The Weather Homecoming Fun Occasional rain Thurs- .... ' . . , Traaitions.Th© second in a series day, mostly in west portion, be- .. . . .. . * , * mt 9 off stones on Homecoming; tra coming; partly cloudy with show- .... ... * J J cations will appear on an inside ers Friday. Slightly colder Friday. ^ VOLUME XLIX ' UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, THURSDAY. NOYEM BE.R 194V NUMBER 43 'Amazon' Approved Housing, Drainage To Be Undertaken By Physical Plant By JIM WALLACE The approval of a contract with the federal government appropriat ing $136,000 for the completion of the Amazon housing project was announced yesterday by Irwin I. Wright, physical plant superinten dent. The contract was approved through the office of the Federal Housing authority in San Fran cisco. Wright stated that the work will be done by the University physical department. He said that work has already been done on the drainage system for the Amazon area and that actual building will begin as soon as possible. He expressed a hope that at least 28 of the single story units could be completed by January 1. Not the End When completed the project will accommodate 100 more veterans and their families stated E. W. Martin, director of veterans fam ily housing. Martin emphasized, however, that the completion of the project would not mark the end of the family housing problem as there are approximateely 600 fam ilies on the waiting list. The entire Amazon project con sists of 248 housing units. Of this total 148 are already completed and . occupied. Work on the unfinished part of the project, originally scheduled for completion last Christmas, was halted last fall be cause of weather and flood prob lems. The University built tem porary roofs on the unfinished units to prevent further damage from the rain. Weather Damages There was considerable weather damage in the unfinished units be fore the roofs were built. Floors suffered the greatest damage, and many will have to be relaid. Wright stated that the Amazon (Please turn to page three) Oregana Lists^ Make-up Times Off-campus graduating seniors, off-campus members of honoraries and societies, and house members who failed to have their pictures taken will have their individual Oregana pictures taken at the Kennell-Ellis studios November 17 through 21. Because of the impracticality of contacting those people who have not been scheduled through living organizations, no formal schedule will be followed. Warren Miller, associate editor in charge of living organizations, emphasized that it is imperative that individuals affected by this announcement have their pictures taken by November 21. Future scheduling through Kennell-Ellis will be impossible after that date, he said. This will be the only opportunity for members of Alpha Kappa Del ta, Delta Phi Alpha, Phi Delta Phi, and similar clubs to have pictures taken for publication in the Ore gana. Webfooters Ca 11 Assembly Today To Rouse Stanford Game Spirit Planned for those who do not have 11 o’clock classes today, a pre-game pep assembly for the Oregon-StanfOrd football game will be held at 11 a.m. in McArthur court. Permission for the as sembly was granted by the student affairs committee earlier this week. Those who are planning to leave for Palo Alto today should attend the assembly and leave from there, according to Yell King Johnny Backlund. The pep assembly, sponsored by the Webfooters, is the first of its kind held this year. The 30-minute program will include songs and yells led by the yell king and entertainment arranged by Webfooter Jeannine Macaulay. Members of the Oregon football squad and the coaching staff will also be introduced. Sam Gillette will act as emcee. The Alpha Gamma Delta trio, Mary Lou Timmons, Marie Peery, and Helen Tliorburn, will sing “Moon Glow,” and Denny Marvin will present the “Whiffenpoof Song.” Marie Perry will also introduce a new Oregon fight song, “Might Day for Oregon.” 'Miss Vogue' Crown, Fashions Promised for Journalism Tea “Miss Vogue of 1948” will be se lected from seven finalists this af ternoon when Theta Sigma Phi, War Breaks Anew As '0' Sees Orange SPLASH! Civil war flamed afresh on the Oregon campus yesterday. The .lemon colored “O” on Skin ner’s butte was painted . . . orange. This annual maneuver by the forces from Corvallis was not ex pected until several days before the Homecoming game, November 22 and caught the campus by surprise. Exclaimed Ed Dick, president of the Order of the “O” when the communique reached him, “It was! We’ll have to do something about this.” The furrows deepened in the careworn brow of another higher up when he was informed of the deed. He stated quietly, “Guerrilla warfare is declared. And we’ve got just the apes here to do the job.” Nearly every Oregon-OSC Home coming game has been initiated by Corvallis men wielding orange dipped paint brushes on Skinner’s butte. women’s national professional jour nalism fraternity, presents its sec ond annual silver tea in alumni hall, Gerlinger from 4 to 5:45 p.m. The finalists are Beverly Pit man, Pi Beta Phi; Jane Hull, Kap pa Kappa Gamma; Joyce Hansen, Hendricks hall; Isabel Young, Del ta Gamma; Betty Cox, Alpha Omi cron Pi; Gloria Harrington, Alpha hall; and Ruby Bienert, Alpha Del ta Pi. Quartet to Sing > Campus talent is scheduled to entertain during the afternoon. The Theta Chi quartet, composed of Bill Pengra, Glenn Snyder, Lowell Chase, and Gene Eberhart, will sing “Coney Island Baby,” “Mood Indi go,” and “Sweet Sixteen.” Harpist Mary Stadelman, sopho more in liberal arts, will play “Longing,” by Kajetan Attl, and “The Music Box,” by Franz Poen itz. A piano selection, “Manhattan Serenade” by Louis Alter, will be played by Georgene Shanklin, freshman in music. All contestants in the “Miss Vogue” contest will model college fashions, including sports clothes, campus clothes, short silks, and formals. Gerre Arnold, women's di (Please turn to page three) Dance Planners Book Sykes for Homecoming CURT SYKES WSSF Fills Need Claims Dr. Espy Where do WSSF dollars go after the last cash box is emptied and the total added up ? Dr. R. H. Edwin Espy, national ! executive secretary of the student YMCA, who visited the campus yesterday, has witnessed the dis tribution of these funds and the good which they effect. A member of the assembly of the WSSF while doing Christian youth work in Europe, Dr. Espy declared, “There is no political influence in volved and no political channels utilized in the distribution of these funds. It is administered through national, regional, and local units. All persons and organizations re ceiving help are investigated be forehand.” Despair in Europe Dr. Espy, who visited Europe this summer, said that there is widespread despair and disillusion ment among European students. “This can be met only by providing (Please turn to page six) Carnegie Grant Representatives Visit Oregon Campus i&mem. w - ■# > t ssffls i s- s i $ v ’' Delegates Devereux C. Josephs and Charrles Dtollard, Carnegie Corporation, pause while Thomas Tarball studies on a library tour with President H. K. New burn and Dr. It. C. Swank, library head. Curt Sykes and his orchestra has been booked to play for the Home coming dance Saturday, November 22, Robin Arkley, chairman of the Homecoming dance committee, an nounced yesterday. Considered one of the best bands on the Pacific coast, Sykes and his orchestra are at present playing an engagement at the Trianon ball room in Seattle. Tickets for the dance will be placed on sale today at the Co-op, according to Mildred Chetty, chairman of ticket sales. They are priced at $2.80. According to advance notice, Sykes and his orchestra play a modern commercial style of mu sic with the sweet or swing dance able tempo interspersed with the popular oldies, waltzes, rhumbas, and memory medleys. Featured vo calist of the 13-piece band is Rob Raymond. The annual Homecoming affair will this year be a short silks, no flower affair, according to Arkley. A limit of 1100 tickets will be sold. There will be no living organiza tion sale, he said. Band, Pep Girls Head for 'Farm' Bound for Palo Alto and the Stanford game, the University hand will leave Eugene at 8 a.m. today. Oregon rally girls will trav el with the 60-piece band on a chartered bus. On the road the band, under the direction of John Stehn, will holfl parades and street concerts in Roseburg, Grants Pass, Centra® Point, Ashland and Medford. Ar rangements for these performanc es have been made through Oregon, alumni associations in each town. After arriving at the Whitcomb hotel in San Francisco, the rally squad and band will prepare for an Oregon rally on Market street Fri day at 9 p.m. At the game Saturday afternoon the band will be allotted six min utes to perform during half-time. This trip marks the first time the band as a unit has traveled t© California. Registration cards will serve as admission tickets for Oregon stu dents. Art Students Invited To Exhibit Originals Art students interested in pub licly displaying their original work are invited to attend the Odeon meeting to be held in Room 107, Friendly hall, at 4 p.m., November 19. The meetting will be of interest to those artistically inclined who wish to enter sculpture, painting, drawing, or models in the exhibi tion. Although the work may not. be ready at the present time, it is necessary that those interested at^*r tend the meeting to participate in the determination of various mat ters which concern the Odeon group. Language Meeting Set The language major meeting previously scheduled for Monday, November 17 will be held on Thurs day, November 20. i