The Weather Eugene and vicinity: Partly The Need Continues cloudy Friday and Saturday with V°,“ ""“"f »“"r .f,.™ ... ,/ J . ' button? Support the WSSF widely scattered showers. , . „ . , . , J drive. Contribute today. < VOLUME aLIX UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, U47 XU M I’ER .Iff Miss Vogue Candidates To Model Returns Promote Closer Relations Of Women Writers Candidates for “Miss Vogue” of 1948” will model latest fashions from all phases of campus life next Thursday when Theta chapter of Theta Sigma Phi sponsors its sec ond annual silver tea in alumni hall, Gerlinger. The tea will he held from 4 to 5:45 p.m. and will be open to fac ulty and veterans’ wives, campus women, and high school seniors. The names of candidates from all women’s living organizations must be submitted to either Trudi Chernis at Hendricks hall or Nancy Peterson at the Alpha Phi house by Saturday, Maryann Thielen, presi dent of Theta chapter and chair man of the tea, said yesterday. Girls Model All candidates will model their own clothes at the tea and the ti tle “Miss Vogue” will be bestowed on one of the girls during the af ternoon. The house representatives will be judged at 6:30 p.m. Monday in alumni hall, but the winners will remain a secret until Thursday af ternoon. Contestants are asked to wear heels and short silks for the judging. Judges for the contest will be announced later. At the Monday meeting the girls will be assigned the type of clothes they are to mod el. Gemeral appearance, poise, grooming, good taste, and attract iveness will be the criteria used in selecting “Miss Vogue,” Miss Pe terson and Miss Chernis said. Last year’s winner was Harriet Van atta, Kappa Kappa Gamma. Proceeds Beneficial Proceeds from the silver tea will be used to promote closer relations between University women in jour nalism and the professional field of women journalists, Miss Thielen said. Campus clothes will be in order for the guests. University talent will entertain between the various sections of the fashion show, which will include sports, campus clothes, short silks, and formals. WAA Fun Night Highlights Calendar Fun night, sponsored by WAA, will take precedence on the WAA social calendar tonight from 8 11. Chairman Thelma Chaney has announced that square dancing, swimming, volleyball, badminton, ping pong, and shuffle board will be among the activities on the program for both fellows and girls. Coeducational swimming will highlight the evening program along with rounds of square dancing called by Miss Rosamund Wentworth, associate professor of physical education. There will be no charge for any of the activities and all stu wents are invited to attend, Miss Chaney said. The 'Man' Goes 'On the Road' To Vet Hospital Before Cliff James breaks his leg for the last time as Sheridan Whiteside in “The Man Who Came to Dinner,” the show will be taken to the veterans’ hospital in Rose burg next Tuesday for an early evening performance. The show will be strictly for pa tients and hospital staff, not the general public. “We’ve done shows for the hos pital before, and they’ve always been very appreciative,” said Hor ace W. Robinson, director. “I’m sure the cast will enjoy giving the show, although the set and lighting will be much simpler than it has been for the campus performances. Skeleton Crew A skeleton crew will be sent to Roseburg ahead of the cast to set up the living room scene of the Stanley home in which the action of the play takes place, using prop erties and lighting at the hospital’s theater. The cast of 20 will leave Eugene in private cars early Tues day afternoon and return the same evening after the performance. Last performances on the cam pus of the Kaufman and Hart com edy will be this Friday and Satur day nights and a Saturday matinee at 2:30 p.m. The only tickets avail able are for the matinee, which still offers a good selection of seats. Box office is in Johnson hall. Authority On Arctic To Speak Stefansson Thinks North Has Answer To World Problem Vilhjalmur Stefansson, interna tional authority on the Arctic will speak Thursday, November 20 in McArthur court. His lecture is sponsored by the educational ac tivities board. Author of 18 books and several hundred articles for popular and scientific publications, Stefansson is a frequent contributor to ency clopedias and government reports. His latest book is “Great Adven tures and Explorations.” Debunking the popular notion that the Arctic is a vast barren re gion of ice and cold, Stefansson, praises the scenic beauties of the north, and points out its value as an air route and its need of military defense. According to Stefansson, the vast unpopulated Arctic and sub Arctic areas may yet prove a sane answer to the world's present fren zy for “breathing space.” Pond Extends WSSF Drive Extension of the WSSF drive until Tuesday was announced yes terday by Mart Pond, chairman. Renewed efforts of campus workers yesterday more than dou bled previous collections and brought the 'total to $692.81. This is far short of the campus goal originally set at $1 per student. Members of Kwama and Skull and Dagger, sophomore honoraries, will be officially accredited WSSF representatives today as they way lay potential contributors in an ef fort to reach those not previously contacted. The. fund treasurers reiterated that house representatives are ex pected to turn in collections dally. Extra green buttons will be avail able when partial receipts are sub mitted. Music School Leads in '46 - '47 GPA By DIANA DYE Figures released in the 1946 47 registrar's report show that the school of music leads the University scholastically with a 3.16 average GPA. In con^ trast the school of law hit the bottom of the list with a 2.13 average GPA last year. The music school grades jumped from a 3.09 in 1945-46 and the law school marks drop ped from a 2.26 during the same period. • The report, which shows the grade averages of all schools and departments in the univer sity, also gives the total number of grades given in each depart ment and the percentage of A, B, C, D, .andF's given by each of the schools. In the college of liberal arts 47,283 grades were given last . ..year and the school's grade av erage was a 2.42. The classics department lead the college with a 3.34 average and the general science department was low with its 2.21 GPA. school group was the school of were: general arts and sciences, 3.15; general social science, 2.38; anthropology, 2.50; biology, 2.36; chemistry, 2.35; economics, 2.35; English, 2.37; geology and geog raphy, 2.41; Germanic languages, 2.99; history, 2.49; home eco nomics, 2.60; mathematics, 2.28; nursing education, 2.32; philos ophy, 2.35; physics, 2.44; politi cal science, 2.44; psychology, 2.32; religion, 2.56; Romance language, 2.80; sociology, 2.37.0 o Following the music school scholastically in the professional school group was the school of education boasting a 2.95 av erage. The school of architecture I ar.d allied arts came next with its 2.85 GPA trailed by the school of health and physical education and its 2.73 average. Both the school of journalism and the school of military science had 2.65 averages in 1946-47 and the school of busi ness administration’s GPA tal lied a 2.35. The highest percentage of A grades was given in the classics department of the college of lib eral arts. Forty-nine percent of 93 grades given were A contras ted with no F. The department of nursing education gave only six percent grades of A but there were no flunks. Leading the professional school group with its 47 percent age of A grades, the music school only tallied one percent failures. The school gave 3276 grades during the year. Next Lecturer Vhhjalmur Stefansson, author ity on the Arctic, and author of the book “Great Adventures and Exploration.” Moore Releases November Issue University alumni next week will receive the November issue of Old Oregon, edited for the first time by Bert Moore, senior in jour nalism. Highlighting Moore's first edition is a Homecoming story, written by Bobolee Brophy, junior in journalism. Another November feature is an open letter about the 1947 Oregon football team, prepared by Coach Jim Aiken. All-time football greats of Oregon are discussed in a third article, complete with illustrations. Principal sections of the alumni publication include a story of the largest school in the University, business administration, and a comparison of Oregon with other United States universities by Bob Frazier, editor of the Emerald. The cooperative move at Oregon * and news of alumni are also discussed. Featured articles about various alumni groups include a story of the party in Los Angeles prior to the UCLA game. Old Oregon's November cover is a pencil sketch of the faculty club, second in a series of drawings by Una McCann Wilkinson. Committee Releases Float Rules Expenditures Limited; Winner to Get Cup At Bonfire Rally See pairings page 6 Rules for the noise parade floats for the annual Homecoming pa rade were released yesterday by Ed Anderson, chairman of the noise parade committee. Any organiza tion disregarding the rules will au tomatically be disqualified from the judging, he stated. A limit of $10 per float has been stipulated, and no individual or ganization is to spend more than $5. This amount docs not include truck rental costs. To assist the judges in identifi cation, all floats should be well, lighted, either by torches or spot lights, and signs or banners with the names of the living organiza tions should be displayed, Ander son said. As in the past, entries will be judged on noise alone, with no con sideration being given decorations. Floats must be limited to one truck with no trailers or similar attachments. Semi-trucks will be acceptable. No specifications have been made on the size of the truck, although the height must be limited to around twelve feet to insure Clearance of overhanging branch es. Winners of the noise parade will be awarded cups at the bonfire ral ly to be held immediately after the parade at the Amazon flats. Group to Discuss Economics Sunday “Britain's Economic Crisis” will be the topic of Edwin C. Robbins, instructor of economics, when he speaks at the Westminster house forum Sunday at 6:30 p.m. Robbins taught at University of California last summer. Faculty and students are invited to this Sunday evening event. Re freshments will be served. Liberal Arts Board to Meet, Plan on Revision of School The reappraisal of the education al objectives of the college of lib eral arts will constitute the work of a special committee appointed by Dean Eldon Johnson at the Oc tober 31 meeting of the liberal arts faculty. Immediate objectives of the com mittee are: 1. To recommend curricular revision within the liberal arts school in light of the broad ob jectives of a liberal education. 2. To study the proper and emerging relationship between the college of liberal arts and the various arts and the various pro fessional schools. 3. To accomplish the desirable combination of general education and areas of concentration. 4. To study the peculiar needs of the University of Oregon in regards to liberal arts courses. 5. To appraise the distinguish ing characteristics of and (he re quirements for the B.A. and B.S. degrees and recommend changes if deemed desirable. Dean Johnson, in explaining the functions of the committee, said, “The committee contains a diver sity of points of view. It represents the humanities, the social sciences, and the natural sciences. It includes men teaching the survey courses, upper and lower division liberal arts courses; men who know first hand the Chicago, Stanford, anil Clark plans.” No Notion The committee has no precon ceived notions about where it will emerge at the end of the study, Dr. Johnson said. He emphasized that the committee hopes to evolve an Oregon plan suited to our own needs. Our being here does not alone justify our existence as a college of liberal arts, but the attainment of certain clear-cut ob jectives does, he added. Dr. Johnson explained that the committee wants to re-state these objectives and to take a fresh look at whether we are best organized to attain them. “That will lead us into a discussion of general edu cation, areas of concentration, ad (Please turn to page three)