Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 31, 1948, Page 3, Image 3

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    218 Students on Honor Roll
Two hundred eighteen students,
including 33 who received all A’s,
were named yesterday to the Uni
versity honor roll by Registrar
Curtis E. Avery. Fall term 277 stu
dents received grades above at 3.5
with 19 four-pointers.
Students receiving a 4.00 grade
point average for winter term
were :
Ruth L. Landry, Allen L. Mc
Nown, Bonita J. Miller, Pricilla A.
Moore, Albert A. Oyama, Robert
O. Payne, George R. Pederson,
Stanley A. Pierson, Willard J. Ros
borough, Virginia D. Rue, Freder
ic W. Rugh, Kenneth R. Starr, Bet
ty R. Stewart, George J. Tiss, War
ren W. Webster, George E. Wright,
Robert S. Wright.
Wallace B. Barning, Roberta L.
Brophy, Marjorie E. Chandler,
Frances M. Devos, Stanley W.
Durland, Morris J. Galen, Margaret
W. Gansslg, Robert G. Goffard,
Lester A. Hagland, Bjorg Hansen,
Marion E. Hill, Lucy W. Hollomon,
Elof J. Holmlund, Nan P. Hum
phrey, Ralph H. Isensee, and John
W. Jones, Jr.
Those receiving a GPA of at
least 3.50 based on not less than
12 term hours, follow:
Joan E. Abbett, Glenn Y. Allen,
Allene M. Amacher, Andrew M.
Anderson, Hjalmar Anderson, Jr.,
Urban S. Arbour, Jr„ George K.
Armen, Jr., Gerald E. Arthur, Ben
nidine Ruth Backlund, Harold E.
Bailey, Jr., Thelma A. Bailey, Carla
uY»ui, oamca x . oarLt;ii, mar
garet L. Bates, Charles W. Beam,
Betty J. Bennett, Norma S. Berg,
Dwight W. Berreman, Betty R.
Bowers, Lemuel M. Boylen, Byron
B. Brenden, John W. Broome,
Clarajane D. Browning, William H.
Buckley, Donald L. Bunyard, Jack
M. Burke,
Michael G. Callahan, Richard M.
Callahan, Nolan G. Chamberlain,
Thelma M. Chapman, Richard F.
Chedester, Dorothy J. Christensen,
Betty J. Clark, Edward L. Clucas,
Hugh A. Cook, Jr., Joseph C. Cun
ningham, James C. Danielson, Clif
ford J. Defoe, Warren T. DeLa
Vergne, Kenneth R. Doherty, Billy
E. Duhaime, Mary M. Dundore,
Jean C. Duyck, Lewis Thad Elvig
ion, Robert J. Erickson, John W.
Evans, Wesley Jean Eyres, Nina
S. Fernimen, Mary L. J. Jackson,
Cecelia J. Fidler, John R. Flanery,
Virginia L. Fletcher, Thomas J.
Fondren, Robert N. Forrect, Rob
ert B. Frazier, Edward C. Galla
gher, June A. Goetze, Helen M.
Golden, Guy W. Gorrell, Marie N.
Greyerbiehl, Marjorie M. Griffeth.
Chester C. Haliski, Mary B. Hall,
topper to throw over cotton
dresses, skirts and sweaters,
and even formals. In all
colors and sizes.
kAPPARELhebh1044 Will
-— --- --
T ''
I Janet Hamren, Robert G. Hansen,
Dale M. Harlan, Ward M. Haynes,
William E. Heidrich, Patricia A.
Heinrichs, Robert F. Henderson,
Don H. Hensley, Joseph J. Herscoe,
Clayton R. Hess, Altabelle Hoad
ley, Edward H. Hoffmaster, Mar
garet M. Holm, Baker G. Holman,
Anita M. Holmes, Sherman W.
Holmes, Elizabeth A. Hopper,
John H. Horn, Frederick F. How
att, Martha J. Huffstut'ter, Evelyn
J. Hunt, Lois M. Hunt, Andrew G.
Iskra, Marvin M. John, Florence A.
Johns, Mary M. Jones, John W.
Judy, Jr., Eugenia C. Karns, Joe D.
Keuter, Sylvia L. Killman, Robert
G. Kingsbury, Lola R. Kirbyson,
Betty E. Lagomarsino, Ross E.
Lanser, Loren J. Lawson, Richard
F. Link, Carolyn J. N. Lively,
Frederick W. Lovell, Mary M.
Louis M. McCumsey, Catherine L.
McFarland, Malcolm D. MacGreg
or, Daniel Mahan, Eugene A.
Maier, John A. Malik, Colleen J.
Mariot't, Donald B. Martin, Quintin
C. Martinez, Arthur T. Matsuda,
Edith M. Mays, Suzanne Mercer,
Ruthe M. Millard, James R. Mon
tagne, Roger H. Moore, Thomas
Berton Moore, Clayton C. Morgan,
Glenn C. Morgan, Arlette R. Mor
rison Jack D. Morton, C. Nell C.
Moshofsky, Charles W. Mullaley,
Niels P. Murer, Henry C. Myers,
Robert L. Myers, Ibsen A. Nelsen,
Bruce E. Nelson, Howard R. New
ton, Carl L. Niederer, Russell R.
Niehaus, Evelyn R. Nill, Edward
R. Nininger, Clarence J. O'Brien,
Miller C. Oleson, Esther S. Olson.
Guido A. Palandri, Richard F.
Parker, Lester D. Pederson, Abra
ham P. Perlstein, Beverly Pitman,
William L. Portis, Robert W. Pres
cott, Jr., Walter Probert, Lucille L.
Queen, Thursa M. Revenaugh, Nor
man L. Rhodes, Henrietta M. Rich
ter, Elwood R. Rickman, Harry E.
Rockwood, Billy J. Ryan, Daniel D.
Sage, James A. Sanders, Samuel C.
Sargent, Janice E. Schneider, Janet
E. Shafer, Gordon W. Smith, Rich
ard L. Smith, Robert B. Smith,
Duane A. Snyder, James J. S'tans
field, Barbara L. Stevenson, Gladys
V. Stone, John H. Sullivan, Ellen
W. Sutherland, Elizabeth E. Sutton,
William E. Taylor, Jr., Myron T.
Tedford, Virginia Thompson, Mar
tin D. Torrey, Merlyn N. Trued,
Catherine J. Twedt, Harry L. Van
Dermark, James N. 'Wallace.
Marvin E. Walpole, Richard L.
Ward, Neil O. Warner, Janet F.
Watts, John T. Weisel, Warren S.
Welborn, James D. White, Luster
J. Williams, Ruth L. Williams,
Kathryn R. Wilson, Theda L. Wil
son, Ralph L. Wood, Donna M.
Woodall, Charles I. Wright, Mary
ellen Wright, Daniel D. Wyant,
Barbara Jean Wyckoff, Willard R.
Yates, John R. Yeager, Olga Yev
As Featured
you'll hod the way w*
v- t ' ^ j
when you’re wearing this charming classic^
fashioned of sanforized cotton cord to keep'
you cool and fresh on sultry days.vYours in,
navy, brown or blue. Sizes 9 to 15.'
1080 Willamette Telephone 3128
Socialist to Speak
(Continued from page one)
state politics during the 20's when
his name appeared among the
“also rans” in 1924, governor;
1925, mayor of New York; 1926,
state senator; 1927, alderman in
New York city; and 1929, mayor
of New York.
Thomas nas been active in pub
lic service work and the socialist
party serving as a social worker,
pastor, editor, director of the
league for Industrial Democracy,
and chairman of the post-war
world council.
He is the author of many books,
including “America's Way Out,”
“Human Exploitation,” “What Is
Our Destiny?” and “Appeal to the
Nations.” He writes a weekly col
umn for the “CALL” and is one of
the most frequent participants in
radio forums.
Thomas is a speaker who en
livens his speeches with an inera
dicable sense of humor, according
to one of his reviewers. He has
been frequently arrested and pre
vented from speaking, particularly
in Jersey City, though he depends
more on logic than emotion.
Hui 0 Kamaaina to Meet
Hui O Kamaaina will meet in
the women's lounge Gerlinger hall
at 7:30 tonight.
The acid test of man's honesty
comes after he’s dead, when people
find out how much money he left,
-- ' *
Discovery that there are 14 Reds
in the State Department was not
made by examination of the depart
ment’s policies.
To win a reputation as a prophet
one has only to predict trouble.
Emerald Classified
All classified is payable *n advance at the
rate of four cents a word the first insertion,
two cents a word thereafter at the Emerald
Business Office.
Classified deadline is 4:00 p.m. the day
>rior to publication.
LOST: Theta Pin, Frances Colton.
Call Debe Colton 2340. (103)
Two things \
every college mein
should know!
- -
This is a hot trumpet player.
|| When he's in (the groove), he's out
(of this uorld). He plays this infernal
I | machine in a band, provoking dancing,
dreaming, and mayhem.
>£/. This is a"Manhattan" Tic. Designed
by our own hep artists. "Manhattan" Ties,
' loo, lend to provoke dancing and dreaming
—even mayhem if your roomnuile tries
Ip to borrow 'em. See these handsome,
colorful ties at your "Manhattan" dealer's.
. Copr. 1948, The Manhattan Shirt Co.
. ' s ..