WORLD HEADLINES | By United Press I CHICAGO, Oct. 30. American ** League club owners were sum moned today for a meeting which „,may determine whether Commis sioner A.B. ((Happy) Chandler or Leslie O'Connor and the club he ■•runs, the Chicago White Sox, re main in baseball. William Har ridge, president of the league, "* called the meeting for Cleveland tomorrow amid indications that ^tbe case had developed into a last ditch fight between Chandler and tiie man who was known as base * ball’s legal brains” during the long tenure of the late Judge Kenneth Mountain Landis. 4 _ WASHINGTON, Cct. 30. Sen. u Robert A. Taft, R., O., today rejected a Democratic plea to put a “non-partisan coopera t tion” tag on the special session of congress. The chairman of the senate Republican policy committee and top-ranking con tender for the 1948 GOP presi j dential nomination scoffed at ■ iJ/a t ► it t * BARB4R4 GOULD » y ( ■ * TRY this glorifying team of creams: Barbara Gould Plastic Cream, the quick, pleasant home facial mask, followed by \ Beauty Cream, an irradiated blend ofoHs to help your complex • ion keep the petal-like softness inherent in a fresh, normal skin. Both these dream creams in the "Pick-Me-Up’’ package, a $3.00 value for_ only $1.50 plus tox. PENNY-WISE Drug Stores r 36 East Broadway 769 West 6th Ave. the idea of a bi-partisan ap proach to the domestic features of President Truman’s twin pro gram on high priees at home and emergency aid for Europe. NEW YORK, Oct. 30. The gov ernment today charged 17 leading investment banking firms and the investment bankers association with conspiring to eliminate com petition in the sale of new stocks and bonds. The bankers said the charge was “utter nonsense” and that the justice department was “politically motivated” in attack ing Wall street. LOS ANGELES, Oct. 30. The heavy cruisers USS Los Angeles and USS Bremerton will be laid away in the “mothball” fleet because the navy hasn’t the personnel to run them, Vice Admiral George I). Murray, comndr. of the first task fleet said today. The deactivation will take place in San Francisco, where both ships will arrive November 15. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 30. Two CIO longshoremen’s union locals today condemned the house un American activities committee as an “ill disguised instrument for native Fascists,” and termed! Chairman Rep. J. Parnell Thomas (R., N.M.) a “Quisling.” The res olutions were adopted last night by 9,500 members of locals 10 and 6 of the International Longshore men’s and Warehousemen’s union. SHEMYA, Aleutian Islands; Oct. 30. Globe girdling Clifford Evans and George Truman to night were ready for a dawn take-off on the first leg of their perilous 1,700 mile journey along the Aleutian island chain to An chorage, Alaska. Winds as high as 50 miles-an-hour lashed the Aleutians today delaying the take-off of the Piper cub flyers, but the storm center passed to the eastward of Adak and winds were calming tonight. FRANKFORT, Germany, Oct. 30 —Establishment of a central pol itical government in the non-sov iet zones of Germany will be fav ored by British as well as Amer ican occupational authorities should the forthcoming big four confer ence in London fail to consolidate Germany as a unit at least econ onomically. It is generally assumed that the French would agree, es pecially as administration of their DROP IN to See our WIDE SELECTION GIFTS Johnny's Toy House EUGENE TOY HEADQUARTERS 871 Olive (near Broadway) 5845M zone as a separate unit is a grow ing strain. LIVERMORE, Cal., Oct 30— Fifty-five college pilots will compete here Saturday in the first annual Pacific coast in tercollegiate air meet. Former military combat fly ers top file entrants from five western colleges who will match skill at six events rang ing from dive bombing and balloon-busting to spot-land ing competitions. California, Stanford, LTCLA, San Jose State and Washington will be represented. HOLLYWOOD, Oct. 30. Million aire plane designer Howard Hughes tonight announced h e would lanch his giant 200-ton fly ing boat Saturday morning at Los Angeles harbor. The $23,000,000 flying boat will be floated from its graving dock at Terminal island to undergo dockside tests for several hours. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 30— OneOf the nation’s leading pro fessors of medicine today aver red as how Americans might as well cooperate with the president’s food saving pro gram because thousands die each year from overeating. Dr. Fan! Dudley White, professor Of medicine at Harvard Med ical school, said at a press con ferance of the American heart association, that the big troub le with Americans is not mal nutrition. Campus Clothes Ordered Nila Dessinger, AWS social chairman, announced that campus clothes will be in order for women at the Oregon-Idaho game to be played Saturday, November 1, at Hayward Field, Eugene. Dr. Tyler Writes Psychology Book “The Psychology of Human Diff erences” is the title of the book written by Dr. Leona Tyler, assis tant professor of psychology, for use as a text in her classes at the University. Published by Appleton ] Century this month, the book is on | sale at the Co-op for $3.75. Dr. Tyler has taught at Oregon since 1940 and has been working on the book, her first, for two years. The text deals with differences between various groups, such as races, social classes, and sexes; fac tors of individual differences—phy sical, hereditary; and other relative i subjects. 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