Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 03, 1947, Page 8, Image 8

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    Music Group
Plans Initiation
For Professor
The initiation of Professor Rob
ert Hord into Phi Mu Alpha Sin
fonia, men’s national music honor
ary, will take place during the hon
orary’s convention on December 6.
Hord, assistant professor of pi
ano in the school of music, will pre
sent a piano pledge concert for
members of the fraternity and
the faculty of the music school
shortly before his initiation. Fur
ther concerts will be presented by I
Hord on a tour of the southeastern
United States after the first of
the year.
Hord, whose home is in Ingle
wood, California, took his under
graduate work at Southern Metho
dist university, where he received
awards as the outstanding sopho
more and later as the outstanding
senior in music. On the basis of his
undergraduate record, Hord re
ceived a graduate fellowship to the
Juilliard school of music, where he
was chosen as concert soloist with
the graduate orchestra. He later
did further graduate work at the
University of Southern California.
Duck-Pilot Totals
Oregon FG FT PF TP
Bartelt, f .4 0 2 8
Gacek, f 2 13 5
Wiley, c .5 1 2 11
Williamson, g . 7 3 5 17
Berg, g .0 0 3 0
Kasmussen .1 0 0 2
Don 0 1 3 1
Seeborg .0 0 10
Amaeher .0 0 0 0
Lavey .1 1 2 3
Fopick .0 0 10
20 7 22 47
Portland FG FT PF TP
Devieh, f 4 5 5 13
Holden, f .0 3 3 3
Winters, c .4 13 9
Grosjacques, g .4 0 18
Lee, g . 2 13 5
Ford ...1 2 0 4
Altenhofen .0 0 0 0
Turina 0 0 0 0
Petros .I 12 3
Manion 0 0 10
16 13 18 45
Free throws missed: Oregon 11,
Portland 8.
Officials: Bus Bigham, Paul
make it a II
for yourself . . . for
gifts to your friends at
Christinas . . . small but
appreciated ....
Jacquet Mood
Robbins Nest
Darktown Strutters Ball
Red Skin Rumba
Twelfth Street Boogie
Kilroy Boogie
Ph. 6245
Senior to Play Lead
In Coming Production
By rAl lUINli
A true son of the theater is Bob
Over who plays the leading role of
Christy in “Playboy of the West
ern World,” to be presented Dec.
3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11 by the Uni
versity theater. With a mother who
was a child actress and a father
who was in vaudeville, how could
Bob be anything else but an actor!
A senior in drama, he has dem
onstrated through his perform
ances in “I Remember Mama,”
“Green Pastures,” and “The Man
Who Came to Dinner” his versa
tility and talent. After graduation
he plans to go to New York to con
tinue studying in a professional
school and try out for Broadway
“When my father knew I was
serious in working in the theater
Copy Desk:
Donna Kletzing, editor
Eva Moore
Georgianne Balaam
Virginia Cox
Ruth Reagan
Don Smith
Elaine Loftus
Elwin Paxson
he gave me his own make-up kit
that he had used when he was in
vaudeville,” said Over. His father
had built the light weight kit com
plete with mirror, light, and elec
trical outlet and used it before Max
Factor made a fortune selling them
to the theater world.
Over’s career began early, as he
discovered from a psychology
graduate with a flair for hypno
tizing. Under hypnosis he recalled
his opening line in his first play
"Christmas Present” in which he
appeared at the age of five.
As for his latest play Bob, whose
dark hair and eyes suit him well
as the Irish Christy, said, "It’s a
difficult part because of the wide
range and fluctuation of emotions
that it demands.”
Aside from his participation ir
the play, he is also box office man
ager—a combination that leaves
him time for little else.
Directed by Mrs. Ottilie Sey
bolt, the play's cast includes
Glenna Hurst, Allen West, Dicfc
Rayburn, Paul Deutchmann, Paul
Bender, Emeilie Jacull, Mary El
len McKay, Betty White, Donna
O’Brien, Louise Clouston, Ted
Schultz, Gerald Lundy, Dick Nel
Insurance for G.I.s
Due December 31 |
Deadline for reinstating lapsed j
G.I. insurance without a physical
examination is December 31, Don
ald C. Schworer, Veterans Admin
istration contact representative for
this area has warned.
Only for the remaining weeks of
this year, he said, may a veteran
reclaim his term insurance by pay
ing only two months’ premiums
and completing a simple three
question form. After December 31,
if a term policy has lapsed for
more than three months, the vet
son, Keith Cockburn, and Bob |
Box office is open in Johnson
hall from 10 a.m. to noon and from
1 p.m. to 5 p.m. On performance
days the box office will remain
open until curtain time.
Beginning special
Saturday night care
room for a few full-time days
Bring your children
to Ihe
hours 8 to 1 or later
fiat rate until 1:00
j 142 E. 13th Phone 921
Still Believes
At His Age
Paterson, N.J., Dec. 2.— (UP)—
Harry Frechette, 47, a steeplejack,
will climb the City Hall flagpole
today and remain there until Dec.
6, on the lookout for Santa Claus
who is scheduled to arrive by heli
copter. City merchants will pay
Frechette $200 for the five days.
eran will be required to take a
medical examination to prove his
insurability before he can regain
his insurance.
Any VA office or service organi
zation has the reinstatement forms, ■
Schworer said.
At Oregon
Janice says:
“They’re so easy to unwrap—
and always fresh.
Voted TOPS!—Chesterfield the
largest selling cigarette in Am
erica’s colleges (by nation wide
\\ \
Make her happy with one of our boxes
of Montag's Cornet stationery Christ
mas morning. A colorful, high quality
stationery in orchid, blue, pink, and
white. Available in gift boxes or open
A pure white stationery that shows
care and thoughtfulness of selection
when received as a gift. Takes a beau
tiful monogram. Select a box from our
boxed and open stock for that Chist
mas gift for her.
U of O 44Co-op”
Chapman Hall