Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 11, 1948, Page 3, Image 3

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    Junior Weekend Award Winners
Jordis Benke, junior in journalism, is shown at the left about to re
ceive the Gerlinger cup from Golda P. Wickham, dean of women.
The presentation, which is awarded to the outstanding women in
the junior class, was made at the Junior prom last Saturday night.
Also awarded at the prbm was the Koyl cup to Roger Wiley (center
photo) for the outstanding man in this year’s junior class. Wiley is
majoring in history. Pictured at the right is the Sigma Phi Epsilon
Susan Campbell float which carried off top honors in the Junior
Weekend parade Saturday afternoon. (Photos by Kirk Braun)
Honoraries Tap
New Members
At Picnic
Friars, Druids, Asklepiads, and
members of Mortar Board tapped
new membeers at the all-campus
picnic Saturday afternoon.
New membeers of Mortar Board,
senior women’s honorary, are Mrs.
Golda P. Wickham, honorary mem
ber, Beth Baslefi, Janet Beigal, Tru
di Chernis,_June Goetze, Nancy Pe
terson, Olga Yevtich, Laura Olson,
Ann Woodworth, Betty Jane (Bep)
McCourry, Jordis Benke, Beverly
Pitman, and Roberta Brophy.
Friars, senior men’s honorary,
tapped Morvin Thomas, Marvin
• Rasmussen, Donald McNeil, Wil
liam Yates, Roger Wiley, and War
ren Miller.
The junior men’s honorary, Dru
ids, tapped Warren Davis, Edward
Anderson, Arthur Johnson, James
Wallace, Bill Duhaime, Laurence
Davidson, William Monroe, .Mi
chael Mitchell.
Side Patter _
(Continued from page two)
down to date K. Sig Chuck Stamper
. . . Theta Chi Marv Butterfield of
Vanport dancing with KKG’s Bar
bara “Scorehy” Blaezing.
Phi Delts Bob Lavey and Elwin
Paxson the proud escorts of their
mothers . . . SAE Ed Anderson with
Alfa Fie’s Princess Mary Hande
lin . . . Kappa Cyn Griffin with
Sigma Chi Connie Schmidt, and Pi
Phi Elaine Loftus dating ATO Don
Eastburn . . . ChiO June Bosworth
dancing with Chi Psi Bill Ellison,
and Tri Delt Jo Beallan with Sig
ma Chi Bob.Hammel.
DG Mary Lou Miller up from
California to see? her fiance Phi Psi
Rus Rohwer, aiid visiting from Sac
ramento were ChiO Elaine Taylor
to see Sigma Ny Don Shaeffer and
Gamma Fie-Mary Lou Anderson at
the Prom with EeeGee Dave Blunt
, . . AlfaFie Sue Schoenfelt dating
Phi Psi Basil Kokus . . . ChiO
Gretta Skillern ‘promming it with
SAE Mac McTlieisen . . . Christi
anne Beylier with. Sigma Chi Bill
Johnson. »
ATO Pete Miller seen carousing
on the end of ai rope by the SAE
sleeping porch.pt an earlier hour
in the AM. J
Those mid-teiyn grades . . . read
’em and weep over a beer or a coke
at the College Side.
Sophomores Slip, Slide, Stumble
To Claim Win in Tug of War
Sophomores, with a superior show of strength from the begin
ning, claimed a decisive victory over the frosh in the traditional
Junior Weekend tug-of-war battle Saturday morning. According to
the recollections of campus old-timers and other authorities, this is
the first sophomore victory in the history of the event.
An oozy mud bath was the climax of the battle for each of the
feated freshmen who later succeeded in dragging a few of their
opponents into the muck.
Approximately 300 spectators witnessed the battle in addition to
interested Fijis who watched the activity on their lot in safety from
upstairs windows.
4 p.m.: House librarians’meeting
at Westminster house.
5 p.m.: Kwama meeting at the
Kappa Alpha Theta house. Mem
bers are asked to bring sack lunch
5:15 p.m.: Phi Theta Upsilon
meeting at Susan Campbell. Mem
bers are asked to bring sack lunch
6:45 p.m.: Newman club meeting
in Gerlinger annex.
Hui O Kamaaina meeting 7 p.m.
men’s lounge, Gerlinger hall.
8 p.m.: Dames meeting at the
YMCA. Bridge will be played.
Government Pays
Thesis Costs for Vet
Veteran students who are grad
uating with bachelor degrees and
honors, which require the present
ing of a thesis, may get material
for the thesis at the expense of the
government, J. D. Kline, assistant
registrar, reminded veterans yes
Such a thesis is a required por
tion of work for the degree and ap
plication for government sponsor
ship of the project must be made by
May 10, he said.
Ad Staff
Assistant Day Manager:
Layout Manager:
Errand Boy: ■' ' • rr
Kafer to Interview
For 'Scouts7 Jobs
Opportunities for professional vo
cations in Girl Scouting will be
discussed by Mrs. Marjorie Kafer,
community scout adviser, in inter
views with interested University
students on Friday. The interviews
will be conducted between 10 a.m.
and 3 p.m. by appointment made
with the graduate placement sec
Openings for Girl Scout workers
are still plentiful in the Northwest
and in all other parts of the coun
try, according to Mrs. Kafer. The
qualifications listed for success in
Girl Scout professions include col
lege training and training or expe
rience in group leadership and ex
perience as a member of a camp
Susie, Sig Ep's
Hansel & Gretel
Parade Victor
Gingerbread house from Hansel
and Gretel won the 1948 Junior
Weekend parade trophies for Su
san Campbell hall and Sigma Phi
Epsilon house.
Donna Burton, freshman from
Susan Campbell, portrayed the
storybook witch with Geneva and
Fred Lovuring as Hansel and Gret
el. Michael Owen was fourth char
acter on the winning float, built un
der the supervision of Patty Welch
and Bob King. It was designed by
James Snell.
Cinderella float entered by Delta
Delta Delta and Delta Tau Delta
won second place with its large
gold slipper, used later at the
The Phi Kappa Psi, Kappa Kap
pa Gamma, and Sederstrom hall
exhibit was awarded third place. It
was Pinocchio and the Whale.
Judges were Mrs. Charles Snell
strom, Mrs. Howard Boyd, Mrs.
William Russell, Les Anderson,
Stan Williamson, and Kenneth Car
Night Staff:
Roger Moore
Jeanne Merriam
Betty French
Koyl Cups
Jordis Benke, junior in journal
ism, and Roger Wiley, junior in
physical education, were awarded
the Gerlinger cup and the Koyl cup
respectively at the Junior Prom
Saturday night.
The Gerlinger cup, presented by
Mrs. Golda P. Wickham, dean of
women, is awarded annually to the
outstanding junior girl and the
Koyl cup, presented by Virgil S,
Fogdall, dean of men, is awarded
to the outstanding junior man.
Burt Brown Barker, vice-presi
dent emeritus of the University,
awarded the Burt Brown scholar
ship cups to Tau Kappa Epsilon
and Pi Beta Phi for maintaining
the highest grade point average
for the year. Tau Kappa Epsilon
headed the all-University grades
both fall and winter terms with.
2.87 and 2.9 respectively and the
all-men’s average last spring. Their
total GPA is 2.8. Pi Beta Phi’s total
GPA is 2.75 for the year, and head
ed the all-women’s average winter
term with a 2.75.
Dr. Henry Wieman
Concludes Series
“The Moral Directive in His
tory,” will be the title of Dr. Henry
N. Wieman'a concluding lecture at,
8 p.m., Thursday in room 207
Chapman hall. Dr. Wieman’s first
two lecture titles were “The Pre
dicament of Religious Inquiry” and
“The Source of Human Good.”
Professor of philosophy of re
ligion at the University of Chicago,
Dr. Wieman is visiting professor of
religion at the University this term.
For several years Dr. Wieman has
been concerned with a study of the
destructive factors inherent in mod
ern civilization.
Dr. Wieman delivered the Na
thaniel William Taylor lectures in.
1930 at Yale, Earl Foundation lec
tures at Pacific School of Religion
in 1932 and the Ayer lectures in
1947 at Colgate university,
Spanish Honorary
Slates Initiation
Sigma Delta Pi, Spanish honor
society, will hold its regular spring
initiation in Alumni hall, Gerlin
ger at 4 p.m. Sunday. One honor
ary member and 20 active mem
bers from the Oregon cafnpus, and
one associate member and eight
active members from the Oregon
State campus will be initiated.
$100 Reward
To the student furnishing information leading to the
arrest and conviction of the person or persons
who broke in and robbed the
University MansShop
On Friday Night, May 8th
881 E. 13th
Claire Kneeland
Earl Byrom
Bill Rohlffs