Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 06, 1947, Image 1

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    OHSPA Special Fina/e - ,j
Today’s Emerald was edited by
* „ ... This is the last issue Of the Enl
six delegates to the Oregon high ,, ... .
6 . , erald this term. Regular publlca
school press association confer- .. . , ,
. . ...... . .. tion winter term will begin dur
ence being held at the University . , ,
. . . , ing the first week of regular
this weekend. ,
Gamma Phi Beauty
Chosen Moonlight Girl
Miss Ann Phetteplace, junior in psychology and pledge
of Gamma Phi Beta, has been named the Moonlight Girl oi
the Univesritv chapter of Phi Sigma Kappa. Selection of the
attractive, tall, brown-haired Eugene girl, was announced yes
terday by Art Wahlers, Phi Sigma Kappa president.
A graduate of University high school in Eugene, Miss
Phetteplace is a transfer from Stephens college. She said hei
main reason for the psychology
major was to further an interest
in “social work or counseling.”
A picture of the University
chapter’s candidate is eh route to
Chicago, where it will be entered
in the national Phi Sigma Kappa
Moonlight Girl contest. Her pic
ture also will be featured in “Sig
net,” the fraternity’s national
Miss Phetteplace will be honored
at the Phi Sigma Kappa house
dance Saturday night and will be
a guest at the fraternity’s social
functions this year.
The Moonlight Girl, who said
her new title was “j\jst wonderful,”
likes all sports, “especially swim
ming, horse-back(riding, and golf.”
^She also paints—“traditional and
so*me modern types,” she said.
Nineteen candidates from wo
men’s living organizations com
Civil Service
Head Coming
6eorge Robinson, civil service-di
rector for Oregon, will be on the
campus December 9 from 10 a.m.
to noon to interview applicants for
placement in state civil service.
Karl Onthank, dean of personnel
administration, said that the ex
aminations will be held in January,
and that those interested in civil
service jobs should see Robinson.
Examinations will be given for
social workers, statisticians, voca
tional rehabilitation counselors,
and employment service interview
ers. Those desiring social work
may make appointments with J. R.
Parsons in sociology, or with Dean
Onthank. Others should contact
' Onthank before Tuesday.
'Town Meet' Set
For Wesley House
A “Town Meeting” forum will be
the attraction at Wesley house
Sunday evening as vital issues oi
the day, both national and local
are discussed. All University stu
dents are invited to attend and
contribute their ideas and opinions
I' _.
'rurriners' Guests
At Christmas Party
A Christmas party for foreign
students will be given by the
YWCA International Affairs com
mittee Sunday at 7 p.m. Co-chair
men of the committee, Dedo Misely
and Laura Olson, said today that
in many cases this will be the first
time that University students of
foreign countries have celebrated
Christmas in the American style.
The party will be held at the home
of Nancy Beltz, 1893 Alder.
“Every attempt will be made to
present a true picture of Christmas
to the foreign students,” the co
chairmen said. Campus clothes are
in order, and a variety of enter
tainment has been prepared for
the event.
Dean's Article
“College and University Place
ment of Graduates in Business,’’
was the title of. an article written
by Karl Onthank, dean of person
nel administration, which appeared
in the November issue of “Occupa
tions,” a vocational guidance jour
nal. The article reports the results
of a questionnaire sent to 30 col
leges and universities representing
a rough cross-section of four-year
institutions whose graduates go
into business in significant num
Dean Onthank will go to Berke
ley next Saturday to attend a meet
ing of the Pacific coast committee
of the Edward W. Hazen founda
tion. The committee will arrange
a conference on guidance in per
sonnel problems for people in Pa
cific coast colleges and universi
ties concerned with his subject.
The conference is slated for next
While in the Bay area, Onthank
will spend about a week develop
ing contacts and opportunities for
placement of University graduates,
in business and industry.
Journalists Discuss
Newspapers, Radio
Speeches by Robert C. Notson and John Thompson, manag
ing editor of tlie Oregonian and NBC news director in San
I1 rancisco, respectively, highlighted the first day of the Oregon
High School Press association conference attended by over 200
delegates and 36 advisers representing 93 Oregon schools.
Officers, elected by delegates Friday afternoon and pre
sented at the evening banquet are Dave Ramstead, president,
of Hugene; Howard Sullivan, vice-president, St. Helens; Lou
Seibert, secretary, Corvallis.
Speaking to the student journalists on the general topic op
portunities in journalism, Notson declared that radio, far from
being a true competitor of the newspaper, has actually stimu
lated the layman’s interest in the printed word.
Radio has created not only opportunities for emplovment
in radio journalism, according to Notson, but also has opened
more positions on newspapers.
I he managing editor advised students preparing to make a
career ol journalism to take specialized training in journalism
and to become familiar with liberal arts.
Realize Own Limitations
"Realize your own limitations, and realize where you can
best fit the needs of a paper,” Notson told the delegates. "A
young person who gets a job on a small paper learns very
rapidly what is required in newspaper publication.”
As a final note Notson informed the representatives that in
newspaper work "you’ll never get rich, you'll never go hungry,
and you’ll never be bored.”
Round table discussions, the advisers’ tea sponsored by
Theta Sigma Phi, womens’ national journalism fraternity, elec
tion of officers, campus tours conducted by Sigma Delta Chi,
mens "professional journalism honorary, and “Good Neighbors,”
a motion picture depicting operation of a metropolitan daily,
rounded out the day for the delegates.
Representatives attended the annual banquet at Hotel Os
burn in the evening. Dr. Laurence Campbell, toastmaster for the
event, introduced Thompson, banquet speaker.
With the belief that radio stations will greatly expand their
news gathering and reporting staffs to meet the demands of it s
listening audience, Thompson named several reasons which
make radio work more appealing than newspaper journalism.
Higher salaries, both for novices and executives, more
chance for original writing, direct communication with a large
audience, and the forcefulness of radio news, were a few of the
factors he listed.
Television and fascimilc transition of newspapers are two
(I’lcasc turn to page three)
OHSPA Emerald Staff
This edition of the Oregon Daily Emerald was edite 1 by these six delegates to the Oregon High School
Press conference, shown conferring with Emerald E litor Bob Frazier. From left to right they are Vetn
Stolen, managing editor; Gretchen Grondahl, news elitor; Darlene Sayles, copy editor; Danny Brown,
sports editor; Bob Frazier; Dave Ramstead, associate editor; and Clara Belle Roth, editor. (Photo by
Kirk Brauii)
University Buys
Hall from Army
A social hall behind Gerlinger
was turned over to the University
December 4 by the army. It will be
called the Gerlinger annex. The an
nex will be used for classes Monday
through Friday until 4 p.m. for
classes in women's physical educa
tion starting winter term. Friday
and Saturday nights the hall will
be used for campus activities such,
as house dances. The activities de
partment hoped to have campus
dances held every Friday night.
There are no offices in the build
The hall, a former officer’s rec
reation hall from Camp Adair was
moved to the campus as a tempo
rary structure. It is 100 by 60 feet,
with a main hall of 70 by 60 feet
and completely surrounded by a
balcony. Besides the main hall there
is also a kitchen and dining room.
Club to Breakfast
Newman club will hold a Com
munion breakfast after the 9:45
a.m. mass Sunday in St. Mary’s