Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 01, 1947, Page 7, Image 7

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    Chairman Picks
Service Drive
Representatives in the various
living organizations for the cam
pus VVSSF drive were announced
this week by Jordis Benke, con
tacts chairman.
I Those chosen are: Alpha hall,
Elaine McClellan; Omega ha]l,
Carl Cluff; Alpha Chi Omega,Billi
jean Riethmiller; Phi Delta Theta,
Ken Barge]t; Alpha Delta Pi, Mar
garet Harrison; Pi Kappa Alpha,
Tom parr; Alpha Omicron Pi, Mar
garet Wiekenden; Phi Gamma Del
ta, John Lewis; Alpha Phi, Joanne
Frydenlund; Chi Psi, Chuch Ruf
1ier; Delta Upsilon, Herb Bachof
ner; Ann Judson house, Virginia
Chi Omega, Pauline Newton;
Sigma Alpha Mu, Norman Rubens;
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Ed Ander
son; Delta Dejta Delta, Mary
Stadleman; Alpha Tau Omega,
Frank Rauch; Delta Gamma, Mil
dred Chetty;'Delta Tau Delta,Leon
ifampbell; Delta Zeta, Ann Con
roy; Gamma Phi Beta, Jackie
Wachorst; Beta Theta Pi, Jim Bar
low; Highland house, Wilma Earn
est; Kappa Alpha Theta, Kathe
rine Yeshan; Sigma Phi Epsilon,
Bob Heestand; Kappa Kappa Gam
ma, Barbara Vowels.
11 Sigma Nu, Frank Ierulli; Orides,
Marcia Sommers; Yoemen, Mal
colm McGregor; Pi Beta Phi, Nan
Humphrey; Campbell Club, Har
old Wright; Rebec house, Chris
McCarroll; Sigma Kappa, Jackie
Tetz; University house, Virginia
Thompson; Zeta Tau Alpha, Eli
zabeth Pearson; Phi Kappa Psi,
Jjarry Lau; Alpha Gamma Delta,
Jeannine McCaulay; Alpha Xi Del
ta, Yolanda Stoll; Hijyard house,
Aileen Slattery.
Kappa Sigma, Norman Bishop;
j _._
Foreign Student Needs Urgent,
Miss Seefield Tells Committee
ivuos ......... • -XtV.. 'w&! .
Sigma Chi, Sam Gillette; Thatcher
cottage, George Redden; Theta
Chi, Don Fair; Pi Kappa Phi, Ed
Harris; Lambda Chi Alpha, Clay
Meyers; Tau Kappa Epsilon, Wal
ter Freauff; Phr Sigma Kappa,
Lyje Mongomery; Phi Kappa Sig
ma, Art Wahlers.
French hall, Tom Goldsmith;
Sherry Ross hall, Joe Conroy;
Sigma hall, Anay isKera; Stan
Ray hall, Frank Ostrro; Minturn
hall, A[ McEachern; Stitzer hall,
Loren McReynolds; Cherney hall,
Rick Trombilitz; McChesney hall,
Charles Hansard; Zeta hall, Jo
Rawlins; Gamma hall, Nila Phil
lips; Gerlinger hall.Beverlee Sloan;
Hendricks hall, Gloria Cooper;
Sederstrom hall, Roy Albertus;
Villard hall, Bob Langley; Susan
Campbell, Nickie Murphey; and
Merrick hall, Salvador Macias. .
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“Americans have no conception
of European students’ urgent needs
in Europe,” Marilyn Seefield, trav
eling secretary for WSSF, stated
while visiting the campus this
Miss Seefield, who arrived in Eu
gene last Sunday, has "worked with
the campus WSSF committee in
planning its drive. Her experience
in WSSF activities as a student
at University of Washington has
proven helpful, she commented.
Results of last year’s drive at!
the University of Oregon, with a
37-cent donation per student, were
below the national average. Miss
Seefield said she hopes to see the
University of Oregon exonerate,it
self by meeting and passing its
$5,000 goal this year.
She approved the plan to con
centrate efforts on the University
of Rangoon. “It will give you
something concrete to work to
ward,” she said.
In Europe, Miss Seefield saw evi
dence of our aid to foreign stu
dents. She visited the international
tuberculosis sanitarium in Swit
zerland, built and maintained by
WSSF funds. There many students
were recuperating and again tak
ing up their studies. She also visit
ed the international rest camp for
students in France.
“Our efforts through the WSSF
have created a common bond of
understanding between foreign and
American students and promoted
international good will,” she said.
Miss Seefield left Friday for
Montana, where she will continue
her humanitarian work.
Australian Natives
Topic of'Address
Dr. D. S. Davidson, associate
professor of anthropology, will
speak on “Some Popular Miscon
ceptions of the Australian Abori
gines” Monday in 103 Deady hall.
Sigma Xi, national science hon
orary, will sponsor the address,
which will be open to the public.
Dr. Davidson has spent four
years in Australia on field trips
sponsored by the Social Science
Research council, the American
Philosophical society, and the Uni- j
versity of Pennsylvania museum.
Oregana Schedules
Completing this week’s Oregana
picture schedule is Phi Kappa Sig
ma. Members of the house will
have photographs taken today at
Kennell-Ellis studio. Houses sched
uled for next week include:
November 3: Gerlinger, Orides.
November 4: Highland house,
Rebec house, Zeta Tau Alpha.
November 5: University house,
Zeta hall.
November 6 and 7: Hendricks
Dr Moore Accepts Post
The post of cooperating editor of
Sociology and Social Research, bi
monthly journal published at the
University of Southern California,
was accepted this week by Dr. Elon
H. Moore.
Dr. Moore, head of the depart
ment of sociology, will contribute
a limited number of book reviews
and papers for publication in the
journal. He was selected by unani
mous vote of the editorial commit
Panel to Discuss 'Faith'
“Faith: To Where’’ will be the
panel discussion when the Luther
an student association meets in the
YWCA Sunday from 5:30 to 8:30
Students participating in the
panel discussion will be Bjorg Han
sen, Dorothy Skilbred, Don Krause,
and Byron Brenden.
* t o f
Forum Slated
At Westminster
‘Ts Germany Our Problem ?”will
be the topic of the traditional
Westminster weekly forum Sun
day evening, foundation president
Clell Conrad announced today.
Conrad said that the forum will
be' led by Emerald editor Bob
Frazier, who has spent consider
able time in Germany, and has
also done extensive study on the
history of recent Germany.
Attendance at the Westminster
forums has been increasing so that
it is wise to come early to get a
good seat. Vice-president in charge
of personnel, Barbara Eagleson an
nounced that the house represen
tatives to Westminister from the
various living; organizations have
been invited to attend Sunday
night. The forum begins at 6:30
pun. and light refreshments will
be served at six o’clock.
In keeping with the World Stu
dent Service Drive, a special guest
Sunday evening will be Danish
student Bert Jorgensen. He will be
'No Piggin' Today'
Edict Of O' Men
The student rooting section will
be ropped off again, according to
Ed Dick, president of the order of
• O’.
’’We are going to have three sec
tions at the Idaho game," he
stated, "one for gals, one for feJ
•ows and another for veterans and
their wives."
All order of "O" men will meet
Hog Wiley in front of the rooting
section before 12:30 and ropes will
be thrown up at that time.
Students are requested to enter
through their respective gates.
Girls will enter through the south
gates, men through the middle
north gates.
introduced at the close of the
forum by Tommy Hazzard.
The Westminster forums end
promptly at 7:30 in order to give
students time to complete week
end studies.
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© 1947, Th© Coca-Cola Company