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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1948)
_ °-.— Train Display Reviews Start “The only train rolling with a cargo which could never be re placed.” as the Freedom Train has been termed, will arrive in Eugene next Saturday. With the appear ance of the red, white and blue streamliner, a collection of impor tant historical documents such as never before have been gathered 'together will be on display to Eu gene citizens. On loan from the Library of Con gress, the Commonwealth of Penn Gaels Choose New Headman SAN FRANCISCO, March SI CUP)— Joe Verducci, brilliant young San Francisco high school coach, tonight was selected as head football coach at St. Mary’s college to replace Irish Jimmy Phelan. Verducci, 37, was the unanimous choice of St. Mary’s athletic of ficials from a field of nearly 100 candidates “because of his out standing record” as coach of Poly technic high school here and of the U. S. Coast Guard eleven at Alameda, Cal., during the war. Bay Area Visited By Job Seekers Many University of Oregon stu dents were in the San Francisco area during spring vacation follow ing up job leads, according to Karl Onthank, dean of personnel admin istration. Onthank himself was in 'the Bay area the week before *prmg vacation to attend a meeting of the Edward W. Hazen founda tion, at whicli arrangements were made for a conference on guidance 1 and personnel, to be held next sum mer at Berkeley. He spent several days making contacts toward getting positions for members of the graduating class. The dean said that a number of last year's class are placed in San Francisco, and praised the help of alumni advisers in the area. Copy Desk: Jeannine Macaulay June Goetze Don Fair Bill Yates sylvania, the New York state li brary, and other sources, the docu ments are arranged in departments, starting with “Beginnings,” and ending with “Flags of Freedom.” Included in the display are a 13th century copy of the Magna Charta; a letter of Columbus’ describing his voyage to America, printed in Rome in 1493; the original manu script of Thomas Jefferson’s rough draft of the Declaration of Inde pendence;' the official original manuscript of the Bill of Rights; the original Washington’s Farewell Address; the manuscript copy of the Gettysburg Address held by Lincoln while making his address; the original manuscript of the Star Spangled Banner in the handwrit ing of Francis Scott Key; the of ficial American copy of the Declar ation of United Nations; and many other original historical documents. The train is also called the “most Side Patter (Continued from page two) Reeves, Rutli Eades, Sally Waller, Casey Jones, Leslie Tooze, and Ann Woodworth spent their vacation traveling in and around the Can adian border. ChiO Phyl' Beaeh va cationed in Carmel-By-the-Sea (Smart girl). Sally Watson can now be seen limping around the campus with a sprained ankle and crutches after a sojourn to the mountains. ChiO Medidith Stearns spent her vacation on a horse in the “rugged country” of eastern Oregon. Gamma Phi Helen Shepherd made a lovely bride for Beta George Alexander. They were married in Salem. Cute Alfafe Patty Newton is now Mrs. Harry Nyland, and Al fafie Jerry Frazier is now married to Phi Psi Lou Robinson. C. GT the FeeGee, known as Pee Wee Horton was in Pendleton with a very attractive lassie named Barbara Taylor, and the foursome of Sigma Chi Bill O’Hearn with Gloria Aguer, and Theta “Petey” Fortmiller with Bob Newman vis ited Ontario. Zeta hall’s Eileen “Casey” Lem Icy is now wearing Merrett Dielim’s Pi Kappa Phi pin, and former Gura myfie Donne Boylen of Pendleton has the SAE pin of Ray Ramming from Northwestern. Stock up on picnic supplies at the College Side . . . They've got cof fee too. NOW YOU CAN OWN A PERMANENT RECORD OP The priceless documents on I the Freedom Train AS A LASTINO AND CHCRISHIO PART OP TOUR HOMI Heritage of Freedom By FRANK MONAGHAN Historical Consultant of the American Heritage Foundation,' ' which sponsors the nationwide tour of the Freedom Train .M THIS official Freedom Train book is the first ^ and only book to give the history and mean-' || ing of the basic documents of American liberty.^ J| It contains the complete texts of most of the im-' portant documents, many shown in photographs % of the original manuscripts—and the significant) portions of all the others. J| 127 docuntents, 160 pages, quarto, 35 pages of illustrations',. Cloth-bound, 53.50, paper-bound, 52.00 -$8^ U. of O. "CO-OP" > $ tightly guarded” in the country, with a picked unit of red, blue and gold uniformed marine guards, consisting of 24 enlisted men and three officers, all combat veterans averaging six feet and 185 pounds. In other cities, people have stood in line for as long as seven hours and once inside the train each vis itor spends on the average of 25 minutes viewing the documents. I CAMPUS CALENDAR 12:30 p.m.: Druids meeting at Sigma Phi Epsilon house. 12:30 p.m.: Meeting of publicity committee for Frosh Glee at Em erald “Shack.” 4 p.m.: Alpha Kappa Delta elec tion meeting in room 201, Oregon. 6:45 p.m.: ISA meeting in room 105, Commerce. 7 p.m.: Spanish club meeting at alumni hall, Gerlinger. 7:30 p.m.: Meeting of old and prospeeitve Emerald workers at the “Shack.” 8 p.m.: Chess club election meet ing in room 206, Commerce. Emerald Classifieds All classified is payable advance at the rate of four cents a word fhe first insertion, two cents a word thereafter at the Emerald Business Office. , « _ Classified deadline is 4:00 p.m. the day >rior to publication, LOST: Theta Pin, Frances Colton Call Debe Colton 2340. (103) FOR SALE: ’28 Chev. sedan good transportation—new rear end overhaul. Call 4176, evenings, 1543 15th Ave. E. Trailer No. 18. (105) DEAN WICKHAM IN CHICAGO Mrs. Golda P. Wickham, dean of women, is in Chicago this week at tending a meetting of the National Association of Deans of Women. She will return to duties at the University about March 10. FOR SALE: Men's bicycle. H. K. iversity men. 2691 Harris. Phone 5B. (110); WANTED: Man to work in kitch en for board. Call house man ager, 2403-J (104) ROOMS: Accommodations for Un iversity men. 2691 Harris. Phone 6877-R. (105) BOARD: For students, 767 E. 15th, (105) FOR SALE: Siamese kittens. Reg istered pedegreed. Vaccinated house-trained. Bette Church 2191-11 Patterson (opposite Am avet Grocery). (105) ■V < NEWMAN'S FISH MARKET Order early Thursday for Friday Delivery —=■■■* - . ■■■. DAINTY NEW BLOUSES Frilly new spring blouse in fine washable Broadcloth. Many styles—some in colors. Come in and see our complete assortment. 2.98—3.98 a 2.98 ;.