APPLICATIONS for Emerald news and ad staff positions accepted to day at Emerald Shack—next to Journalism building. VOLUME L UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 NUMBER I New System Registers 609 New Rally Teams On Toni 1 Girls and men interested in being members of the 1948-49 Oregon rally team will .save a chance to show their ability to night at 8:80 in Gerlinger annex. Alex Murphy, chairman of the rally board, has announced that each person trying out will be asked to perform at that time. Murphy emphasized that fresh man girls desiring to try out should come to the meeting fol lowing the student affairs as sembly, also slated for tonight. He explained that this is the first time that freshman girls will have a chance to try out, as the rally team has formerly been chosen spring term. The rally board is a seven place planning group, set up for this year by the executive council as follows: Yell King Marv Horenstein; three upper-class members-at-large; Alex Murphy, chairman of the board, Joanne Prydenlund, Bill Monroe; Kwama president Ann Case; Skull and Dagger president Barry Moun tain;' and the Executive committee representative, Ed Anderson. The board will operate with a budget from the athletic business office. Additional funds will be rais ed from rally dances and by sale of the new girls’ Eton rallie-lids. Ap pointing the rally squad will be a duty of the board. The board will have complete supervision of all rally activities. Committee chairmen for hand ling this year’s rally activities have been announced. They are Sally Moore, secretary; Mildred Chctty and Jack Schnaidt, wel coming; Norm Morrison and Denny Marvin; Margery Weeks and Jim Bocchi, decorations; Jack Hecht, promotion; Bill Walker, equipment; John Holt, Mascot; Fred Young, publicity. These selections were made from petitions turned in spring term. The board has asked for the student body’s cooperation, with which help they promise to back an even more successful athletic year. Morse to Speak Senator Wayne Morse will speak at the Eugene press club meeting tonight at 8 p.m. in the Dey Rey cafe. Senator Morse promises to give some off-the-record observa tions about the coming elections and will attempt to answer any questions put to him by the audi ence. Board Grins Over Future Rallies Donald M. Dushane, dean of student affairs, stands at the left of the newly organized rally board. from left to right are Marv Horenstein, Barry Mountain, Bill Monroe, Ann Case, Ed Anderson, Murphy, chairman of the board, and Joanne Frydenlund, seated. (Photo by L. V. Nuttman.) Others | Alex Activity Books Available Now To (JO Students Student activity books are avail able to students registered in the University, Howard Lemons, ath letic business manager has an nounced. The books, which admit students to athletic and other Uni versity affairs, may be picked up at a booth in McArthur court near the north entrance. Books should be picked up before Saturday, as a ticket from them will be necessary for student ad mission to the Santa Barbara State football game. The registering pro- I cess must be completed prio/to ob taining the book. Sign Own Book To protect the owner in case of loss, Lemons warned, each student must sign his own name to his book. This year the book number will not correspond to the student’s rgistration card number. Late reg istrants may pick their books up at gate 16 Saturday. Admission for wives of student veterans to football games this sea son will be based on one-half of the reserved seat price—making this price for the Santa Barbara game $1.20. Seating Traditions No special section will be pro vided for couples, according to Lemons. Student seating tradition at games is under the supervision of the Order of O. Women to Wear Lids at Grid Games Women’s rooters lids! This is the never-done-before in novation to be introduced this year by the rally board, according to Chairman Alex Murphy. Reversible, kelly-green and lemon, and defin itely no men's rooters • lids, the women’s lids are on sale in the Co op and at McArthur court by Kwa ma and Skull and Dagger. They will replace the formerly tradition al pom-poms. Homecoming Head Petitions Sought Petitions for Homecoming chairman and for Homecoming ing committee heads will be ac cepted until Thursday, ASUO President Bob Allen announced yesterday. Final selections will be announced next Monday by the ASUO executive council. The petitions which should be submitted to Olga Yevtich at the Alpha Xi Delta house will be con sidered by a special subcommit tee of the University executive council. Personal interviews will be conducted by fhe subcommit tee before selections will be an nounced. The executive council will meet tomorrow to decide whether Homecoming committees will be selected by the Homecoming chairman or by the ASUO presi dent. Choral UnionPlans'M essiah'Con cert A presentation of Handel’s ora torio, “The Messiah,” is planned this year by the University Choral Union, according to Dr. Theodore Kratt, dean of the school of music. This will be the first year in seven that the school of music has been able to give a mass voice presenta tion. Dean Kratt said he expected about 450 voices in the concert and it would be given sometime after the end of fall term. He said, all stu dents who are interested are wel comed for application at the school of music. Although not necessary, students may register for Music 197 or Music 397 and will receive one hour credit for participation, said Dean Kratt. Rehearsals will be held in the music building auditorium at 3:00 Tuesdays and Thursdays. “The Messiah” will be given in McArthur court and will be accom panied by a full orchestra. Later concei ts may be planned, according to Dean Kratt. Dean Kratt was instrumental in presenting “Elijah” by Mendelssohn eight years ago. The chorus at that time attracted national interest. Seven years ago, he led a 600-voice choir in “The Messiah.” Since that time, the University has not of fered a mass voice chorus concert. Emerald Calls For Writers, Ad Workers Prospective Oregon Daily Em erald news and business staff members will register for posi tions on the paper today and Thursday, Editor Bill Yates an nounced last week. Special regis tration booths will be set up in the Emerald quonset hut, and in terested students will be inter viewed and asked to fill an appli cation form. Previous newspaper experi ence, either on the Emerald or elsewhere, is desirable but not necessary, Yates said. About 75 students will be need ed as reporters and copy desk and night staff workers, Editor Yates estimated. Those registered as re porters will be assigned news or special beats to cover. Copy desk and night staff workers will al ternate daily, so that each student need devote only one afternoon or evening each week to the paper. An additional 75-100 students will be registered for work on the advertising' side of the Emerald, according to Business Manager Virgil Tucker. Advertising solici tors and layout workers will, be especially needed, Tucker said, with each staff member working one day of the week, or more, if interested. Information covered in the Em erald application forms include the student’s class, major field of study, previous Emerald experi ence, and any high school or out side newspaper experience. Oreganos Offered Orders for the 1949 Oregana are being taken at registration in McArthur court this week, ac cording to Editor Trudi Chernis. The yearbook will be distributed to purchasers near the end of spring term and will contain a complete record of this year’s events at the University. First Day's Enrollment Said Brisk By EVELYN NILL A new system of registration re quiring appointment for students to pick up registration material lias proved a boon to fall term en rollment, Registrar Clifford Con stance said yesterday. Six hundred and nine students completed regis tration yesterday. Lines are short er and move faster and the system appears to be an all-around im provement over long queues of tir ing registrants of previous terms, it was reported. Constance said yesterday that it would have been possible for 1,250 old students and 2,600 new students to have picked up material during An information booth for freshmen and other students will be set up in front of Friend ly hall by Alpha Phi Omega, na tional service fraternity. Mem bers will man the booth through the week until Saturday noon. They will have information con cerning location of various de partments and registration pro cedures, Virgil Tucker, president, said. Sunday and Monday. With alarge. number of freshmen required to undergo entrance exams and other requirements, and with some old students undoubtedly failing to re turn Monday, total enrollment for the day was expected to fall far short of the highest possible num ber. 767 Last Fall The first day of freshman week last fall term saw 767 students complete registration. Enrollment for the term totaled 5,905, the all time record. This term’s total wan not expected to reach that number. Constance earlier forecast a freshman class of 1,600 entering* this fall, 2,000 sophomores, 600 jun iors, and 800 seniors. In the gradu ate school, 400 students are expect ed, and there will be about 100 stu dents and auditors. Only 2,500 vet erans are expected to enroll, as compared with the 3,100 attending last year. Crowding Unnecessary Desks where registration mate rial was picked up in McArthur court were jammed for a short time the first of the morning and afternoon, but Constance said it was unnecessary for students to crowd during the opening hours as they would not be required to stand so long if coming shortly after. Old students pick up material on the date appointed by the regis trar’s office. After consulting ad visers and receiving the required department stamps, students re (Please I urn to page tivo) Board to Open Bids On Expansion Plans Bids for the student union build ing, a second balcony for McArthur court, and a south horseshoe for Hayward field will be opened to morrow at the state board of higher education meeting in Portland, ac cording to Dick Williams, educa tional activities manager. “Whether or not work on the structures will become a reality,” declared Williams, “should be known within a short time.” Williams left Eugene yesterday to attend the meeting this morning at the Benson hotel. i