Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 13, 1948, Page 3, Image 3

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    The Old Makes Way for the New
To make room for the new women’s dormitory it was necessary to move several houses from the site
south of Emerald hall. The house shown above weighed four tons. (Courtesy Register-Guard).
Group to Hear
Chaplain Speak
Mr. Melvin Friesen will speak
on “The Message of the Bible” at
the Inter-Varsity Christian Fel
lowship weekly Tuesday night
meeting held in John Straub din
ing hall, at 7.
Mr. Friesen, present IVCF
staff member for central Califor
nia, took his degree from UCLA,
later doing graduate work at
USC. During the war he served
as an army chaplain in the Philip
pines. His interest in student ac
tivities has led him into full time
student work. Currently, he is
conducting a tour of IVCF chap
ters throughout Oregon.
IVCF is an interdenominational
organization designed to meet the
need of University students. Its
■ program encourages daily prayer,
Bible study, and Christian fellow
. ship.
Asklepiads Tap
15 New Members
Asklepiads tapped 15 new mem
bers at a special meeting of the
pre-medical Tuesday evening. They
Charles W. Beam, Joseph T.
Burdie, Edward C. Gallagher,
Hugh E. Gallagher, Thomas K.
Olwin, Quentin L. Quiekstad',
Harry L. Van Dermark, William
E. Lotz, jr., Oscar E. Smith, Paul
T. Stennfeld, James G. Hatheway,
Ralph W. Tjarnberg, Robert
, Mooers, James R. Montague, and
Thomas T. Bennett.
Advertising Staff:
• Day Manager:
Assistant Day Manager:
Layout Manager:
High School Group
Elects New Officers
Elected as state officers of the
Oregon state high school Inter
national Relations leagues for the
coming year were Fred Meikle,
Jefferson in Portland, president;
Ann Killingsworth, Jacksonville,
Side Patter
(Continued from page tivo)
Pi Kappa Phi Mel Knorr. Pi Phis
Joan Bush and the Hicks twins
pulled a mock “Cookie Shine” on
Sue Simmons and ATO Warren
Smith, only to find out an hour
later that Sue really was wearing
a sparkler!
Much excitement at the Alfa
Fie house with a series of pin
plantings to start off the spring
term. Maggie Wells now has Cliff
Mallicoat’s Phi Kappa Sigma pin,
Phyl Potter and SAM Norm Ru
bens are pinned, Janis Jorden now
has Jim Popp’s SAE pin, Ann Mc
George and Theta Chi Merve
Hanspomb, and Mary Ann Han
sen wearing the DU pin of Rou
Headlund. Alfa Fie Joyce Strick
land is now wearing the Notre
Dame ring of Jim Healy, who is
on the campus, and unless tradi
tions have changed, that means
an engagement.
Gamma Phi Mary Hibbitt
shoved off her pretty ring from
Theta Chi Bob Hilbers at a fire
side a ter closing hours the other
night, and Gamma Phi Ann Phet
teplaco had a te'a at her home in
Eugene Saturday telling of her
engage" ent to Theta Chi Jim
Ducky, f!so from Eugene. ADPi
Barbara .U*rsh is now engaged to
Gary Wi.J, and SAE Jerry Bell
passed the cigars announcing his
engagement to Jean Christensen.
Alpha Chi r vxinfi Jamison, who
is not on the campus this term,
sent down the word that she is
now wearing a few jewels from
Phi Deft Ken He yes.
Tri Delt Jeanette Williams and
Theta Chi Bob B-ynnt, both grads
of last year, have set their wed
ding date, and Sigma Kappa Marg
....All colors—pastels and deep tones—in the finest
of paper linen, just the thing for your announcement
*Ua((ey Stationery C^o,
Phone 470 76 W. Broadway
vice-president; and Jean Bidden,
Commerce in Portland, secretary
The first annual conference of
the league was held on this cam
pus over last weekend, where a
new constitution was adopted and
plans were started for extending
the league to other schools before
the conference next year.
Colt was married in Portland re
cently to Oregon Stater Dean Ry
man. Former ADPi Prexy Doro
thy Rasmussen has announced her
engagement to Bill Palmer and
ADPi Norma Gross and Jack Wi
ley formerly an SAE on the cam
pus were married in Sacramento.
Carol Nickerson was a bridesmaid
and will be married in June her
self to Rea Cummeford of Hono
Tri Delt Carol Bartel is now
pinned to ASC Sigma Chi Bill
Shore and DG Phyl Morgan is
again wearing Jerry O’Leary’s
Beta pin. Gamma Phi Elaine
Sherwobd is wearing the Theta
Chi pin of Herb Nill who was
tapped for Skull and Dagger. Pi
Phi Ginny Nash has announced
her engagement in Portland to
Phi Delt Bob Stanbury.
Phi Delt Don Farnum climaxed
a high school romance by drop
ping his sword and shield on The
ta Janet Rilea. AOPi Mary Kel
ler has Jim BOyd's Phi Delt pin,
and likewise for Susan Campbell
cutie Jackie Austen and Bob La
A steady combo nowadays is
Kappa Jean Scott and ATO Pete
Miller, and DG Bette McCurry,
new WAA prexy, has been in cir
culation at the libe with Beta
transfer John Noggle. FeeGee
Gordie Wilson has been much in
terested of late in DG Martha Vi
per, and ChiO Jackie Dilly and
Ned Ames have been together.
Chi O Sally Terrill dating Phi Psi
Mike Callahan, who was tapped
for Skull and Dagger at the Frosh
ATO “Mo” Thomas spent Fri
day night at the libe, and Satur
day evening trying to find out
from Alecia Orcutt what’s on the
second floor of the ChiO house.
Possibly Mo was trying to find
out about the dead fish Densie
Howard ran into the other night.
The ChiO characters also got a
bang out of the sleeping porch
escapade which caused Mcridith
Sterns to yell out, “It’s bacterial
warfare . . . Run!”
Enuf of this luff making. To
the Side for a cup between courses
in the History of Amazon flats,
how many pints in a quart, and
Drew Pearson’s predictions.
(Pd. Ad.)
Dr. Wright Authors
(Continued from page one)
lished in 1942 by the Stanford
University Press as a Hoover li
brary publication, and won for
the Oregon professor-historian
the annual prize of the Pacific
Coast branch of the American
Historical association.
But while the earlier book was
the “monograph” sort of thing
with copious footnotes, the new
volume is aimed at the college
level reader with a knowledge of
European affairs, and contains no
By the time he left for state
department service, Dr. Wright
had already established himself
on the University campus as an
excellent lecturer with 'the happy
faculty of mixing sprightly an
ecdote with sound history—a rep
utation he has strengthened con
siderably since returning to the
campus in January, 1947. Today
as before the war students crowd
into his classes until they are de
clared “full” because the class
rooms in which they are held are
According to Paul Birdsall, a
widely-known historian of France
who served in the embassy witl
Dr. Wright, the Oregon professoi
commanded the same esteem ir
Paris he had earned on the Uni
versity campus. In his introduc
tion to Dr. Wright’s book Birdsal’
says he was regarded as “an ora
cle” by the senior embassy stafi
members in Paris.
Birdsall relates that U. S. Am
bassador Jefferson Caffrey fre
quently spoke of the Eugene pro
fessor as one of the handful ol
young men in the embassy with
the “poise and judgment over anc
above intelligence which were re
quired to navigate the unchartec
waters of post-war French poli
“The Doc” as he is known af
fectionately, unofficially, and be
hind his back, by hundreds 01
University students, came to the
University of Oregon in 1939. He
teaches classes in European his
Insurance Co.
Lists Positions
Positions in insurance work as
claim adjusters, safety engineers,
fire sales engineers, accountants,
auditors, and salesmen will be
among those for which T. A.
Duckworth, personnel director of
the Employers Mutual Liability
company of Wisconson, will in
terview applicants today. Appli
cation forms and arrangements
for interview time may be made
with Miss Weir, room 6, Friendly
Positions are available for wo
men in claim clerical work, many
of these leading to supervisory po
sitions, and in accounting, audit
ing, and underwriting.
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