Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 04, 1947, Page 4, Image 4

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. -- !
Leicht, Bell,
Score Duck 1
Oregon's rampaging gridders
•to three straight Saturday as t
classed Idaho Vandal squad 3-1
]_t was the second conference
'Webfoots. and put them in a l
and UCLA in the coast stain
now stands at four triumphs
against three defeats.
Ducks Score Early
The Ducks wasted little time
putting the game on ice. They
racked up two touchdowns in
(he first quarter,added two more
in the second, and crossed the
goal line again in the third peri
od, to repeat last week’s scoring
Oregon’s potent passing attack
was virtually unused for the sec
ond week, as all but one of the
Eugene clubs’ paydirt treks were
made via the water-soaked ground
route. Only the second Webfoot
touchdown was made through the
air, when George Boll grabbed a
Worm Van Brocklin toss on the
• Idaho ten yard line, and scampered
Idaho broke the shutout late
in the fracas when Billy Wil
liams unleashed a beautiful pair
of passes to move the pigskin
from the Oregon 8“ across the
goal line. The tally came in the
fourth quarter against the third
string reserves, Forty men saw
action,as Aiken substituted free
ly after the first half.
Jake Leicht led the scoring pa
rade. crossing the goal line twice
and booted four conversions on
five attempts for 1C points. George
Bell also tallied twice, and Jim
Wiewquist made the other TD. A
third-quarter 54-yard run after a
pass interception by Nowquist
was called back because of un
necessary roughness c h a r g e d
against Oregon.
Jake Scores
Oregon’s claimant to
All-American honors, stoic 1 In
day’s ..point-making ..spotlight
When lie won a race with the
clock hy dashing 73 yards to
paydirt just at halftime. Willi
only ten seconds remaining lie
fore the half Leieht came off the
the- lieneh, took the pigskin,
iitd raced around right end.
'Time was gone, and so was
Leieht, as he followed air-tight
in!reference through the Idaho
secondary and out into the clear
to go the distance.
Less than four minutes of the
game had elapsed when the Web
foots crossed the goal line for the
first time. From the Idaho 31 Jim
Newqnist skirted right end am.
galloped 29 yards before he was
knocked out of bounds. After two
hue plays Leieht went off tackle
for the tally. Jake missed the ex
tra-point but made tlie next four.
Oregon's second score, made by
Bell on tlie toss from Van Brocklin,
was set up by the fleet-footed
Leieht as lie scampered 44 yards
to the Idaho Hi on a pitchout from
Van Brocklin.
Koch Shows Power
The third touchdown came as
u result of jolting Bob lioeh’s 37
yard gallop through the center
of tlie Ida ho line, which pushed
the hall to the Idaho 22, Leieht
•dipped through tackle to the
s«-\ on, and then Newquist added
stretched their winning streak
hey ran over a game but out
-7, on a sloppy Hayward field
■ victory of the season for the.
ourth-place tie with California
lings. Oregon’s season record
fuel to the scoring fire by going
across from the five.
Leicht’s lengthy dash marked up
the fourth Duck TD of the busy
afternoon. The fifth and final was
set up when tackle Don Stanton
nailed a fumble by Idaho’s Wil
liams on the Vandals’ 12 yard
stripe. On the first play Bell, who
is looking better every game, jaun
ted around right end on a pitch
out from Van Brocklin, to com
plete the day’s point-making.
Pacific Co-ait
fyoatkcdl Stci*ufUrt(f4'
_ _ T'lTTI n A
w L* rvJI -T r r-A
=r.OAUFORNIA »iZ *5 3
OREGON STATE ..3 1 759 39
OREGON .2 1 -63b 47 9
UCLA .:.2 1 333 33 19
CALIFORNIA .2 1 -666 41 43
WASHINGTON .1 3 -250 32 39
IDAHO .1 3 250 32 88
WASHINGTON STATE .1 3 -250 25 55
STANFORD .0 4 -000 29 93
at Portland . OREGON STATE vs U. C. L. A.
at Moscow.IDAHO vs MONTANA
Wally Adams
Fred Taylor
Dick Mase
Don Fair
Fullback B»b Koch powered liis way to a better than 20 yard per
carry average against the Idaho Vandals last Saturday. One of
the five graduating seniors on the Oregon varsity, Koch has been one
of tlie steady performers in the Duck backfield. He will probably
hold down the starting fullback spot against Washington State this
in on
out on
Ho you want the hind of snaps and candids you can
show off? Our accurate developing and clean print
ing retains the good values you worked for when
698 Willamette
Paper Hits
LOS ANGELES. Nov. 3. (UP) —
Coach Bert LaBrucherie was hail
ed as one of the nation’s top young
er coaches when he put the UCLA
Bruins in the Rose Bowl last New
Year’s. But today he was blamed
by the campus newspaper for his
team’s 6 to 0 defeat by California.
Sports editor Bob Alford of the
Daily Bruin wrote that the game
was lost by LaBrucherie, not the
players, because he gave them no
chance to run the team independent
of the . bench either in practice or
in competition.
“The whole thing lies in La
Brucherie’s refusal to put any
trust or confidence in his quarter
backs,” Alford said. “The plays are
called from the bench.
Quarterbacks Change
“When things get tough Bruin
quarterbacks are sent in and out
in a continuous stream. Benny
Beiges goes in for one play, Carl
Benton for a couple, Bay Nagel
Prepare For
Portland U.
After a two week lull between
games, Carl Heldt’s frosh football
squad will resume grid activities
this Saturday, when they meet the
Portland University Babes on Hay
ward field.
The weekend clash will give
Oregon fans their first glimpse of
the Ducklings in action. All three
of their previous encounters were
played away from home. After
meeting the OSC Rooks at Corval
lis in the season opener they jour
neyed to Pendleton and played the
Eastern Oregon College of Educa
tion, then wound up their travels
in Seattle against the Husky pups.
Their record reveals that al
though the frosh have piled up a
substantial margin in yards gain
ed rushing during the three games,
they have had to settle for one
victory, one loss, and a tie. A
[ deadly Rook passing attack trap
l ped them 27-19. They battled back
. to slip by EOCE, 6-0, and fought
j highly favored Washington team
to a 7-7 stalemate.
Yesterday’s workout consisted of
running through offensive manu
vers plus defensive drills against
Portland pass plays. Pass defense
has been the weak spot in frosh
play thus far this season.
Today the Ducklings are slaved
to tangle with the varsity reser
' ves for their regular weekly
j scrimmage session.
: for one and then the cycle starts
“Leave those quarterbacks alone.
Give Benton a chance and he’ll
! develop. Use Nagel. He’s cocky
j enough to pull this outfit up by
j their bootstraps dnd knock over
Oregon State, Washington and
i even Southern California.”
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