Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 08, 1948, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon Emerald
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of che University of Oregon, published
daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, and final examination period*.
Entered as second-class matter at the postomce, Eugene, Ore.
Member of the Associated Collegiate Press
«OB FRAZIER, Editor BOB CHAPMAN, Business Manager
vstt t irsrrwc TTTxrrr r.m?T7F. BORnT.EE RROPHY
Managing Editor
Co'-News Editors
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Co-Sports Editor
Asaiatant Managing Editor:
Advertising Manager
Associates to Editor__
Assistant Nws Editors
Was We Really Robbed?
There is furor this week as University students view with
emotion their grades, which are supposed to reflect their
progress fall term in the quest for learning. There is a general
feeling of “We wuz robbed.” There are rumors about to the
effect that a third of the campus failed to make 2-points, that
all the grades are much lower than ever before, that the in
structors had orders to “crack down,” and so on.
The Emerald has gone to some pains to check these rumors,
and most of them have been proved unfounded. Persons who
might know admit the possibility that all these things are true,
but they assert that nobody can make such statements—yet.
The statistics haven’t been gathered. It will be a couple of
weeks yet before any man can make a definite statement
■ about the extent of this debacle, which, so rumor has it, has
befallen the campus .
The honor roll shows that grades at the top seem to have
run about as normal, although there were a lot of names
missing that rarely have been missing before. But this is only
the top. How about the people at the other end of the list?
Well ,nobody is going to be bounced out of school be
cause he fell below a 2-point this one term. Everybody has at
least one more chance. Some were bounced. Most of the vic
tims were in the group with “pegged grades” from last year
—students who had to make a stipulated GPA in order to
graduate with the minimum requirement of 2-point over four
years of work. Those who failed to make this pegged grade
were bounced, unless their performance had been enough
better that the scholarship committee allowed them to remain.
The committee prides itself on its policy of looking at each
case as an individual thing, and upon not letting general poli
cies work injustices upon the exceptional case. The axe fell,
we understand, upon something more than 100.
If the grades were a little lower generally than in earlier
terms, some professors would attribute it to the changed poli
cies of the scholarship committee. When the committee was
being really tough, these professors tell us, the instructors
were generally inclined to be a little charitable, to give the
student all the breaks.. But now with the scholarship commit
tee being more charitable, the teachers feel they can be a
little more severe. At least that’s one explanation.
It dosen’t seem that requiring a 2-point cumulative over
a number of terms is requiring a great deal. If a student can’t
make that, he would probably be happier elsewhere—or at
least “better suited,” since this is a pretty happy campus.
Of course this is a state university, and as the old saying
goes “Anybody can go.” But if it be so set up than anybody
can graduate, we may as well throw in the towel now. The
bachelors’ degree means little enough as is, without cheapen
ing it even further by offering it to anybody who has the fi
nancial good health to stay around for four years.
20]Years Ago
(From Emerald Files)
The honor roll for the fall term 1927-28 has been issued by
Registrar Earl M. Pallett, with 70 students whose scholastic
average for the term has entitled them to a place on the list
of honor students. The exact number of students who failed
to pass is 37. The number on probation, although not defi
nitely compiled yet, is thought to be around 70.
The Webfoot basketball team made a clean sweep of the
three games played during the holidays. The Checkerboards,
47-23, and the Multnomah club, 58-30, were defeated on suc
cessive nights at Portland, and the Roseburg Collegians, 54-29,
at Roseburg.
An Oregon State college dream of many years, a men's dor
mitory, was a step nearer following approval of the board of
regents for building plans.
The Oregon varsity basketball team, playing its first home
game of the season, defeated the Willamette university Bear
cats in a rather loosely played contest, 36-17.
Although registration is not yet completed and no exact
figures are available, officials in the registrar’s office believe
the enrollment for winter term will exceed 3000.
The New Sound
Being in the rustic Northwest as we are, many of the more out
standing records by modern jazz giants are unobtainable. So we’ll
tread lightly on the non-procurable music of Bab’s Three Bips
Stewart and Lambert, Tristano and others who are striking a serious
note on “the Street.” However, Victor is giving us a break so far
as Hollywood music is concerned. Tenorist Lucky Thompson of Es
quire New Star awardings has his lucky Seven on two new Victor
releases. Featured with him are Benny Carter, Neal Hefti of Herman
fame, and the Dodo who all tend to make these very noteworthy
records. Dizzy Gillespie, also had a Victor date with the excellent
bopping of “Ow!” the result. Thanx to Victor’s repression of the figs,
we possibly can get the taste of Curt Sykes from our mouths.
Speaking of bands we have known, Les Brown is back in the
saddle again with a new band. His latest “Jumpy Stumpy” should
be sought. It’s named for Les' tromboning brother, who was the 5
footer doing the singing and dancing at Daggett’s dance last spring
term. Stumpy was scored by Bob Higgins whose writing bounced
brown up to the top last year.
Before we get a boring collection of Nell Lutcher, listen to Will
Bradley's “Lonely Moments” or Benny Carter’s “Prelude to a Kiss.”
In closing, we’re wondering why we can’t lure a big band to our cam
pus for a Saturday night instead of having to find a ride and pay
twice the price.
Mon With A Job
Appointment of Donald M. DuShane of Lawrence college
as the new “director of student personnel sendees” on this
campus should be good news to those persons who have ex
pressed concern over the increasing complexity of student life.
There is no doubt that the new man walks into a big job, and
there will be few who will dispute the fact that a man of Mr.
DuShane's experience is sorely needed.
As the University grows, it is natural that the activity and
student life structure will grow more complex ,and that some
agency is needed to tie together the many loose ends. This
need has been illustrated especially this year, what with the
normally (or more) heavy academic requirements of the in
stitution and the increasing number of “activities,” not all
of which can be called “educational” by a long shot.
Perhaps Mr. DuShane can integrate the program a little
better with school life.
His record in working with fraternities at Lawrence col
lege is impressive. During his tenure there the Greek letter
houses were high in scholarship, and in cooperation with the
college administration. In nearly every respect they repre
sented the best of student life on the Lawrence campus.
Perhaps Mr. DuShane can do something about the situa
tion here at Oregon, where the fraternity system is not doing
anything worth shouting about, so far as “all that is better
in student life” is concerned.
Perhaps Mr. DuShane, if he is given the authority (and we
understand he’ll have it), can crack the whip in a few of the
right places, and can do a great deal to improve the standing
of this university of ours. At any rate the thinking student
will see nought but good in the idea behind it.
The registration process by which most students seemed
to get back into school this term, puts one in mind of fall
term’s long- lines—it was all so different.
Registrar Curtis E .Avery and his staff are to be com
mended for engineering the process in so painless a manner.
Reprinted frointhe™^'
January. 1948 issue of esquire
Copyright 1947 by Esquire, Inc.
Letters -
To the Editor:
The people of Oregon in all
walks of life and of all political
faiths who have the best interests
of the state at heart surely desire
that both political parties put
forth outstanding candidates for
governor. Several potential can
didates have been mentioned by
the members of both parties.
Some of these potentials are out
standing and some of them are
not so hot. But there is one on the '
Democratic list who is said to
have what it takes for a gover
nor—-personality, integrity, and
His name is Marshall N. Dana
of Clackamas county.
We have good reasons 'to be
lieve—in fact we know—that
Dana would accept the call to run
for governor “if drafted.” But he
is no self-starter.
The press of Oregon can render
a great public service to the peo
ple at this time by using its in
fluence to help get capable can
didates for governor nominated
on both tickets. We should do this
for the good of Oregon.
Otto D. Drain
To the Students:
Due to the limited seating ca
pacity in McArthur court, the
athletic department has request
ed the A.S.U.O. executive council
to ask the students to be seated
in the court by 7:30 p.m. on
nights of conference basketball
games. The doors will open at 6
The reason for this request is
to enable the athletic department
to determine how many seats are
available to the general public af
ter 7:30 p.m.
We hope that the students will
be able to cooperate with this re
Stan Williamson, Pres.
Fellow Veterans:
The problem of increased sub
sistence is vital to every man and
woman attending school under
the G.I. Bill.
A well-organized and effective
lobby was held in Washington,
D. C. on December 19 and 20, by
veterans’ representatives from a
large number of U. S. colleges
and universities. The convention
placed the problem squarely be
fore the congress. Entirely
through the efforts of this group
the Meade bill for increased sub
sistence was placed on the floor
of the house of representatives,
but it was blocked by the house
The convention delegates are
certain that a substantial increase
in subsistence can be obtained
soon after congress reconvenes, if
a concentrated effort is put forth
by all the veterans affected by
such legislation.
Experienced lobbyists in Wash
ington advise a well-organized
letter-writing campaign. If each
of the approximately 2,000,000
veterans in school at the present
time will write letters to at least
two of his congressmen within
the next three weeks, Washing
ton will be forced to take notice.
If some action is not taken, vet
erans legislation will continue to
be a political football, to be
brought into play only when vari
ous groups wish to solicit the vet
eran vote. J
If you can publicize this pro
gram on your campus successful
ly, at the same time that it is be- "
ing done on all the other campus
es in the country, you will be do
ing something really constructive '
toward raising the subsistence of J
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