* Wesleyans Plan Swimming Party * Wesley house will sponsor a t'Splash Party” Friday evening, J^Iovember 14, in the men’s pool. All students that are interested are asked to sign up at Wesley house u*J)efore Thursday evening. The group will meet at the house Friday evening, and go over to the Spool in a body at 7:45. Refresh ments will be served back at the ^louse after the swim. . •Meeting Thursday .Of Phi Mu Epsilon Phi Mu Epsilon, mathematics honorary, will hold a meeting in 4 room 257 Emerald liaJl, Thursday, 1 November 13, at 4 p.m, 1 Miss Shirley K. Anderson, in % structor in mathematics will f speak on the “Fourier Series.” I The meeting is open to all inter i ested students. Refreshments will 5 be served. | Copy Desk: f Donna Ketzing, editor , Betty Cox Ruth Landry Elaine Loftus Ruthe Reagan , Georgiarine Balaan Eva Moore “Goatnose” O'Toole . 'i-. Harassed Husbands Organize j For Short Skirts, Lower Costs (this article is rewritten from a story printed in the Portland “Sun” on November 9, 1947) By JIM WALLACE More troops are rapidly joining the battle of the hemline as irate boyfriends and harassed husbands flock to the ranks of “MOWS,” (Men’s Organization to War on Styles) in an attempt to keep the skirtline from dropping even lower. The MOWS movement was start ed in Portland by gentleman whose name is listed as Mr. Mows on or ganization stationery. According to Mows the attempt to hold the hemline is a serious matter with which nations as well as individ uals must deal. Government Ruling He pointed out that the British labor government officially ruled that the clothing industry must comply with shorter skirt lengths in an effort to conserve material and bring down living- costs. Mows further emphasized that the CIO has tabbed the “new look” as “a conspiracy aimed at the people.” According to Mows, the most ef fective method of discouraging the long skirt is for popular athletes and male students to cut dates or voice emphatic disapproval of girls who wear long dresses. There is a Little Below the Knee 11 ' ■■■ ■1 ■— - Homecoming SALE! 25 - 50% REDUCTIONS • Suits 1 • Dresses • Coats Next Door to the Side ijj Game att aiana, ana liiten ta... SIX FAVORITE RECORDS Gambler’s Blues . Stan Kenton I May Be Wrong . Glen Gray Two Loves Have I I Never Loved Anyone.Perry Como I’ll Hate Myself in the Morning ipt Dream Again . Sammy Kaye How Lucky You Are „ - At Dawning . Charie Spivak How Soon True . Vaughn Monroe Christmas Dreaming Christmas Song . Dick Haymes APPLIANCE CENTER club in the Frisco bay area with 1500 members and a Women's Or ganization to War on Styles with over a thousand members. In Georgia there is a League of Broke Husbands whose slogan is “Keep dresses shorter so they may be worn longex-.” Smart Girls The Portland organization.which now claims 6000 members, echoes the attitude of various publica tions and prominent people who have stated that, “If a girl has good legs and she is smart she will not cover them up.” Mr. Mows closed his remarks on current styles by saying that American women have fought long to emancipate themselves from slavery, discrimination, and other bondages arxa that they will not forske their freedom for fashion. Horace Robinson, director bf “The Man Who Caine to Dinner,” took the University theater production to Roseburg veterans hospital last night. • WAA Invites Girls To Athletic Day All University of Oregon co-eds are invited to a sports day that the Women’s Athletic association at Stanford is having with the University of California and Mills college. Tennis, badminton, hockey, and swimming will be featured. The activities will start at 9:30 Saturday morning. Any girl wish ing to attend is asked to sign up at the women’s physical education department in Gerlinger. PERSONALIZED . . . For a gift that is truly hers— buy personalized stationery. Come in today and order the style, print, and color she pre fers. We have a complete stock of pastels, striking contrast colors, dainty patterns and bold solids. Order now for Christmas! U OF O CO-OP Oregana Picture Schedule Given Men of Merrick and' Stan Kayj halls will have photographs taken today for the 1948 Oregana. To morrow Kennell-Ellis studio will complete pictures of San Ray hall residents and Theta Chi members. The journalism building cock roaches have moved with the Em-1 erald staff to the quonset hut. *■*’ 1 Pres. Newburn to Speak President Harry K. Newburn will speak at a banquet of the Seattle alumni association Tues-; day evening in Seattle. Accom panied by Les Anderson, alumni secretary, he will leave Eugene by nlane Tuesday and return Wednes day. Also scheduled to appear at the meeting is John McGregor, past president of the Oregon alumni association of New York, where he is still a resident. Motion pictures of the Oregon Washington game will be shown' at the banquet. WHY STAND IN LINK AT THKPOST OFFICE, let us do that for you Hours: .Monday - Friday 12:40 to 1:10 | 3 :00 to 5 :00 Saturday 11 :00 to Noon STUDENT MAILING SERVICE at the "CO-OP” Mrs. Hooper formerly of Hermanek's is now managing De Annis Modiste and will be glad to do your : • Designing • Dressmaking • Alterations Next door to the Side Phone 4323 895 E. 12th _ _| Guest ] 1060 Willamette Phone 968