Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 12, 1947, Image 1

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Ratio . . . One Working, Eleven Advising
Mo Thomas, 1947 Homecoming head, puts inspirations on paper as the committee prepares to transform
planning into concrete action. This year’s committee includes (left to right) Wally Turnidge, A1 Pietsch
man, Ed Anderson, Joanne Frydenlund (heckling the typist), Robin Arkley (completely disinterested),
and the reason why, Jackie Wachhorst, Perry Holloman, Marge (skull reader) Harrison, Bill Andrews,
Billijean Riethmiller, and Bill Yates.
Judges Select
Vogue Finalists
Seven “Miss Vogue” finalists
were picked by a panel of four
judges Monday evening, Maryann
Thielen, president of Theta Sigma
Phi, announced yesterday.
Those reaching the finals were
Bev Pitman, Pi Beta Phi; Jane
Hull, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Joyce
Hansen, Hendricks hall; Isabel
Young, Delta Gamma; Betty Cox,
Alpha Omicron Pi; Gloria Harring
ton, Alpha hall, and Ruby Bienert,
Alpha Delta Pi.
Announcement of the selection
of “Miss Vogue” will be made at
the Theta Sigma Phi silver tea
Thursday from 4 to 5:45 p.m.
Candidates for “Miss Vogue”
will model their clothes, which will
be representative of various phases
of campus life. Jerry Arnold, wom
en’s director of radio station
KUGN, will comment on the styles
as they are shown.
Miss Arnold has two regular ra
dio programs, Town Crier and
Fashion Flashes, in which she dis
cusses current fashion trends. She
was formerly manager of a ladies’
dress shop in Eugene, before serv
ing in the Mediterranean theater
and Africa with the Red Cross dur
ing the war.
Among awards to be given “Miss
Vogue” are a free portrait by the
Nolph Photographic salon and a
full-page picture in the 1948 Ore
University women, faculty wives,
and high school seniors are invited
to attend the silver tea. Campus
clothes will be in order, according
to Miss Thielen.
(For complete list of “Miss
Vogue” candidates see page 3.)
'Y' Board Plans Dinner
The YMCA advisory board will
hold a dinner at 6 p.m. tonight at
the faculty club. They will also
attend the open meeting at Gerlin
ger hall at 7:30 p.m.
Flash! ASUO Cards
Honored at Stanford
Oregon student body cards will
be honored at the Stanford-Ore
gon game this weekend at Palo
Alto, according to a wire jus£ re
ceived from Stanford. It was an
nounced earlier that Oregon stu
dents attending the game would
have to purchase general admis
sion tickets at the gatee.
It was emphasized that the
regular pink student body cards,
not the yellow activity booklets,
will be required to enter the
game. A copy of the pink cards
has been airmailed to Stanford,
and officials will honor only the
pink card.
DC-6 Planes Grounded
NEW YORK, Nov. 11—(UP) —
American airlines and National
airlines announced tonight that
they were suspending all DC-6
planes in service, effective at mid
night. The suspension was pending
an investigation of the fire which
caused a forced landing at Gallup,
New Mexico yesterday.
Pep Rally Set
For Thursday
A pep assembly for the Oregon -
Stanford football game this Satur
day at Palo Alto will be staged
Thursday at 11 a.m. in McArthur
Yell King Johnny Backhand has
requested that all students who do
not have classes at that hour at
tend the assembly. Those who are
planning to leave for Palo Alto
Thursday are especially urged to
attend, and leave for the game
from the assembly.
This pep assembly, planned
mainly as a starting point for
those leaving for the game, is
the first of its kind held this year.
The program will include enter
tainment planned by Webfooter
Jeannine Macaulay and songs and
yells led by the-yell king.
Chi Omega will present a skit
on “The Dark Town Poker Club,”
a trio from Alpha Gamma Delta
will sing, and Denny Martin will
present the Whiffenpoof song.
Plans for a combo are still tenta
Phi Beta Kappa Taps
Fall Term Members
For National Honorary
Six outstanding University students, known traditionally as
the Senior Six, were elected to membership in Phi Beta Kappa
yesterday. The 1947 fall term members of the national scholas
tic fraternity are: Thelma Mae Chaney, mathematics; Char
lotte Bradford Hughes, English; Robert O. Payne, English;
Marion Elzie Hill, chemistry; Betty Rhea Stewart, psychology;
Ellen Wallace Sutherland, music.
^nosen ior outstanding grade:
The Weather
Eugene and vicinity: Cloudy I
with occasional rain; some
what warmer.
Two Carnegie
Visit University
Two representatives of the Car
negie Corporation of New York ar
rived in Eugene by plane yester
day to confer with deans of sehodls
and members of the administration
concerning University affairs.
The officials, Devereux C. Jo-'
sephs and Charles Dollard, presi- j
dent and vice-persident, respec
tively, of the corporation, will
leave for New York today.
During recent years the cor pora
tion's program has included grants
chiefly in library service, the arts
and educational and scientific re
search. These grants have been
administered through colleges,
universities, national organiza
tions, and professional and learned
societies and associations.
Josephs was graduated from
Harvard in 1915, and was finaancial
vice-president and then president
of the Teachers Insurance and An
nuity Association of America. He
was appointed trustee of the Car
negie Corporation of New York
in 1944 and has been president
since 1945. He is also trustee of the
Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Dollard won the legion of merit
while serving as a lieutenant colo
nel in the army information and
education division during World
War II. Before the war he was con
nected with the University of Wis
Josephs and Dollard are the
guests of Pres, and Mrs. Harry K.
Newburn during their visit to the
Neilson to Speak at 4
Howard Neilson, graduate assis
tant in the mathematics depart
ment, will speak at a mathematics
seminar in Emerld hall, room 258,
at 4 p.m. today. His subject is a
note on the linear diophantine equa
Oregon Recalls First'Alumni Day'
(Editor’s note: This is the first of three
articles which will appear in the Emerald on
the history of Homecoming at the University
of Oregon.)
Another chapter in the history
of Oregon Homecomings will be
added to the annals when alums
and students unite to “Return, Re
call, Recapture Oregon spirit” as
another Homecoming is celebrated
on the Oregon campus November
22 and 23.
The tradition of Homecoming
i dates back to 1914. Those were the
days when Hugo Bezdek wras
i whipping one of his great football
j teams into shape. The Oregon
| Daily Emerald was just getting
! into its stride with a four-page,
! thrice-a-week publication.
* No one seems quite certain whose
was the pioneering spirit behind
the “Alumni Day,” as it was then
called, but it was likely instigated
by the student body president, Tom
Boylan, now a Portland business
man. He sent letters to about 400
graduates “in the Willamette val
ley and places not too far away in
viting them to ‘come home’.”
Oregon had a big football game
slated with Whitman college for
the afternoon of October 10 and
that seemed a good time to have
the grads come back. Special plans
were made by sororities and fra
ternities to entertain their alums.
I Ernest Vosper, a yell leader, was
j put in charge of the activities. Un
der his direction a “pajama pa
rade” and rally were drummed up
for the night before the big game.
Traditions Beegin
On Saturday morning the fresh
man-sophomore “mix,” a tug-of
war, (the forerunner of Homecom
ing and Junior Weekend freshman
traditions) was the attraction.
Inspired by the spirit of return
ing rooters, Oregon romped over
Whitman with a score of 29 to 3.
After the game, an informal dance
honored the “homecomers.”
The idea was received with en
thusiasm. Some 100 graduates
came “home to Oregon.” Leland G.
Henricks, editor of the Emerald,
wrote an editorial commending the
celebration and voicing the hope
that it would become a tradition.
i, leadership, and character, the
Senior Six tops the senior classes’
scholastic activity list. Phi Beta
Kappa belongs in the liberal arts
field and members are selected for
their exceptional achievement in
a. well rounded liberal arts pro
Other members of Phi Beta
Kappa will be elected in the spring.
Jessup New President
At the fraternity’s meeting yes
terday, Dr. Betram Jessop, assis
tant professor of philosophy, was
elected president of Oregon Alpha
of Phi Beta Kappa. Dr. E.C.A.
Lesch, professor of English was
chosen vice-president, and Miss
Elizabeth Findly, reference libra
rian, was elected secretary-treas
Additions to the executive and
membership committees were also
selected at the meeting. W.S. Bal
dingcr, associate professor of art,
was elected to the executive com
mittee. R.B. Dean, assistant pro
fessor of chemistry, was selected
to a two year term on the mem
bership committee.
Membership Committee
Paul Givin, assistant professor
of mathematics, and H.S. Hoyman,
professor of health education, were
chosen for three year periods on
the membership committee.
Phi Beta Kappa was founded in
1776 at the College of William and
Mary. Oregon Alpha was started
in 1923 after much debate for sev
eral years on the campus. It wan
the only chapter in Oregon until a
chapter was formed at Reed col
lege in 1938.
Founding ofYM
Marked at UO
In remembrance of the 75th an
niversary of student Christian or
ganizations November 12, tbo
Tuesday cabinet meeting of tho
YWCA held a discussion of back
grounds of Christian organizations.
The first minutes and constitu
tion of the University group,
formed in 1894, were read by Bob
bie Fulmer, vice-president.
“Christian organizations wero
first started in the middle of the
19th century in Germany, England,
and Switzerland,” according to
Anne Woodworth, YWCA treasur
er, “England was the first to have
an interdenominational organiza
tion,” added Miss Woodworth.
England First
She also stated that England was
the first to realize the need of
young women away from home for
a Christian organization and to
form such groups.
The United States followed soon
after, and a YWCA was formed in
1866 in Boston. The student Y be
gan in 1873 as a movement to make
students feel at home in college and
to promote Bible study and prayer.
The YWCA cabinet is attending
a lecture by Ed Espy, national ex
ecutive secretary of the student
YMCA, at 4 today. Espy is also
speaking in an open meeting at
7:30 at Gerlinger hall tonight as
part of the anniversary celebra
tion and to install Jack Merner a3
executive director of the Univer
sity student YMCA.