Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 11, 1947, Page 8, Image 8

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    Heads Show
Features Dream
Joe Smith, mythical Oregon stu
dent, will be introduced to the de
partments and buildings of the
University tonight at 9 p.m. when
the radio workshop continues its
broadcast of the “Campus Head
lines” series. In tonight’s broad
cast, under the production of John
MacDonald, a dream sequence will
have Joe being visited by a guard
ian angel of the campus, who will
explain to him the traditions and
facts of the University depart
Cast in tonight’s show are Er
ling Erlandson, John ICasnady,
Dale Tyler, Dick Sheldon, Bob
. Litten, George Watkins, Virginia
Avery, Bob Houglum, and Rod
Nelson. Ken Lomax will announce
the program, and music will be
supervised by Lee Petrasek.
During tonight’s program a
record of the Oregon pledge song,
made by the University choral
union, will be played. Tonight’s
broadcast will also be aired over
station KUGN Thursday at 9p.m.
and over station KEX on Saturday
at 6:30 p.m.
Drive Ends Today;
WSSF Totals Low
The nine-day WSSF drive will
wind-up at 5:15 p.m. today as
campus representatives turn in the
remainder of their collections for
the final tabulation, Mart Pond,
chairman, reported yesterday.
Uniformed Kwamas will again
aid in the drive as they waylay
students for eleventh hour contri
butions. The final push will be in
tensive in an effort to attain last
year’s figures which surpassed
$2000, Pond said.
Lowest returns were registered
yesterday with only $26.76 submit
ted to the fund treasurers who
speculated that many represen
tatives have allowed their collec
tions to accumulate. Total contri
butions to date ar $1098.04.
Facidty members interested in
this relief drive can have the op
portunity to contribute by con
tacting Nancy Peterson at the Al
pha Phi house, according to Pond.
Music Honoraries
Set Concert Date
Members of Mu Phi Epsilon and
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, women’s
and men’s music honoraries, will
present their second annual Christ
mast concert December 7 at 4 p.m.
The concert, to be held in the
school of music auditorium, will in
clude both secular and sacred mu
sic in vocal and instrumental ar
rangements,. Several solos will
highlight the program.
.•Thc'n try our
Rich in Food value
Open every day
except Sunday, 8:30- lip.in.
1224 Willamette
Oregon a Head
Ross Yates, senior in journalism,
has undertaken the job bf continu
ing the splendid record set by the
Oregana during the past eleven
years. He is editor of the 1947-48
Rutgers (N. J.) university men
defeated a New Jersey College for
Women team in a cooking contest.
'Music Honorary
Pledges Fifteen
Fifteen new pledges to Phi Beta,
national women’s fraternity of
music and drama, have been an
nounced by President Aileen
Selected on a basis of scholar
ship and outstanding ability in the
field of music or drama, two
thirds of the group represent the
music half of the fraternity. These
girls are Ann Seabrooke, Betty
Bagley, Ann Gillenwaters, Mar
garet Adkins, Jean Carlson, Mary
Ellen Everton, Margaret Reeve,
Sally Terril, Harriette Walker, and
Georgene Shanklin.
Movie to Feature
Egyptian Couple
“Anthony and Cleopatra,” first
shown in 1913, is the educational
activities movie to be shown Wed
nesday. There will be two show
ings, the first beginning at 7:30
p.m., in 207 Chapman hall.
Produced in Italy and Egypt,
“Anthony and Cleopatra” is years
in advance of its period in produc
Infirmary Lists Sick
Monday found 12 students in the
infirmary: Marilyn Madden, Ann
Houghton, Greta Stuntz, Alan An
derson, Shirley Osterhout, Roy
Ryerse, James Hayden, Dick Mar
tin, Frederick Scoggin, Bill Du
haime, Jack Nagasaka, and Peter
lion, and has many points that
compare favorably with today’s
Oregana Pictures
Expire Next Week ‘
Oregana pictures of living or
ganizations will be completed this 4
week at Kennell-Ellis studio. The
last groups scheduled are
November il: Kappa Sigma and
Cherney hall.
November 12: Merrick hall.
November 12 and 13: Stan Ray
Dancing every
Friday- and Saturday
9 to 12 p.m.
Ladies Admitted Free
on Friday nights
and his
New Music
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