to the Co-op
at the end of the year.
Any s tudent registered at the
University, or any organization,
may join the Co-op. Membership
fee is $1 and is refunded with the
The new plan will cut down ex
penses and avoid confusion, it is
Hanson’s belief, since it will no
longer be necessary to sort and file
the receipts.
(Continued from page one)
turn to McArthur court for student
affairs endorsement and other final
Delays Possible
The registrar warned students
and advisers that considerable de
lay can be caused in enrollment if
the adviser-student certification
slips which are included in the ma
terial are offered for endorsement
with erasures or are otherwise
marked. A new card must be filled
out and signed by the adviser, if it
is found in error, he stateed.
Students veterans under public
law 16 are to report to the Veter
ans Administration, second floor
Emerald hall, to receive authoriza
tion for training. This is to be done
after class cards are stamped and
before the last steps of registration
are attempted.
Co-op Favorable
At the University Co-op store,
Miss Ada Zinser, manager of the
text book department, said the new
appointment 1 egistration system
had eased work there considerably.
Veterans yesterday found shorter
lines and consequently faster ser
vice, as did other students.
Miss Zinser said the Co-op this
fall had 45,000 volumes of texts.
Books have been much more avail
able this year than during the war,
she said. Some have been on order
since July 1, and for the most part
all books will have arrived in time
for classes next week, it was re
Thirty-five employees are assist
ing in the textbook department dur
ing the rush period.
Acute Shortage
In Off-Campus
Housing Looms
An acute shortage of [temporary
and permanent off-campus housing j
was reported Monday by Karl On
thank, associate director of student
affairs in charge of off-campus
housing. Onthank said students
seeking housing have made ap
pointments at his office through
Tuesday afternoon and that several
hundred single men and married
veterans are without rooms.
Temporary housing would take
care of a large number of men who
must have a place to stay while
waiting for dormitory rooms which
will be made available by those
who fail to return to school.
All University housing is taken.
The waiting list dates back to May
1947, it was said. One University
housing official predicted recently
that lack of a place to live would
prevent 500 married veterans from
continuing their education.
Onthank said some rooms in Eu
gene have been made available, but'
that low-cost housing is still woe
fully short. He expressed thanks to
Eugene residents who have opened
their homes to students, and said
he “very much appreciated’’ their
cooperation, especially where tem
porary housing is concerned.
Memberships Open
In Music Group
Faculty members who wish to
join the civic music association
must do so not later than this week,
according to G. E. Gaylord presi
Active in the association are Rob
ert Allen, president of the associa
ted student body; Art Johnson, jun
ior representative on the A.S.U.O.
council; Dick Williams, educational
activities manager; Dr. Earl M.
Pallett, assistant to the president;
and Mrs. Robert D. Horn.
The yearly subscription rate for
adults is $6.15. Students are ad
mitted to concerts by their student
body activity books.
The group has presented 31 con
certs in the last 4 years, including
the Minneapolis Symphony orches
tra; the Philadelphia orchestra; Jo
seph Szigghetti, Isaac Stern, violin
ists; Artur Rubenstein, pianist;
and many others.
Come One..
..Come All
Powder blue, Navy blue, Black, White,
Green, Brown, Grey, Yellow.
pegged legs.
blacks, greens, whites