Clifford Weigle Chosen Dean Of Journalism Clifford F. Weigle, newly ap pointed dean of the school of jour nalism, will assume his duties at the University on July 1, replacing Dean George S. Turnbull, who will retire Jnune 30. Weigle is now at the University of Minnesota, studying toward his doctor’s degree. He is on leave from Stanford university where he is an associate professor in the depart ment of journalism. Receiving his B.A. in 1929 from Stanford and his M.A. in 1936, also from Stanford, Weigle did ad vanced graduate work at the Uni versity of California and Stanford. He has done considerable work in practical journalism, both in circu lation and editorial work. He was in the circulation department of the San Francisco News for three years, and later in the editorial de partment for five years. In 1934 he became an instructor in journalism at Stanford, in 1937 he was appointed assistant profes sor. He became an associate pro fessor in 1942. In addition to teach ing, he was Stanford’s publicity di rector from 1943 to 1944. Weigle is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Delta Chi, and Alpha Delta Sigma. Editor Announces New Appointment Appointment of Miss Barbara Heywood as associate editor of the Emerald for spring term was an nounced Tuesday by Bob Frazier, Emerald editor. Miss Heywood, a sophomore in journalism, will replace Walt Mc Kinney who is not in school spring term. She will write editorials, and help with production of the Em erald editorial page, Frazier said. Emerald Jobs Open Students who wish to work as Emerald reporters, copydesk work ers, and night staff workers are asked to meet Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in room 105, Journalism build ing. Students who worked for the Emerald last term are also asked to be present. Creative Thought Series Opens With City and Regional Planning The new art of the twentieth century, as expressed in regional and city planning will be discussed tonight in the first lecture of the University “Currents of Creative Thought” series. Dr. Wallace Baldinger, associate professor of art in the University, will lecture on how the forms of the region, the city, and the neigh borhood affect our lives and in fluence environmental planning. Tonight’s lecture and all further meetings in this series will be held in the browsing room of the Uni versity library, at 7:30 p. m. on Wednesday evenings. The discus sions will be illustrated with pic tures. slides, recordings, displays, and readings Scheduled for later lectures are “Architecture Today,” by Marion D. Ross, assistant professor of architecture, on April 7. This dis cussion will consider contemporary architecture, with special emphasis upon domestic examples, and the qualities of “space” and “grid.” Mark Sponenburgh, instructor in art, will speak on “Problems of the Contemporary Sculptor,” on April 14. “Contemporary Painting” will be the subject of the April 21 lec ture by David McCosh, asistant professor of art. The final April lecture, to be presented April 28, will cover “Arts in the Home,” discussed by Jean Kendall, assis tant professor of art education. A second lecture by Miss Kendall on May 5 will cover “Art Through Education ■— Education Through Art,” a survey of the current art education program in the state of Oregon. "Three Modern Master Musicians,” a survey of the theor ies, works, and influence of three leading musical thinkers of the twentieth century, Schoenberg, Bartok, and Stravinsky, will be presented May 12 by Dr. Edmund Cykler, associate professor of mus icology. A discussion of four operatic masterpieces, by Debussy, Richard Strauss, Berg, and Puccini, will be conducted by Dr. Arnold Elston, associate professor of music, in his May 19 lecture on “Twentieth Century Opera.” Dr. Hoyt Trow bridge, professor of English, will lecture on “The Earlier Works of James Joyce,” on May 26. Dr. Trowbridge will review two of NOW YOU CAN OWN A PERMANENT RECORD OF • The priceless documents on the Freedom Lratn AS A LASTING AND CHIRISHCD PART OF YOUR HOMI Heritage ■ Freedom By FRANK MONAGHAN Historical Consultant of the American Heritage Foundation, which sponsors the nationwide tour of the Freedom Train THIS official Freedom Train book is the first and only book to give the history and mean ing of the basic documents of American liberty. It contains the complete texts of most of the im portant documents, many shown in photographs of the original manuscripts—and the significant portions of all the others. 127 documents, 160 pages, quarto, 3? pages of illustrations. Cloth-bound, S3.50; paper-bound, S2.00 , U. of O. "CO-OP" Joyce’s short novels and a collec tion of his short stories. The principal ideas and preoc cupations of Andre Gide will be reviewed by Dr. Laurence LeSage, Assistant porfessor of Romancje Languages, on June 2. The final lecture in the series will be pre sented by Dr. Bertram Jessup, as sistant professor of philosophy, when he will discuss thd “Existen tialist Novel’’ on June 9. Jean Paul Sarte and Albert Camus, two of the outstanding writers of t’^.ii movement, will receive special con sideration in Dr. Jessup’s lecture. The new extension division lec ture series is open to the general | public, but will not carry Univer sity credit. Miss Bernice Rise, cir culation libraraian, will be in charge of reference materials and browsing room displays. Regis tration fee for the course will be $7.00. AD STAFF: Sally Waller, Day Mgr, Andy Moore, Assistant Donna Mary Brennan, Soliciting Manager U of OSquad Places in Finals The University forensic squad placed five students in the finals of the Pi Kappa Delta tournament at the College of the Pacific at Stockton, California March 25-27. The tournament brought together top speakers from the universities and colleges of the Pacific coast. Elizabeth Misner, sophomore in liberal arts, won first place in wom en's oratory. Dorothy Orr, sopho more in business, placed second in women’s impromptu speaking, lower division, and also reached the finals in lower division women’s oratory. Warren Miller, senior in political science, was one of the finalists in the extemporaneous speaking divi sion of the tournament, and Jim Danielson, freshman in law, reached the finals in the lower di division men’s oratory. Ralph Teters, junior in psychol ogy, and Don Tlkeson, sophomore in business were the other members Houses Burglarized The combined strength of the Sigma Nu athletes and the Phi Kappa Psis’ St. Bernard, Snow belle, was unable to thwart the burglars who visited the two houses early Tuesday morning. Police report that about $40 was taken from the second floor of the Phi Psi house. The case was still unsolved last night. of the speech squad who competed at the tournament. The speakers were accompanied by E. R. Nichols, asssitant professor of speech and drama. Miller and Teters will compete in the Pacific forensic league contest at the University of Nevada April 1 and 2. They will be accompanied by W. A. Dahlberg, associate pro fessor of speech and drama. A HAIRCUT FOR SPRING— Charlie Elliot's UNIVERSITY BARBER SHOP 1239 Alder St Close to the Campus How many operators will we need NEXT YEAR? This is but one of the many questions telephone men are called upon to answer. Part of their work has always been to anticipate demands for personnel ... to determine what additional equipment must be provided, what new construction will be necessary to handle the con stantly increasing demands for service. Careful planning in every phase of telephone work requires the services of many qualified men. For them, this growing business offers the oppor tunity for active, interesting careers. There’s a future in telephony. BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM