Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 07, 1948, Image 1

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Oregon If Emerald
vou XLIX NO. 58
Senator Wayne Morse
To Speak Here Tonight
Controversial Politician
Revisits Former School
Wayne L. Morse, Republican senator from Oregon, who served for
12 years as dean of the University law school and head of the state
system of higher education law studies.
Wayne L. Morse, Republican
senator from Oregon and former
dean of Oregon law school, will
speak on “Political Issues as I See
a Them’’ tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Mc
Arthur court. The talk, which will
be free to the public, is sponsored
by the assembly committee.
Morse, one of the most contro
versial figures on the American po
litical scene today, has been de
scribed as a prodigy among educa
tors and labor mediators. When he
became dean of the Oregon law
school in 1932 he was the young
est dean of a major law school in
the country. Morse held this posi
tion until he retired to run for the
United States senate in 1914.
Active in State
Although Morse had never run
for public office before he had been
active in both state and national
>' public affairs. He served on sev
eral Oregon crime and penal in
stitution committees and in 1938
was appointed Pacific coast arbi
trator for the United States de
partment of labor. Although a Re
publican he was appointed to this
post by a Democratic administra
tion following requests of both la
bor and management.
In 1942 he was appointed by
President Roosevelt as a public
member of the War Labor Rela
tions board for which he prepared
many opinions including the" fam
ous Montgomery Ward case.
Described as a “secret New
Dealer,” “a labor stooge,” and “the
best Republican in the Democratic
party,” Morse has never been ac
cused of grinding the ax of par
tisanship. Throughout his political
career, which at times seemed to
shift from one camp to another, he
has characteristically tried to de
cide every issue on the basis of the
issue itself rather than taking an
“over-all” or long-term policy
Morse has also strongly attacked
Senator Taft of Ohio for leading
the group that destroyed liberal
ism in the Republican party. He
voted for the UN charter and
thinks that the United States,
along with other member nations,
must yield a degree of sovereignty
if the organization is to be suc
Other Morse acts that at times
(Please turn to page three)
Rain: University Students
Battle Near-Record Flood
Flood waters were threatening western Oregon with one
of its worst inundations in recent years Tuesday night, while
basements and many streets in Eugene were also flooding.
Families, including those of University students, were evac
uating the low area between Eugene and Springfield, as a
crest of 15 feet, three feet over flood stage, was predicted for
the Willamette river between lO.p.m. and midnight.
Forty families living in trailers near the railroad bridge at
Springfield, including 12 University families, were moved with
their trailers to Unversity street near McArthur court. Other
trailers in this area were being towed to trailer parks in Eu
gene and Spingfield and to the Lane county fairgrounds. Per
manent residents were evacuating to the homes of friends,
(Please turn to page three)
Better Greeks
At Lawrence
Donald M. DuShane of Lawrence
college, who has been appointed
director of student personnel, has
shown himself outstanding in the
field of college-fraternity rela
Through his work Lawrence col
lege has become known for its out
standing fraternity program and
the contribution of this program
to high educational standards. The
Lawrence program for fraternities
has been discussed at length in the
publication, “Banta’s Greek Ex
change,” and also in an article,
“The Where and Why of High
Fraternity Achievement” by Clyde
S. Johnson, assistant dean of un
dergraduates at UCLA.
The former publication stated in
the April 1941 issue: “The spirit of
college and fraternity cooperation
may languish in some quarters, but
at Lawrence college it flourishes in
full bloom.
“The latest evidence of the fun
damental compatibility of college
and fraternity interests is given on
the campus of that institution in
the form of five beautiful new fra
ternity houses, conceived, financed,
and built on a partnership basis
and made possible only by a crys
tallized and highly laudable mu
tual-assistance policy.”
Man Gets
New Office
A new position at the Uni
versity of Oregon, director of
student personnel services, was
filled this week by the appoint
ment of Donald M. DuShane
of Lawrence college, Appleton,
Wisconsin. The appointment,
announced by President H. K.
Newburn, is subject to approval
by the state board of higher edu
As director of student per
sonnel service, DuShane wil Italic
over administrative charge of the
offices of the dean of men and the
dean of women and will have full
responsibiliey for the coordination
of all other student personnel ser
vices and agencies.
The new director, who will ba
responsible directly to the presi
dent's office is expected to be on
the campus for a short visit some
time in January or February. His
appointment is effective on May 1,
Major Field History
An educator, whose major fields
of study have been in history, po
litical science, public law and jur
isprudence, DuShane entered per
sonnel work at Lawrence college
in 1939 as dean of men. He is the
son of Donald DuShane, nationally
known Indian educator. Following
his graduation from Wabash col
lege, Crawfordsville .Indianna, he
worked as a reporter and desk
editor on the Columbus Evening
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