Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 14, 1948, Image 1

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Campus Prepared to Extend
Royal Welcome to Fathers
To Speak
At Confab
New Yorker Slated
Principal Speaker
At NW Conference
Highlighting the second and final
' _ day of the Northwest Drama con
. ference and regional meet of the
American Educational Theater as
. sociation on the University campus
- will be a talk by Lee Simonson,
leading New York stage designer.
* He will speak on “The Univer
* sity and Community Theater as
_ Leaders in Decentralized Theatre”
at a general session at 2:30 p.m. in
" the music school auditorium.
Open to Public
In response to requests from
townspeople and students, this ses
' sion only will be open to the gen
- - era! public.
Opening today's program will be
a general session in Johnson hall
" at 9 a.m., which will include a busi
ness session and announcements.
The general session will adjourn
into three divisional meetings at
10 a.m.
The discussion on high school
* theaters with Robert D. Steman,
' Medford senior high school, as
* chairman will be held in the* Guild
, theater, Johnson hall.
University theater discussion
with Everett Courtright, Oregon
1 state college as chairman will be
. held in A Quonset, 1. Community
or civic theaters will be explained
by Helen Weed, Tacoma Little The
! atre in C Quonset, 2.
Sectional Meetings
From 11 a.m. to noon the follow
- ing sectional meetings will be con
ducted: Technical, G. Edward
Hearn, University of California at
Los Angeles, chairman, at A Quon
, set, 1; Direction, Robert Gray,
University of Washington, chair
man, at Guild theater, Johnson
hall; Playwriting, George Sav
* age, University of Washington,
(Phase turn to paae three)
. Sunday Concert
Features Grieg
Mu Phi Epsilon actives will pre
sent the fifth browsing room con
■ cert Sunday. The concert will begin
, at 4 p.m. and will feature the mu
sic of the Norwegian composer, Ed
’ vard Grieg. The program includes:
Concerto in A minor for piano
and orchestra; the Peer Gynt suite
. (No. 1) in four parts, 1. Morning,
2. In the Hall of the Mountain King,
- 3. Anitra's Dance, and 4., The
- " Death of Ase; Sonata No. 2 in G
major for violin and piano; Elegiac
- Melodies, 1. Heart Wounds, and 2.
Last Spring. Norwegian Dance No.
-'T"3 and No. 4 will also be played.
Bev Pitman and Art Johnson, co-chairmen of Bads’ Day, express the
sentiment of students at the University as they display a welcome
sign from one of the living organizations. Special event today for
hoth students and their fathers is the Bads’ Day luncheon at John
David McCosh Slated to Lecture
On Prints Sunday in Art Gallery
David McCosh, assistant profes
j sor of art, will lecture Sunday at
2 p.m. on “Print Techniques.” His
talk will be given in the art gal
lery of the art and architecture
McCosh's talk is related in topic
As Heart King
Ken Bargelt, sophomore in bus
iness administration, was crowned
the 1948 King of Hearts during
half-time at last night's basketball
game. Sharing the spotlight with
him were the two knaves, Mo
Turner and Bill Burness.
Bjorg Hansen, president of the
I YWCA, acted as prime minister to
crown the newly-elected' royalty.
Bob Leicht, son of football star
Jake Leicht, served as crown bear
er. He marched up the floor while
the band played regal music. A
momentary assist was given him
by Chuck Cameron.
Bargelt received his roval dunk
ing at 11:30 p.m. in front of the
Alpha Delta Pi house at the hands
; of Malcolm MacGregor, last year's
! King of Hearts. Bargelt will hold
the title until next year, when he
will dunk his successor.
Other half-time entertainment
I included original compositions
j played by campus musicians. They
j include Joe Ingram, Marty Wright,
j Lee George, Bill Fletcher, and
1 Arnie Martin.
The five vocalists we re Sid
Rosen, BB1 Monroe, Carl Reusser,
Norman Lamb, and Mart Bonime.
to an exhibit of French prints from
1 Corot to Picasso being shown in
the art gallery from 1 to 5 p.m.
j daily. The prints are on loan to the
| school of architecture and allied
[ arts from the permanent exhibit of
the San Francisco museum of art.
Ends February 26
Prints of works by Renoir. Ver
tes, George Roualt, Matisse and
Toulouse-Lautrec are included in
the display which will end Febru
ary 26.
McCosh commented, "Since the
period of Romanticism, painters
have developed either point of
lithographers crayon in order to
record the fleeting patterns of age.
These mediums offer a variety of
techniques and style, originality,
Vitality, and the moment as it is
preserved in the freshness of line—
all of which tend to put us in closer,
communion with the artist."
French Poetry
The next Sunday, February 22,,
Dr. W. S. Baldinger, associate pro
fessor of art, and Dr. Laurence Le
| Sage will hold a discussion on
j "French Poetry from Baudelaire to
| Surrealism.
AWS Prexy Calls
Weekend Petitions
Petitions for the chairmanships
of the AWS Preview Weekend
i committees, invitation, Nickel Hop, t
| and exchange dinners were called
for yesterday.
Petitions should be turned in to
Barbara Johns, president of AWS,
at the Delta Gamma house by Feb
ruary 20.
Places to Take Dad
Told by Committee
If students are. wondering
where to take dad this afternoon
here are some suggestions sub
mitted by the Dads’ Weekend
The law school, art school,
j o u rnalis m school, YWCA,
YMCA, Westminster house and
Wesley house will be open all
day. t
Open during the afternoon will
tire Oriental art museum and the
home economics department.
The men’s physical education
building will be open to visiting
dads from 8 to 12 a.m. and from
4 to 5 p.m. today.
Women to Dine
For Benefit Fund
See Exchange List I’age (j
Women's living organizations
will hold exchange dinners Wed
nesday night to raise money for the
Dean Hazel P. Schwering scholar
ship fund, Genevieve Siskey, chair
man of the dinner announced yes
The scholarship is given to a jun
ior girl who would not be able to
graduate without financial aid.
Each girl on the campus is asked
to contribute at least a dime to the
fund when she goes to dinner, Miss
Siskey said.
From last term’s dinner $107.20
was added to the fund.
Formerly, the dinner was given
just once a year, but beginning fall
term, it was decided to have a din
ner once a term.
Besides raising the money to help
some deserving junior girl, the din
ners also serve to broaden friend
ships among campus women, Miss
Siskey added.
Slate Told
By Heads
Registration Today
Plans for Luncheon,
Meetings Announced
(Sec Schedule Page (5)
Dads may register at the Eugene
and Osblirn hotels and Johnson hall
from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5
p.m. today, according to Registra
tion Chairman Richard Neeley.
Tickets for tonight’s basketball
game will be sold at registration
Valentine Theme
Luncheon Chairman Joan O’Neill
lias announced that decorations for
today's luncheon will follow the
Valentine theme. Governor John
H. Hall is the featured speaker. He
will be presented by Colonel Thom
as F. Gunn, president of the Oi e
gon Dads' club.
Tlie annual business meeting is
scheduled for 2:15 p.m. today.
Election of next year's officers will
be the main order of business.
Entertainment Planned
Half-time entertainment at to
night’s basketball game has been
planned in honor of Dads. A com
mittee consisting of Alex Murphy,
Bob Mathison and Joan Fryde:i
lund planned the program.
Ed Anderson, award chairman,
has stated that he will present first
and second place awards to the
houses with the highest percentage
of dads in attendance. At half-time
he is also giving cups to the win
ning men's and women’s houses in
the sign contest. Assisting Ander
son in registration tabulation are
Bill Walker and Jim Hershner. The
house with the largest number of
freshman dads as guests is also
receiving a prize.
Requests Tour
Hospitality Chairman Janet Ben
gal has requested students to take
their dads on a tour of the campus
buildings open for inspection. She
has also announced that special
services are being held in Eugene
churches. All campus living organ
izations have .planned Sunday din
ners honoring dads.
A1 Pietschman, promotion chair
man, was interviewed about Dads’
Weekend plans at half-time of last
night’s basketball game by An
nouncer Jimmy Morris o£> KOAC.
Honorarles Aid
Members of women's honoraries,
Kwarna and Phi Theta Upsilon, are
assisting in registration. Other
members of the registration com
mittee include Pete Poort, Clark
Austen, Sally Johnson and John
Other members of the Dads’
Weekend committee include Co
chairmen Bev Pitman and Ait
Johnson; special events, Jordi3
Benke; invitations, Marie Lom
bard; and publicity, Nancy Peter