•. r ' The Weather n Bad for baseball ... cloudy Sat- I ITI TinfllkT CdtTipUS Politics urday with rain by evening. I H LB ■ I I I 1% I Mostly cloudy Sunday with I I I I B||*bB I I %| For an entertaining idea see edi* scattered showers. BL U BU A ^B torial, page 2. . VOLUME XLIX UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. EUGENE. SATURDAY. MAY 15. 1948 XL'.MHKin35 UO Professor Emeritus Succumbs After Illness 'Grand Old Man/ Dr. Henry Sheldon Authored "History of University" One of the “grand old men” of the University of Oregon. Dr. „ Henry Davidson Sheldon, died yes terday. He had been ill for several months. . Associated with the University since 1900, Dr Sheldon was known throughout Oregon as a scholar, » author, and educator He is es pecially known for his “History of the University of Oregon, 1872 *■ 1939” and was for many years dean of the school of education. Of his death Dr. Harry K. New burn said that “the entire Univer sity community mourns the pass ing of one of the truly great figures in the history of the in stitution. Contributed Much “The long period of service covered by Dr. Sheldon’s activi * ties in this University coupled with his wisdom and insight gave him _ the opportunity to make a most unique contribution to the develop ment of the University and to the welfare of the state.” Coming to the University in 4 1900 as an associate professor of education, he was advanced to full professor in 1907. He served in * this capacity until he went to the University of Pittsburgh as a pro fessor of history of education in * 1911. Dean of School of Education Dr. Sheldon returned to the Uni versity in 1914 to become dean of the school of education. He held . this position until he became re search professor of history and education in 1932. In 1942 he be ' (Please turn to page three) Gilbertson New : IFC Adviser John Gilbertson, first-year stu ■> dent in the school of law, was cho sen as graduate-adviser to the In terfraterni'ty council this week. Gilbertson has served as president of the council during the past year, - has been president of Pi Kappa Al pha and a member of Friars. He succeeds Bill Moshofsky, * third-year student in the school of law, who has been graduate-advis . er for the past two years. Editing Class To Hear Brogan Philip F. Brogan, city editor of the Bend Bulletin, will address members of of the senior editing class at 9 a.m. Monday on “Science in the News,’* according to Dean George S. Turnbull of the journal ism school. Brogan, who graduated from the University of Oregon in 1923, has long been interested in the field of science reporting and writing. He is author of many features on geol ogy, paleontology, and other scien tific subjects. He will also talk to reporting classes. Brogan will be the third in a re cent series of speakers to appear before journalism classes. Marshall N. Dana, editor of the editorial page of the Oregon Journal, spoke to the class yesterday on the prob lems of writing and editing a news paper editorial page. He also addressed the journalism and public opinion classes on his recent trip to Washington, D. C., for a meeting of the American So ciety of Newspaper Editors. ASUO Nominations Open Wednesday The ASUO nominating assembly will be held at 7:30 p.m. May 19 in McArthur court, First Vice-Presi dent Warren Miller announced yes terday. Petitions for ASUO nominations must be in the hands of President Stan Williamson before midnight, May 17, he said. Petitions should include the name of the candidate, scholastic standing, position applied for, and an eligibility slip. Elections will be held Monday, May 24. Emerald Serfs Picnic Sunday The 29th annual Emerald retreat featuring relaxation from the stress of a trying year, will high light the social calendar tomorrow. The picnic, to be held on the banks of Willamette at Fiji Meadows, will be open to all Emerald work ers and their close associates. Shackrats planning to attend the social functiton must sign up on the lists in the Emerald quonset before noon today if they plan to eat any of the items on the delicious menu. Eats Slated The food and refreshments are definitely inviting, Beverage Chair man Bill Stratton and Food Chief Jeanne Simmonds promise. A small fee will be collected from each guest, it was announced yesterday. All Emeraldites planning to at tend, including ad side, news side, and night staff, are to meet at the shack at 10 a.m. Sunday morning, and transportation will be provid ed for those without wheels. Autos Asked Emerald workers with cars are asked to contact Marilyn Turner at 947 sometime today, if they are able to take students to the picnic. “Good clean funsies will be the order of the day,” Bert Moore and Stratton, gridiron coaches, have as sured the picnickers, with a foot ball game climaxing the afternoon. Scholarship Blanks Applicants for Mortar Board and Phi Theta Upsilon scholarships may pick up blanks at the dean of women’s office. The scholarships, awarded annually to junior women, are due May 19. Dewey Edges Stassen in Survey By MICHAEL CALLAHAN Eugene voters favor Thomas E. Dewey by a slight margin over Harold Stassen in the current race for the Republican presidential nomination. This was the conclusion shown in a random telephone survey con ■ ducted early this week in the Eu gene city area. A total of 234 per * sons were quizzed by the poll, per sons selected because their names appeared among the first five list ed in the upper right-hand pages of the telephone directory. Republicans Contacted Of the 154 Republican voters contacted by the survey team, 67 said they would vote for Candidate Dewey, while 65 spoke for Stas sen. Twenty-two others said they were undecided. In the Oregon governor's race, 91 of the Republicans indicated ■**, they would vote for Hall, the pres ent governor, 15 others favored McKay, and 5 said they would sup port Ackerman, Candidate Peyton received not a single supporting vote from those polled, but 43 per sons admitted they are still unde cided. Newbry Supported Present secretary of state New bry received overwhelming support for his renomination according to poll results. Candidate Newbry re ceived 85 supporting ballots in the survey, while his opponent, Flagg, won only 9. Sixty other Republican voters said they are still undecided between the two. In the only question where Dem ocratic and Republican votes fig ured alike, the Lane county plan for a county manager was defeated by a narrow margin of 3 votes. Sev enty persons contacted, including voters of both parties, were against the plan, while 67 spoke in favor of it. The issue could still be decided I either way, however, as 97 others have not yet made up their minds as to which side to support. Every effort was made to keep the questions that were asked on an impartial tone, and the prepared list was examined and approved by Warren C. Price of the University school of journalism. The survey team was composed of Art Wah lers, Annie Bennett, Sam McKin ney, A1 Thomas, Sallie Timmens, Larry Lau, Connie Kamm, Lloyd Kinsey, and Roscoe Hurst. Of the 234 persons contacted, 70 were men and 164 were women. These gave their party preferences as 22 male Democrats and 58 fe male Democrats, and 48 male Re publicans and 106 female Republi can voters. The survey team cov ered letters A, B, C, D, F, H, K, L, M, P, S, T, W, and Y, in the tele phone directory. Harold Stassen Returns For Pre-Primary Speech Harold I',. Stassen will be on the Oregon campus this morn ing from about 10:15 to 10:30. lie will leave the University to speak at 1 1 in the city park blocks across from the county court house downtown. arren Richey, head of the Stassen for President club on the campus, and Jim Thayer, head of all the Oregon college Campus Voting Due on PNCC's 12 Resolutions A significant expression of col legiate opinion on international af fairs will be made by University of Oregon students on Monday, Tues day, and Wednesday of next week All-University voting on the 12 PNCC resolutions will be conducted in living organizations, some L. Arts classes and at the Co-op, and YMCA under the guidance of tire newly established University Council on Political Affairs Members of four service organi zations will be in charge of PN CC voting at house meetings in living organizations on Monday and Tuesday and at the Co-op and YMCA for off-campus students on Tuesday and Wednesday. Co-ofl and YMCA polls will be open fronf 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Only Chance Bob Allen, PNCC representative, emphasized that this is the only chance for University students as a group to express their views and make positive suggestions on America’s conduct of her share of international relations. The two Pacific Northwest college congress representatives who will be presented to the Unit ed Nations organization as official PNCC delegates this summer will be armed with the results of Paci fic-northwest collegiate voting. They will appear as representa tives of over 70,000 potential voters and political leaders, and in that capacity will carry a great deal of political weight with United Na tions officials. Report Kmphasiy.es A report given by one of last year’s PNCC United Nations dele gates to the PNCC group in their moeting at Whitman last term, emphasized the rather surprising respect with which their statement of collegiate views was received: In discussing the political power wielded by college students repre sented at the PNCC, Allen pointed out that it is the duty and respon sibility of all students to make an intelligent expression of their opin ions via the PNCC resolutions. Al len concluded “If they don't vote, and then the action taken by the United Nations and the American congress meets with their disap proval, they have only themselves to criticize because of their laxity in expressing their opinions. “The best informed voters in the nation are probably college stu dents; and their whole-hearted par ticipation is due both their nation and themselves. University of Ore gon students should realize this re sponsibility, accept it, and vote on the PNCC resolutions.” Members of Kwama and Phi Theta Upsilon are assisting with the balloting. Stassen movements, are in charge of arrangements for the presiden tial hopeful's visit to the Univer sity. Due at 9:45 Stassen will arrive by plane at 9:45 and be greeted on behalf of the city, Republicans, and the Uni versity and Lane county Stassen for President clubs. Republican candidates for local office will be introduced previous to the Stassen speech in the park. Mayor Earl McNutt of Eugene will introduce the Minnesotan. Wants Delegates Stassen is stumping Oregon in quest for 12 delegates to the Re publican national convention next month in Philadelphia. He entered the Oregon campaign three days earlier than he had planned, due to the strength being shown by Thom as Dewey. The Oregon primary on May 21 will be tlie first contest between the two in which both men have actively campaigned. To Springfield After his downtown speech Stas sen will leave Eugene for Spring field, where he will eat lunch at the Greenwood restaurant. At 1:30 he will continue his journey on a flight to Salem. la charge of arrangements for the four-hour stay is James Rod man Jr., head of the Lane County Stassen for President club. Four Bits'll Get You 12 Twisties Phi Theta Upsilon sponsored twistie sale will begin Monday at 8 a.m. The booths will be located in the main buildings on the campus and twisties will be sold at the YW at noon on both Monday and Tuesday. Each living organization will also serve twisties at one meal. o Cents Apiece Ann Goodman and Ann Morton, co-chairmen of the sale, announced that twisties will sell for five cents apiece, or fifty cents a dozen. A. representative from each women’s living organization will arrange the schedule and take care of after hour sales. Men’s living organiza tions will not have after hour sales. Chairmen of the committee are: Ruth Landry, posters; Jackie Hinds and Barbara Ness, booth sales; Donna Mary Brennan and Joan Wagenblast, house sales; Barbara Hamilton and Carolanne Wall, distribution; Connie Jackson, publicity; and Jean Armstrong, cleanup. Art annual affair, the twistie salo is managed by freshman women. Dean Little Returns Dean S. W. Little of the school of art and architecture retur ned to his office Monday from a week’s stay in Los Angeles where he attended the annual conference of the Pa cific Coast Artists association. i