Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 20, 1948, Page 3, Image 3

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    Wesley Group
Plans Outing
Picknicking, swimming, dancing
and sports will be the order of the
day Saturday as Wesley founda
tion holds its annual picnic in hon
or of the graduating seniors who
have been active in the Wesley or
Cars will leave the house at 2
p.m. and go directly to McCredie
Springs, near Oakridge,, where the
grounds, swimming facilities and
Softball, volleyball, and other
games will be provided for those
who do not wish to swim in the af
ternoon. The picnic dinner will be
served at 6 p.m. Total cost for the
day, including transportation will
be $1. All interested students are
invited. All those planning to at
tend are asked to sign up at Wesley
house, or-phone 35, before Friday
'Come and Get It, Men'
(Continued from pune one)
Crouch, Phil Patterson, Don Stan
ton, George Bell, Hal Schick, Rob
Rasmussen, Bob Sanders, Jerry
Switzer, Peter Hill, Barry Moun
tain, Bob Taggassell, Don Noel,
Herb Bachofner, Bill Peckover, Don
Bob Wallace, Bill Monroe, Bob
Powell, John Kaufman, Jim Cox,
Bob Neiderholzer, Walt Kirsch, Mo
Thomas, Sam McKinney, Hank
Kinsell, Reedy Berg, Jerry O’Leary,
Jack Morrow, Art Milne, Bob
Burns, John Miller, Roger Mock
ford, Dave Holloman, Ralph Strat
ford, Tom Bennet, Fred Young,
Dick Lyncer, Les Williams, Wal
lace Berning, Tom Dryden.
Don Boots, Bill Marshall, Roy
Baughman, Bill Cobb, Dick Savi
nar, Chester Lowry, Bob Oas, Bob
Don, Bob Matteson, Perry Hollo
man, Shelton Sessions, Richard C.
Williams, Michael Callahan, Elwin
Paxson, Warren Fleming, Alan
McEachern, Bill Hollenbeck, Don
ald Renwick.
Cricket fights are a a favorite
sport in China.
Emerald Classified
AH classified is payable advance at tbs
rate of four cents a word the first insertion,
two cents a word thereafter at the Emerald
Business Office.
Classified deadline is 4:00 p.m. the day
Wior to publication.
RIDE: Los Angeles via Crader
Lake, Tahoe, and Yosemite.
Leave June 12# One passenger.
Share expences. Contact Mar
vin Funk, Stitzer hall. Ex. 382.
LIKE NEW: ’40 Stude Comman
der deluxe sedan. Mechanically
perfect and clean. Drop card to
A1 Coutant. Rt 4, box 14 or see
at Riverbank Park. (140)
FOR RENT: Garage for rent near
campus. Call 2693. (138)
FOR SALE: White dress coat size
39 long, $25. Tweed suit 39 long.
Double breasted 40 long. YMCA
office. (139)
FOR SALE: $65.00 value for $53.
Noiseless Underwood typewriter.
Excellent condition, Phone 6479
after 5:30 p. m.
QUALIFIED: Spanish language
instructor for special tutoring
Reasonable rates. Call 5420, desk
I. (140)
LOST: Wallet containing money
badly needed Contact Norman
Williamson at Phi Kappa Psi.
Reward offered. (139)
One day service. Call Nolph’s
Salon. Phone 5847-W. Laraway
Bldg. (150)
FOR SALE: $65 00 value for $53.
Noiseless Underwood typewriter,
excellent condition. Phone 6479
after 5:30 p. m. (138)
Voting Place Listed
For Many Students
Nine additional campus living
organizations have been added to
Eugene voting precincts for the
Oregon primaries tomorrow, ac
cording to information received
from the Lane county clerk's of
Pi Kappa Phi will be included
in precinct 20, with voting head
quarters at the residence at 618
E. 11th street. Nov/ zoned in pre
cinct 24 are Ann Judson house,
Rebec house, Hendricks hall, Su
san Campbell hall, and Gerlin
ger hall. These houses will vote
at University high school at 16th
and Alder. Highland house, Uni
versity house, and Thacher cot
tage will vote in precinct 25 at
Condon school, 1550 Moss street.
The polls will remain open
from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. tomorrow.
Orides Plan Tea
Orides will present a tea for
seniors from University, Eugene,
and Springfield high schools at
3:30 p.m. today. The tea will be at
alumni hall, Gerlinger. Campus
clothes will be in order.
There are more than 25,000
school bands and orchestras in
United States schools, according to
the National Association of Music
Music Program
Set for Sunday
Students of the music school will
present the first two acts of “Han
sel and Gretel” in costume this
Sunday at 8 p.m. in the music
school auditorium. No admission
will be charged.
In addition scenes from "La Bo
heme” and “Tosca” will be sung.
Denton Rossell, voice teacher
whose students will perform in the
program, is staging the scenes.
In the three-act “Hansel and
Gretel” Barbara Detrick will sing
Hansel, Mary Hawkins will be cast
as Gretel, Barbara Heartfield and
Don Jordahl will carry the roles of
the mother and father, and Marilyn
Griffith will sing the part of the
Two large scenes from “La Bo
heme” and “Tosca,” also presented
in costume, and with dramatic
form, will have James Kays, Janet
Nielsen, Millard McClung and Jean
Lichty carrying leading roles.
Accompanists for the program
will be Helen Hudson and Millard
Jefferson county, Wis., boasts a
record of having more dairy cows
to the square mile than any other
county in the United States.
mSHViam torn
Order early Thursday for Friday Delivery
39 E. Broadway_Phone 2309
for the
If you have no ideas, well furnish
12th and Alder on the Campus
Phone 6570
Theta Sigs Plan Meeting
An iimportant meeting of Theta
Sigma Phi will be held at 4 p.m.
today in 104 Journalism building,
Maryann Thiclen, president of the
organization, said yesterday. She
requested that all members of the
national professional fraternity at
reasonably priced
Last week to get your FREE chance on a 1948 four
door Kaiser sedan
Phone 5859-W 3410 Hi-Way 99S
Sun Twins
packaged "| 25 J
together, JL pIu* •- ^
tan naturally with LIQUID SUNSHINE
Permits the most glorious tan.
Efficiently screens out the sun’s
burning rays. Fragrant, non-greasy.
Contains a powerful jungle-tested
insect-repellent An ideal protection
for children...for the whole family!
look lan with SUN TINT
Cleverest “make-believe”! A "must”
to start summer with an instant “tan.”
To mask patchy spots later on. Won’t corns
off on clothes. Allow to dry thoroughly.
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