Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 23, 1948, Page 6, Image 6

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    Military Group
Elects Prexy
Carl S. Miller, sophomore in bus
iness administration, was elected
president of Scabbard and Blade,
military honorary, it was an
nounced yesterday by retiring
President Joe Conroy.
Other officers are: Charles A.
Rufner, sophomore in physical ed
ucation, vice-president; Donald R.
Clark, junior in business adminis
tration, secretary; and Richard B.
Smith, Jr., treasurer.
Miller, Rufner, and Clark are en
rolled in the infantry course while
Smith is taking the air corps
course of study.
It was also revealed that Scab
bard and Blade would tap its new
members during Junior Weekend
in addition to providing the honor
guard for the Junior Weekend
Is This a Sample
Of College Humor?
This is a story of callousness.
Yesterday a group of college
students were washing cars, toss
ing a football, gabbing, lazing
away a sunny afternoon in front
of a men’s dormitory.
Two little boys about 5 years
old were watching, playing
around, and generally making a
nuisance of themselves; as little
boys will.
One of the older college stu
dents turned and hosed the
youngsters with a spray of cold
water. They laughed gleefully,
and romped just out of reach.
Two “men” crawled onto the
roof of the porch in front of the
building, armed with a wastebas
ket full of cold water.
About 05 pounds of icy water
struck the two boys full force,
Coed Swim Team
Wins Region Meet
The University women’s swim
ming team placed first in the west
ern region of the women’s national
swimming meet that was held
winter term.
National results have not been
compiled yet, but the final results
should be received soon, Miss Jean
ette Masilionis, instructor in physi
cal education, said yesterday.
Last year, the Oregon coed swim
mers placed first in the western
region and fifth nationally.
Members of Amphibians ad
vanced swimming classes composed
the telegraphic team. Amphibians
is the women’s swimming honor
from a height of roughly, 25
The children cried out, and ran
away sobbing.
The college men laughed.
Emerald Classifieds
A!! classified is payable *" advance at the
rate of four cents a word the first insertion,
two cents a word thereafter at the Emerald
Business Office.
Classified deadline is 4:00 p.m. the day
>rior to publication
LAUNDRY for students, reason
able prices. 1445^ E. 21st. (120)
History Society
To' Meet April 30
The natural history society will
hold its regular meeting April 30,
in 207 Chapman hall. The business
meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m.
At 8 p.m., Dr. R. R. Huestis,
professor of zoology, will talk on
the natural history and mutations
of the American deer mouse. The
lecture will be illustrated with
slides and possibly with some live
mice. •
WANTED: Accompanyist for
dance class, 9 M.W.F, Call Ext.
WANTED: Sedan or 5-passenger
coupe ’46 or later model in good
condition. Gil Hunt, Room 2, Mc
Clure or 383 E. 11th after five.
LOST: 1 pair black, hom-rimmed
glasses in brown case. Reward.
Call 2639 or 2196. (119)
FOR SALE: Set of 3 registered
golf woods. John Leigh, Sherry
Ross hall. Ph. ext. 448.
WITNESSES of accident Wed..
April 14, 9 p. m. on 13th and
Kincaid Sts. (near the Side)
please contact Eldene Balcom. .
Susan Campbell, 3300. Ext. 391.
Important (119)
Kit a stone wall,
After too many drinks from the keg;
\ His car took fire- made a funeral pure,
> "x Andpow he’s just a fried egg"!
Funny? No!—Humpty Dumpty’s kind of death is only stupid—and criminal.
Look at the facts: Drinking drivers cause one out of every five highway deaths.
When innocent victims perish, too, that’s manslaughter! It must be dealt with by strict
laws, strictly enforced.
Even one or two drinks slow reactions, impair judgment, increase accident chances
three to four times.
Drinking and driving just don’t mix. If you drive, don’t drink. If you drink, don’t drive.