Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 03, 1948, Page 8, Image 8

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    Movie Author
Here to Write
Of Local Scene
Joseph H. Cole, of Wilding Pic
ture Products, Inc., arrived on the
University campus Friday morning
an<J began research for a movie
baked on the natural resources of
The young script writer said that
the University was an ideal spot to
neer,” will be shot in the spring to
seems to be the heart of Oregon
and there is much research mate
rial from which to choose.
“Pioneer” Title
The movie, which Cole said will
be called “The Return of the Pio
neer, will be shot in the spring or
early summer and will be added to
the U. S. bureau of mines collec
tion of pictures on the natural re
sources of each state. It will be a
three-reel film photographed in
color and its object will be to give
a full picture of the states natural
resources, industry, cities, and peo
The theme of the film will be
built around the belief that the
spirit of the pioneer returns now
and then to see what progress has
been made since the days his cov
ered wagons rolled over the* old
Oregon trail, Cole said.
From Chicago
Cole, who works from the Chi
cago office of the Wilding Picture
Productions, Inc., said that he ex
pects to have the movie scenario
completed in a couple of days and
will then continue to Washington
for a similar assignment.
The picture is under sponsorship,
as no money was appropriated by
congress for the project. Richfield
oil refinery of California will spon
sor the Oregon picture. Other pic
tures filmed on states throughout
the nation will be sponsored by
similar organizations and compan
ADS to Lunch Today
Alpha Delta Sigma, men’s nation
al advertising honorary, will hold a
luncheon meeting at the Anchor
age cafe today at noon. All mem
bers and pledges are asked to at
With Men Who Know Best...
It's Bare> Black and Tight!!!!
With eyes right to the Military
Ball, local femmes are dithering
about what formal to wear. It’s an
established fact that she will dress
just to please “him” according to
opinions expressed by a group of
I collegians who served on Cosmo
politan magazine’s male-tested
fashion jury at the Stork club,
New York.
“Men like daring dresses on the
other fellow’s girl- not their own,”
the board found out. They voted
consistently for gowns with some
covering over shoulder or upper
arm or with narrow straps. The
completely bare shoulder decollet
age was something delightful—
Grad Courses
Offered byKKG
Announcement of scholarship of
ferings to women students by Kap
pa Kappa Gamma sorority has
been received by Mrs. Golda P.
Wickham, dean of women. Availa
ble arc three $500 fellowships for
graduate and foreign study, gradu
ate counselor, and undergraduate
scholarships, and student loans.
The graduate study scholarships
are open to any woman not over 30
years of age if she is a citizen of
the United States or Canada and
has received her bachelors degree,
or will obtain it prior to July 1
from a college or university where
a Kappa Kappa Gamma chaper is
Applicants should have made “a
real contribution to their school
and have a well outined plan for
graduate work,” the announcement
stated. Application blanks are
available at the deans office.
All college women who have suc
cessfully completed two years of
college or university work (at least
one year on a campus with a Kap
pa Kappa Gamma chapter) are eli
gible for the student loans.
Foreign study, graduate counsel
or, and undergraduate scholarships
are limited to members of the so
rority. Further information may be
obtained at the office of the dean of
women in Emerald hall.
■ ■ ■ !■■■■-1
Do you want a PHILCO?
We have all
styles —
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Corns in
Hear them
649 Willamette Phone 2693
only on the other fellow’s girl.
Kay Wister, fashion editor of
Cosmopolitan, said the fellows
liked a “dreamy” look that had so
phistication but not too much ex
One of the winning gowns is a
“royal blue crepe that bared the
shoulders but covered the arms
completely. The skirt with a so
phisticated hip-line drape tapered
to a narrow hemline, but was slit
to allow plenty of freedom for
The national opinion was for the
“dreamy” look, but the Oregon
males voted for the black strapless
dresses. Only one fellow questioned
liked the sleek look; the rest pre
ferred bare shoulders, a tight
waistline, and full skirts. Black
was the favored color although a
few chose the light pastel organdy
One local male connoisseur said
that on his wife he preferred some
thing tight around the arms and
ankles, high around the neck—sort
of a pastel mother hubbard. On
other people’s wives, he liked any
thing that looked like a French
bathing suit.
Most of the fellows while ex
pressing views on the female for
mals, admitted that a girl should
dress to type. They didn’t want her
to appear as a “vixen” if she be
longed with the “southern belles”
and vice versa.
After this, the coed will probably
still be confused if she is thinking
of buying a new formal. The Ore
gon men prefer bare shoulders;
other collegians don’t. Maybe it
would be a good idea to wear that
old dress after all.
Math Discourse Set
Mrs. Helen Clucas, graduate as
sistant in the mathematics depart
ment, will talk on “Orthogonal
Polynomials in General” on Feb
ruary 5, at 4 p. m. in 258 Emerald
12 noon: Westminster house
12 noon: ADS luncheon meeting
at the Anchorage cafe.
4 p. m.: Skeptics’ hour of the
WYCA at the home of Mrs. Paul
Ellis, 1442 E. 13th st.
6:30 p. m.: Wesley players meet
6:45 p. m. Phi Theta meeting at
Hendricks hall.
6:45 p. m.: Newman club meet
ing at YMCA.
7 p. m.: Camera club meeting in
107, Architecture building. Kod
achrome slides will be shown.
7 p. m.: Talk on Thomas Wolfe
by Dr. Carlisle Moore in the Lib
rary browsing room.
7:45 p. m.: Christian Science or
ganization meeting at YWCA.
8:40 p. m.: Christian Science
Monitor group will meet in 204,
Library. Topic of discussion will be
“The Jewish Question.’’
9 p. m.: Bible class at Westmin
ister house.
Night Staff:
Dean Blankenburg, night editor
Roger Moore.
Martha Bramlett
Betty French
Fogdall Commends
Top GPA Groups
Vergil S. Fogdall, dean of men,
gave his congratulations yesterday
to campus organizations which
came out on top in last week’s an
nouncement of fall term house
The dean especially .commended
Delta Gamma sorority, highest wo
men's house, which received a GPA
of 2.78, and Tau Kappa Epsilon
fraternity, highest men’s group,
which averaged 2.65.
“It should be a goal of every liv
ing organization,” Fogdall said, “to
achieve scholastic recognition along
with participation in campus ac
GOP Youth to Meet
An organizational meeting of the
Young Republicans will be held at
6:30 p.m. Wednesday in room 3,
Fen to nhali. Clay Myers will act as
temporary chairman. Speakers are
scheduled to discuss current politi
cal issues.
rz mil " ; i
Mount on pipe and tool
is where you need it
when driving, work- /jg
ing or just smoking,
Fits any rounded \
wood surface. \
^ JIpaid
JAMES KING & CO. With installing tool I
312 N.W. 12th Avo., Portland 9, O.-ogon
We have a few portable typewriters for sale and
have typewriters and adding; machines for rent.
U of O “Ce-Qp??
Tomorrow Night!!
Glenn Miller
7:30 p. m. to MIDNITE $2.00 PERSON (tax Inc.)
Tickets on sale at Appliance Center — 70 W. 10th
Tickets on sale at Armory after 6 p. m Feb. 4th