Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 05, 1947, Page 2, Image 2

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    To the High School Press
Conference, An Open Letter
We hope you touring teenagers will not be dis
appointed if your welcome was a bit listless. This
campus has just been through one of the fastest
fall terms in University history and the good peo
ple about you are tired. Then too, there is the mat
ter of the fast approaching final exam week. They
look at the next 17 days with helpless gloom. Here,
for your perusal, is a thumbnail sketch of the lit
erary plant you’re about to inspect.
SCHOOL, OF JOURNALISM. Rated among the
top five in the nation. Faculty persues a “hands
off” policy outside the classroom that greatly stim
ulates output. Doing good newspaper work is ex
pected; near perfection is a requirement along
with reporting, publishing and editing.
THE EMERALD. An eight-page paper (printed
on both sides). Was awarded All-American rating
last year thus signifying the end of the national
emergency and imported Mexican headsetters. No
paper on Sundays and Mondays because the peo
ple that put it out are “social” on Saturday night
and usually can’t get out of bed Sundays.
The paper is lightly regarded by townspeople,
avidly scanned by anxious parents, quoted and mis
quoted by papers throughout the state, nervously
tolerated by the Eugene Register-Guard, and
laughed at, spit at, cursed, and admired by the
finicky Oregon student body (a group which de
mands nothing less than a professional tabloid
daily crossed between Forever Amber and The New
EMERALD EDITOR. Named Eob Frazier.
Started Oregon 1940. Claims the war retarded his
progress. Got job because administration thought
a bald-headed editor would lend dignity to the pa
per. Married and has one noisy boy, age 3. Is a
camera fiend, wears spectacles, highly intellectual,
and leers at young girls. Genial, easy to work for.
Thinks the Emerald is composed of the edit page
and seven lesser pages.
MANAGING EDITOR. Named Bill Yates. Gets
older with the term. Always busy. Courts cute
Kappa by penny post card. Catches occasional nap
in publishing class. Thinks the ad side is a not too
necessary evil. Has picked up beautiful lead-col
ored tan Jrom night work.
ASSOCIATE EDITORS. Use two women loaded
with hidden talent as associates. Maryann Thielen
is a big “wheel” in Theta Sig, a woman’s journal
istic honorary organized in Schenectady by George
Sand to gain control of the American press. Writes
snappy, tangy editorials on a variety of subjects
she knows nothing about. Maryann came to the
Emerald from the Police Gazette. . . .
Jeanne Simmonds is other edit writer. Came to
Oregon along with a load of brick that eventually
became Deady hall. Is called “Simmy” (among oth
er things) and is loved by everyone who knows her.
Simmy is hard to get to know. Has big “in” with
officialdom. Won Gerlinger cup last year. Writes
“hearts and flowers” type edit. Particularly useful
around the holidays for wishing people happy Eas
ter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Fourth of July, etc.
NEWS EDITORS. Two females, June Goetze
and Bobolee Brophy, mismanage this office. Have
sharp talent for deleting sexy material from stor
ies. Came to Emerald from obit. dept, of Christian
Science Monitor. Gossip, drink coke and coffee
eight hours a day. News mysteriously funnels in
and out of their office. Unfortunately they will
not graduate this year. Sneak out of Susan Camp
bell at night by staging false fire drills. Both mad
about the same linotype operator.
SPORTS EDITOR. Uses nom de plume of Wal
ly Hunter. An aged character who was graduated
out of Woodburn in 1939. Garbles sports stories
beautifully. Can be seen in coast press boxes where
he distributes sandwiches. Will probably work for
the Daily Racing Form when he graduates.
DEAN TURNBULL. Feared and respected by
the freshmen. Sophomores and juniors want to
protect him. Feared and respected by the seniors.
Mild-mannered, gentle, has a habit of playing yo
yo with his glasses during classes.
WARREN C. PRICE. One of the biggest chees
es to come out of Wisconsin. Law school is a pipe
compared to his reporting course. Lures innocents
into taking law of the press. Is married and has
three children who don’t take up much of his time
as students would like. His fabulous store of semi
useless information. Likes to make people think
he’s hardboiled, but his bark is only half as bad as
his bite.
Came from Syracuse university. Was co-author of
a sparkling textbook called "Exploring Journal
ism.” Pulls hundreds of little "funnys” during class.
Operates on the “shotgun theory” of humor where
you depend on quantity and the law of averages
to pull you through. Spends a lot of time in his
lectures beating around the bush* but seems to
know his stuff.
HARRY HEATH. Another newcomer to Ore
gon, hailing from Oklahoma. Shackra'ts were non
plussed to learn that he doesn’t smoke, drink, or
chew. Aside from these abnormalities, seems to be
a fine fellow. Has loud voice. Rumor has it he
talked to cattle on the range beefore being confined
to a classroom.
JACK BILLINGS. An old line, pre-war shack
rat. Graduated last year and is trying to badger
the University out of a master’s degree while
teaching elementary journalism. Curly hair comes
from sampling Johnny Kahananui’s “Swedish
punch’’ last year. Speaking of Swedes, he married
one named Christine Christian. Cute kid, but no
one knew her.
LESTER SCHANGLEN. Also teaching elemen
tary journalism, sweating out a master’s. Rail
birds predict an early end for this character. Does
n’t smoke, drink, chew, or eat meat. Owns his
own farm where he raises everything but children
and salt.
MARIE BROWN. Faithful secretary, also offi
cial crying towel. Carries large stock of sympathy
chits for journalism majors who come in to switch
to ceramics or bobsledding. Is leaving the Univer
sity this term after 57 years of faithful service. Is
slated to become the house mother at Creswell fire
Oregon ^ Emerald
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the University of Oregon, publishei
daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, and final examination periods
Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Ore.
Member of the Associated Collegiate Press
BOB FRAZIER. Editor BOB CHAPMAN, Business Managei
Managing Editor Co-News Editors
walt McKinney, jeanne simmonds, maryann thielen
Associates to Editor
Sports Editor
Assistant Managing Editors
Advertising Manager
National Advertising Manager.....Marilyn Turnet
Circulation Manager .Billi Jean Riethmillei
Editorial Board Harry (Hickman, Johnny Kahananui, Bert Moore, Ted Goodwin Bill
Strattor, Jack Billings.
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Library Displays
Musical Works
Albums and scores of several
great composers, and books on in
terpretation of their works are
now on display in the library cir
culation department. Among the
composers are Baclt? Brahms, Mo
zart and Wagner.
A Gilbert and Sullivan score of
“lolanthe,” a book of Gilbert and
Sullivan opera stories, and an al
bum of folk songs and ballads
sung by Susan Reed are also in
cluded in the exhibit.
On display until January 1, the
exhibit is a part of the library's
program to correlate audio-visual
instruction with books in the li
See Holmer’s handmade
plastic and cordette
736 16th E. Call 3869
The Years That Went Between
It is strange the way finals
come. First they are a dim ap
parition somewhere across a vast
space of two months, then 'they
are looming in your face a week
away, and there never seems to
be any real lapse of time between.
So many things are that way.
It was like that with childhood
and today. One day you were a
kid listening to the oldsters try
ing to recall school friends they
had known. You thought of your
friends and said to yourself—"It
will never be that way with me,
I’ll remember these friends al
ways—we’ll do everything to
gether—we’ll—” and then that
time receded and you forgot.
It has been the same with me.
Sometimes I recall with a start
that I lived 18 years in the South.
There was a host of childhood ac
quaintances, familiar places, es
tablished habits that have passed
out of my life as completely as
if I had passed from this globe
onto another.
Now, sometimes, I hear con
versations which include some
thing that would have been con
sidered funny where I was born,
and I revert to that first reflex
that was formed in me and turn
to laugh with the group, but the
group isn’t laughing.
The same thing will probably
happen to you (if it hasn't al
ready) when you are gone from
Oregon—from the things asso
ciated with this locality. And you
will feel that sudden passage of
I guess it will always be that
way—graduation, a new job in a
new place, finally death. There
are many times when we are quite
alone with no way to communi
O.S.C. Follows Suit
We see by our competition clown on the Corvallis campus
that the executive committee of the ‘‘A.S.O.S.C." has gone on
record in favor of a tuition increase to build an Aggie Igloo.
Proponents of the plan on this campus were not surprised, and
further predict that a similar system will be put into effect at
the college of education in Monmouth.
It seems the only way left to raise money for student
buildings, and distasteful as it may be, it seems to be the
way we must accept if we are to build student union buildings
and basketball pavillions ‘‘in our time.” _
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