)* A— Tnp Wenther Cloudy with intermittent rain in Disciplinary Action the morning, becoming partly President Newborn recommends cloudy with scattered showers in changes in student disciplinary ac the afternoon. tion. Exec Council submits letter to Dean Hollis. See story page 7. ■ VOLUME XLIX UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE. THURSDAY. MAY. 6. 1948 nUmhEK 128 Looking For a Silver Lining The possibility of the first rain-drenched Junior Weekend in 57 years sent members of the Weekend committee scurrying early this week to local weatherman H. C. Rinard to get the “scoop.” His forecast: possible rain. Left to right are Kit Wilhelm, Beth Basler, Trudi Chernis, Rinard, Hank Kinsell, and Joe 'Conroy. (Photo by Kirk Braun) Jupe May Not Bless Weekend by JIM WALLACE For fifty-seven years now, com mittee heads planning the spring term festival known variously through the years as “Junior Day,” “University Day,” and now, “Junior Weekend,” have had a man work ing with their committee who has never got his picture in the Em erald, never got an activity point for his efforts, but who, neverthe less, assured the campus of a suc cessful celebration. This silent partner is old Jupe Pluvius who has come around every c year to smile brightly on the All Campus picnic, the Float parade, „ and the other Weekend events. Blit this year some people think that things look a little different and that the drizzle that has character ized spring term, ’48 may well con tinue. Mighty Rough Time It’s not that old Jupe has sud denly decided that the unbroken string of 57 rainless Junior Week ends is more than a school with a Duck for a mascot should not ask It’s just that old Jupe has beer having a mighty rough time of ii this spring, only making it arounc for a few mid-week afternoons anc , Marriage Talks To End Tonight The YW-YMCA Love and Mar riage series will end tonight al the YMCA from 7 to 8 p.m. with a panel discussion entitled “Marriage Isn’t What It Used to Be.” Participants will be Dr. Weslej G. Nicholson of the First Congre gational church who will deal witt the religious aspects of marriage; Dr. J. V. Berreman, associate pro fessor of sociology, who will speak on sociological factors; and Mrs Ruth Nelson, instructor of home economics, will talk on the familj and the home. The speakers will cover all ques . 'tions which were not fully dis * cussed at any of the three previous meetings. I a couple of Sunday picnics,...and., worried people are asking, “Well, is Jupe going to let lis down this Junior Weekend?’’ Nobody knows for sure, but hopes are rising since the return of a special envoy sent by the Court of Junior Weekend to the Court of Jupiter Pluvius. The envoy report ed that Jupe is considering ready Coeds to Swim Into Dreamland Twenty coeds will float into “Dreamland” tonight when the Amphibians present their water ballet. The pageant, which begins at 8 p. m. in the men’s pool, is an annual event of Junior Week end and will carry out this year’s theme, “Storybook Wonderland.” The program is in three parts: “Moonland,” “Candyland,” and “Bubbleland.” The individual num bers have been designed to portray various phases of the “Wonder land” theme. Clad in white bathing suits es pecially designed for the ballet, the women’s swimming honorary will be featured in quartets and group formations planned by Betsy Moffett. Miss Moffet, Janet Harris, Larrie Harris, and Joan Carr will present special duet numbers. Jim Stanley, member of the freshman swimming team, Willie McCloud, member of the varsity swimming team, and Lottie Berger will perform special diving exhibi tions. The drama department aided the group in lighting and stage efects. Dean Sheldon is in charge of the special lighting. All students may attend, no ad mission will be chared, and only one performance will be given. Larrie Harris, freshman in lib eral arts, and Joan Carr, freshman in art, are co-chairmen of the pageant. Miss Jeanette Masilionis, instructor in physical education, is faculty advisor. . ing his sunniest forces and -may march them into Eugene late to morrow afternoon. Of course, the envoy added, Jupe was a little dis turbed over the irrelevant way a sunny Saturday he sent to Eugene on a trial run last weekend was treated by law students and might hold this against Junior Weekend. It’s Ours Anyway The law school’s attitude on this was that Junior Weekend had been stolen from them, anyway, so why shouldn’t the jurists at least keep the good weather ? Jupe’s local representatives, the (Please turn to page eight) Better Foreign Policy, Military Might Needed In Dewey Peace Plan by DON SMITH A concrete program for lasting peace was given last night by presidential aspirant Thomas E. Dewey before about 4000 Eugene townspeople and students at McArthur court. A United States of Europe, encouraged by the use of the Mar shall plan, declared the New York governor, should be the cor nerstone of United States foreign policy Seven points were stressed by Dewey to obtain world peace, in addition to building up the military strength of the United States to the point where no nation dare at tack this country. Chinese Friendship Needed by 11.S. Material help to China through the funds allotted by congress, is the action necessary, the presiden tial hopeful believed, to regain the friendship of the Asia nation and to stop the flow of communism there. A first rate intelligence service, determined efforts to combat com munist propaganda in the United States, and bi-partisian action on foreign policy, were other points stressed by Dewey. Better Foreign Policy Management “Today’s world crises must not become war crises,” he stated “A better management of United States foreign affairs is necessary to avoid war. The first step,” con tinued Dewey, “is to decide ob jectives of the United States for eign policies.” The world is confused, according to Dewey, as to the policy of the United States. The main trouble with American foreign policy is not that there have been so many bungles, but that there has been no policy at all. “It is time for the United States to get a policy every human being in the world can know and under stand,” he declared. “The objec (Please turn to page three) Weiman to Talk On Religion Dr. Henry N. Wieman, professor of the philosophy of religion at the University of Chicago, will speak on “The Source of Human Good” tonight at 8 in room 207 Chapman hall. This is the second in a series of three lectures being sponsored by the University Lectures commit tee. Visiting professor at the Univer sity this term, Dr. Wieman is one of the outstanding theologians and philosophers of America. In the forthcoming Library of Living The ology, one volume will be devoted to him.. Among Dr. Wieman’s books, in which the problems of religious in quiry and scientific method are ex plored, are: The Wrestle of Relig ion with Truth, Normative Psychol ogy of Religion, American Philoso phies of Religion and The Source of Human Good. Dr. Wieman’s approach to prob lems of ethical value and religion i3 that of empiricism and of natural ism. His school of thought has been called by various names, such as religious naturalism, theistic nat uralism or empirical theism. Tonight's lecture is designed especially for students but is also open to faculty members and townspeople. And They Can Swim, Too This bevy of coed swimmers are members of Amph loans, women’s swimming honorary, which will usher in Junior Weekend tonight with its annual water pageant in the men’s swimming pool. Pictured left to right are: Paula Castle, Melody Smith, Larry Harri i, Sugar Collinson, an^I Janet Smith. (Photo by Kirk Braun) I