Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 04, 1948, Image 1

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1 |TI TlfiniT Ticket Sale
K I L9 L. I I I 1% I Tickets lor Junior Weekend
UP JJp^ JJji Pjj pj "ill be sold until Friday in
'New Deals
By Council
Changes to Affect
Rally Activities,
Political Groups
The ASUO executive council
last night adopted a new plan
for administration of Univer
sity rally activities and provid
ed for the etstablishment of a
University council on political
The new rally program pro
vides for a 7-man board com
posed of the cheer leader (elect
ed by the student body each
spring), an upperclass member of
the executive council, the presi
dents of Skull and Dagger and
Kwama, and three upper-class
members-at-large, selected by the
executive council upon petition.
Board Chooses
This board will choose the rally
squad and supervise all “behind-the
scenes” committees working on the
various rally activities. Member
ship in these committees will be
composed chiefly of members of
the two sophomore honoraries. The
program is an attempt to coordin
ate rally activities of the service
groups and rally organizations.
Approval was also given to the
establishment of the University
Council on National and Internat
ional Political Affairs. The council
will aid University groups to
sponsor such functions as the In
ternational Festival, and the In
ternational Relations high school
conference, and will itself control
University PNCC activities.
It will coordinate affairs with
out supplanting any activities now
handled by groups such as the In
ternational Relations Club, the
YWCA, the One World Club, and
.Westminster House.
Steering Committee
The council will be run by a com
mittee composed of the ASUO first
vie e-president, presidents o f
the IRC, the Political Science club,
and the YWCA, PNCC delegates,
and a member of the Emerald
upper editorial staff. Representa
tives of clubs and organizations
concerned will meet with the steer
ing committee when activities con
cerning them are to be handled
by the Council, and representatives
of Skull and Dagger, Druids,
Kwama, and Phi Theta Upsilon
will work in conjunction with the
council when needed.
The Council is intended to de
crease duplication of activities by
the various campus groups inter
ested' in political affairs, it will
privide organization and man
power to aid the successful com
pletion of campus functions of
this nature, and will insure ade
(Please turn to page three)
Movies Feature
Chinese, Food
Movies for Wednesday night in
207 Chapman at 7 p.m. are “The
World Is Rich” and “China’s Forty
“The World Is Rich” discusses
problems of the world food supply
and points out that the world lacks
food in many areas because of
backward agricultural methods,
waste, overpopulation in relation
to productivity, and maldistribu
tion. It is one of the three finalist
pictures in the documentary fea
ture class.
“China’s Forty Million” in an ac
count of the war before 1939, show
ing the people’s resistance to the
■Japanese invasion.
With a Wary Eye Toward Jupe Pluvius
Just a bit uncertain about the weather for their Storybook Wonderland this Friday and Saturday are
the members of the Junior Weekend committee. Since po one has yet been able to do much about the
weather, they are hoping for good but preparing for bad. Committee members arc, seated, from left to
right, Beth Easier, Trudi Chernis, Diana Dye, and BobOlee Brophy; standing, June Goetze, Mary Bas
mussen, Jerry O’Leary, Mo Thomas, Jordis Benke, and Laura Olson; back row, Iiank Kinscll and Joe
Conroy. (Photo by Kirk Braun.)
Alumni Recall Gala Canoe Fetes, Special Effects
Of Past Junior Weekends When Mill Race Flowed
After some deliberation, the five
princesses for next weekend decid
ed that either the prom or parade
especially impressed them in the
last two Junior Weekends.
It took no time at all for six Ore
gon alumni to reemember the best
part of their weekends. They are
unanimous; one even declared, “The
canoe fete was Junior Weekend.”
Lyle Nelson, a 1941 graduate who
is now director of information for
the University, especially remem
bers the “Alice in Wonderland”
weekend. Because he was “a little
green freshman” the year of that
tneme, jxeison tmmts ne may nave
been easily impressed.
“The balance between music and
floats was exceptionally good,” ac
cording to the graduate, once edi
tor of the Emerald and Old Oregon.
He explained how the orchestra
was inside a huge shell across the
millrace. It accompanied each float
as it was let through a water
screen into the crowd’s view.
As part of that crowd, Miss Eth
el Stone, graduate of 1924, specifi
cally remembers the years that "we
had to sit on the banks—there were
no bleachers by the millrace then.”
Miss Stone, new editorial assistant
ior tne state system ot punncation,
was sure all the weekends have
been so good that she could not
pick an outstanding one.
Les Anderson, alumni secretary,
didn’t have to go far back for his
choice. It was “Springtime in Vi
enna” in 1940 when he was presi
dent of the freshman class. There
is no doubt that the floats were the
best part of Junior Weekends, ac
cording to Anderson. He graduat
ed in 1943 as ASUO president.
“Something that can’t be dupli
cated now,” is Mrs. G. T. Turnbull’s
leading recollection of Junior
(Please turn to page eight)
44 Tradition Violators to Pay Price This Noon
Tradition-conscious Order of
the O men have apprehended 44
Oregon student violators who
yesterday failed to conform to
Junior Weekend traditions.
Paddles will fly this noon as
“O” men, supervised by Earl
Walters, violations chairman, ad
minister gentle reminders. Coed
violators will be given a contrast
ing “cold” reminder of the se
riousness Of the traditions as
they are dunked in the law school
Offenders who were appre
hended Monday are to appear in
front of the law school promptly
at 12:30 today to receive their
punishment. Girls should wear
proper dunking clothes—slacks
or blue jeans.
The Order of the O list of vio
lators includes: Lou Urban, Dick
Maudlin, Mike Merriman, Bill
Glasby, Will Urban, Jack O'Con
nor, Joan Carr, Marge Hammond,
Jackie Newburn, Barbara Fagg.
Sue Mercer, Jane Carisle, Joan
Simmons, Phyllis Stewart, Joan
Herron, Malcolm Montague, Leon
Campbell, Stanley Hargraves,
Art Sprick, Pete Hoar, Paul
A1 Grubb, Gene Gehrke, Mary
Lou Klepper, Ron Gray, Earl
(Please turn to page seven)
Prom Plans
Wand to Transform \
McArthur Court
For Cinderella Ball
Preparations are being made for
“Cinderella's Ball,” the annual for
mal Junior Prom, in McArthur
court Saturday night, May 8, Joe>
Conroy, chairman, said Monday.
Will Osborne and his slide music
will provide music for the dance.
Tickets for the dance are on sale
in all men’s living organizations
and will be on sale at the Co-op
from Tuesday to Friday. Price of
the tickets is $2.60.
Touch of Wand
With a touch of the Fairy God
mother's wand, McArthur will be
transformed with Cinderella’s
pumpkin and the queen’s balcony.
Special lighting and the side walls
draped will complete the effect,
said Jean Swift, decorations chair
The queen's processional will bo
featured at the intermission, and
the royalty will preside over the
entertainment from her balcony,
said Bernice Johnson, intermission
chairman. Also during intermis
sion, the Gerlinger cup will bo
awarded by Dean of Women Golda
P. Wickham and Virgil S. Fogdall,
dean of men, will present the Ger
linger and Koyl cup to the out
standing junior woman and man,
Cup Award
The Burt Brown Barker cup will
be awarded to the living organiza
tion maintaining the highest schol
arship for the past year. The float
parade winners will receive awards
from Mo Thomas, chairman of the
float parade. Druids will tap for
new members.
Master of ceremonies will bo
Robin Arkley.
Assisting Joe Conroy, chairman,
of the prom, are Jean Swift, dec
orations; Marge Weeks, programs;
Anita Hager, patrons and patron
esses; Norma Stearns, clean-up;
Shirley Lukins and Fred Young,
tickets; and Bernice Johnson, in
Flowers will be in order for tho
formal dance. Dark suits or tuxe
dos will be worn by the men.
Today Deadline
For Housing
Today is the deadline for obtain
ing housing for mothers over Jun
ior Weekend through the Mothers’
Weekend committee. Any student,
wishing a place for his mother to
stay over the weekend is request
ed to contact Nancy Peterson, 3200.
There are still a few Eugene homes
All living organizations are re
quested to display signs welcom
ing mothers during the weekend,
according to Bob Buchanan and
Bob Hankins, co-chairman of the
sign committee. Simple flat signs
are specified. There will be no com
petition among houses because of
the many other interhouse competi
tive events taking place. Instruc
tion sheets will be distributed to
the houses concerning signs.