Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 24, 1948, Page 6, Image 6

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By United Press
DAVOS, Switzerland — Ex
iliing Michael of Romania and his
Danish princess confirmed ru
mors that they arc in love when
fhey went into a movie-style
clinch today on a railroad sta
tion platform in their first re
uinion since he abdicated his
Before leaving the station, Maj.
. iacques Vergotti, one of Michael’s
■ ;des, told the United Press that
i here will be no official announce
ment of the couple’s engagement,
because they have been engaged
:nce December 6.
WASHINGTON — Gen. Dwight
'i ■. Eisenhower’s "definite and posi
. ;ve” decision to take himself out
■ f presidential politics split his
■supporters into three camps to
Some said the "Ike for president
boom” will go on anyway. Some
. ok prompt steps to abandon it.
Others frankly said they didn’t
...now which way to turn.
WASHINGTON —Under sharp
cross-examination by Edwin W.
Pauley and Democratic senators,
Harold IQ. Slassen tonight stuck
by his charge that Pauley and 10
other persons made nearly §5,000,
000 profit on commodity specu
lation “on the basis of inside in
formation” about government
export plans.
Jiticnl action c'ommiltee tonight
voted 7-2 lo throw “all of its re
sources” against a third party
This gave CIO right wingers a
clean sweep over left wing oppo
sition in three days of policy
CHICAGO Men teachers at
i xo high schools staged sitdown
trikes today after the city council
1 i Id up their pay checks, and raera
♦ era of the Chicago Teachers’ fed
eration (AFLi threatened a city
wide strike Tuesday unless their
•diaries are paid.
John Fovvkes, president of the
Group So Discuss
High Living Cost
Tiie “High Cost of Living” is the
. -pic to lie discussed at the West
linster house Sunday evening for
iin. Speakers will be three mera
(• 'I'h of the University Symposium
i am, Viola Dunckley, William
Uoyd, and Dick Neeley. After the
presentation, a question and dis
• ussion period will Vie held. A social
Four will be held from G to G:30
i .in. when the forum will begin.
Six Scorchers Played
(Cuntiiuwii irow piuir /ice 1
mg baskets from all points of the
floor. Every man on the Chi Psi
; -am scored in the tilt. •
Lambda Chi 2(5, Villard 18
In the final game of the after
i oon a hard driving Lambda Chi
Mpha team slaughtered Villard
* all handily by a score of 26-18. Bill
' .ewellen’s eleven points led the
Lambda Chi offense, but it was
Com Patton’s floor generating that
et up the team's win.
Ray Crowder
Anita Holmes
Stan Turnbull
Bob Hemingway
Dotty Sorg, Editor
MACHINES. Will sell 40 or less
at attractive price. Bars avail
able. Contact G. R. Sailor
3500 NR Mai toy. Portland. Ore.
teachers’ union, representing 7,000
of the city's 14,000 public school
teachers, said that a majority of
ballots in a strike vote had been
returned by members of his union.
“About 90 per cent” favored a
strike if the board of education
does not meet the payroll Monday,
he said.
Athletic Gals
Slate 6 Games
Tuesday’s women’s intramural
badminton schedule calls for six
games at 4 p. m. in the outdoor and
indoor gyms.
Slated for the indoor gym are
Yvonne Keith of the town team
vs. Maryanne Hansen of Alpha Phi,
Birdclla Ball of Hendricks hall vs.
Kay Richardson of the town team,
and Margaret McKeen of Pi Phi
vs. Georgene Slianklin of Susan
In the outdoor gym Sue Dimm of
Susan Campbell meets Maxine Ar
ndt of Gamma hall and Betty
Burkhart of University house op
poses Donna Lyons of Pi Phi. The
third game of the outdoor gym
will pit the winners of the Wil
liams-McKenna and Bruck-Dening
games. Shirley Bruck and Bar
bara Dening will play this morn
ing to make up a default.
Each match will be the best two
out of three games of 11 points
each. If no one is present to re
cord the score the contestents are
requested' to notify Eileen Reimer
by calling 4221.
Saturday, Jan. 34
8:00 p. m. “Drop-in” nite at
Westminister House.
9:00 p. m.: Date nit eat Wesley
Sunday, Jan. 25
9:15 a. m.: Lutheran Sunday
school class. YWCA.
9:45 a. m.: Wesley College Sun
day school class. First Methodist
5:00 p. m.: Wesley House buffet
5:30 p. m.: Lutheran student as
sn. meeting'. YWCA.
(!:C0 p. nr: Westminister House
Sunday forum “High Cost of Liv
0:30 p. m.: “University of Life"
discussions at Wesley House.
Monday, Jan. ',‘t>
9:30 p. m.: Fireside sing at
Westminister House.
Those wonderful
barbecued sand
wiches are back at
Drop in
after classes
Dorm Leaders
Found Group
Eormation of a men’s dormitory
council to unite men’s halls o'
the campus was announced yester
day by Don Latham, junior in bus
iness administration, one of the or
ganizers. The membership will be
composed of dormitory presidents.
President of tne new group is
Bill Bond, sophomore in business,
who was elected Wednesday night
following an Inter - Dormitory
council meeting. Also elected were
Jack Broome, vice-president, and
Lauren MacReynolds, secretary.
Purposes of the council, which j
corresponds with the Inter-Frat
ernity council for Greek organiza
tions, are to organize the dormit
ories that they may work together
in solving individual dorm prob
lems through group discussion and
action, and to build a strong or
ganization for such cooperation,
Latham said.
The group will confer at inter
i vals with Assistant Dean of Men1
i Vergil S. Fogdall.
An organizational meeting will j
be held at 4:30 p. m. next Thurs-1
day in the B-l lounge of the Vets
i dormitory.
Amphibian Tryouts
Scheduled Monday
The second tryout this term for
Amphibians, women’s swimming
honorary, will be held Monday, Jan
uary 28, at 7:30 in the Gerlinger
pool, Shirley Sault, publicity dir
ector, announced.
Any student is eligible to try
out, whether or not she has had
i any swimming training at the Un
iversity. Tests will be made on the
elementary b a c k breaststroke,
crawl, back and side strokes a
standing front dive and a running
front dive from the board.
Talented Quartet
To Perform Sunday
A concert by the University
string quartet will be presented
Sunday at 4 p. m. at the school of
music auditorium. Mrs. Jane Tha
cher, faculty member of the school
of music and guest artist, will play
Franck’s piano quintet.
Haydn’s quartet, Opus 76, No. 1
in G major, which is one of 83 the
-’ompo3er wrote, and Debussy’s
quartet No. 10, are also on the
George Boughton and Mary
Kapp Allton, violins; Edmund Cyk
ler, viola; and Milton Dieterich,
violincello, complete the group.
They plan to give another perfor
mance during winter or spring
Oregana Staff to Smile
Business staff, editorial, and all
other Oregana workers will have
pictures taken for the 1948 Ore
gana, Tuesday at 4 p. m. in front of
the Oriental art museum.
Panel Features*
Palestine Split
Partitioning Palestine will be dis
cussed by panel members of the
University Meeting of the Air at
7:30 p.m. Tuesday in room 3 Fen
R. W. Smith, assistant professor
of history; Mrs. David Halpern, re
gional president of Hadassah; Ivan
Makinster, graduate student in po
litical science; and Glenn Morgan,
junior in political science, will take
part in the discussion “Is Partition
the Answer to the Palestine Prob
lem ?”
A question and answei period
will follow the lectures.
The program is the second of a
series planned by the International
Relations club. The program will be
recorded by KORE and broadcast.
Night Staff:
. Jim White
Joyce Good
Barbara Dragoo
Bob Hemingway, editor
—-—1——— ..
Emerald Classifieds
All classified is payable in advance at the
rate of lour cents a word the first insertion. /
two cents a word thereatUw at the Emerald
Business Office.
Classified deadline is 4:00 p.rn. the day
>nor Jo publication.
refinishing of running surface
plus 4 coats of base wax. 4-day
service. Pick-up and deliver.
Call 5471 ask for ‘■Hans" Hazard
or ‘‘Torger" Roberts. (71)
FOR SALE: Nearly new tux, size
35R. Call 5375-M. (71)
VACANT dorm room. Call Flem
ing, Minturn 3300, Ext. 3997 70
FOR SALE: Tuxedo, size 36. Call
Wesley house, 35.
DRIVING to Portland Saturday
Morning. Can take four passen
gers. Call Leo Brown, 5133-J. 70
FOR SALE, ’34 Ford Tudor coach,
§240. B. L. Nelson, 715 E 13th,
1629-W days or 2281 evenings.
LOST: Brown, gold-top Eversharp
pen. Name engraved Geo. C.
Sutton. Phone 5060-W (70)
playing for the
Senior Ball
Tonight at 9 p. m. in MacArthur Court
Tickets are on sale at the Door