Club May Send UofO Students To Conference Possibility of sending delegates from the local International Re lations club to the Northwest reg ional conference to be held in Van couver, B. C., November 21 and 22 was discussed at the club meeting Tuesday. Dr. Charles Schleicher, adviser j for the group, expressed the hope! that a way would be worked out j soon to enable at least three or ; four interested students from Ore- i gon to attend the Canadian confer- j ence. Topic of discussion for the j two-day meeting will be “Can the! split between East and West be! Reconciled?” Tentative plans for the program of the meeting are centered around three round-tables, each holding three sessions during the two days. Problems and information concer ning the clash in United Nations organization will be discussed in] the first round-table. European j trouble is the topic for the second, and the third group will discuss condition in Asia. Last year’s International Rela tions regional conference was held in Portland, Schleicher commented. Funds to sponsor the meetings held annually in different parts of the United States come from the Car negie Endowment fund for inter national peace, he added. Following a brief talk by Eob Allen, president of the club, about the future of the local club, its 'Lost and Found' Items See Dust; Students Seldom Reclaim Trivia One-way traffic seems to apply to the lost and found articles that accumulate in the campus lost and found department situated in the physical plant post office. Every day a variety of students’ possess ions find their way thence, never to be resurrected by their right ful owners. The AOPi house librarian (judg ing from the library notice in the pocket) is only one of the several to be minus a coat. Not even the rain can coax students to claim their coats, jackets, bandanas, and hats, it seems. Books Stacked A variety of text books are gath ering dust on the shelves of the lost and found office, including Don Farnam’s E n gl i s h workbook Glenn’s principles of accounting, George Martin’s German text, and Blucher’s algebra book. Notebooks of all sizes, some with voluminous notes, others with impressive dood lings, or suggestive blank pages are also awaiting reclamation. Perhaps the person that went to the trouble of administering a ser ies of Wechsler-Bellevue tests would like to know that his or her folder of tests can be obtained at the lost and found headquarters. Could it be that the owners of the many unclaimed pairs of glasses cannot find the lost and found office ? Whatever the cause, the department has gathered a carton of glasses and cases. Donna’s Pin There Lou Ann Parker’s letter from Washington D. C. and a pin be longing to someone named “Donna” are among the conglomeration of articles that appear to be “no soon er out of sight, than out of mind.” All of these and many others, have wandered away from their owners and are biding their time in the physical plant post office, the home of the lost and found depart ment, until reunited with their possessors. organization, and its purpose, mov ies were shown to the group, that were taken in Italy by Allen, when he was stationed there with the Army during the last World War, Refreshments were served after the showing of the movies. The largest Balsam fir on record in America is in Pocomoke City, Md. It stands 75 feet, has a spread of 41 feet and a circumference of 7 feet, 7 inches at breast height. Whoo-o-o doesn't Love "Spudnuts?" 1 For this Hallowe'en serve cider and Spudnuts! Spudnut Shop! across from Sigma Nil * 0 • FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES At prices you can afford Located conveniently near the campus 0 Campbell’s Grocery 1459 East 13th 13th street - One block down from Emerald Hall Powder Burns (Continued from page two) hotter a thing is, tne more it burns.” Stinks, Too Dissect this kind of verbal flub dub and you find obscurity; some times masquerading as technical accuracy, sometimes as subtlety. But lack of clarity, no matter how learned, is not subtle. It is just unclear. There are also the classifiers. Education texts are the worst off enders here. First you find 14 “car dinal principles,” then each prin ciple has a certain number of general objectives. Each general objective, of course, has oodles of specific objectives. A Common 111 Speech texts go in for this, too. There are five types of speeches, seven helps toward learning, and three methods of topic develop ment. This is true regardless of whether a student can speak or not. Out of such stuff come 20 point questions on midterms. If these offending authors would state what they have to say clearly and tersely, most of their books would be mere pamphlets. Maybe I couldn’t do better, but I’m sure they could. Plymouth Uub to Party “Congo Club" will be the theme of the Plymouth club party to night beginning, at 7:30 at the First Congregational church. War ren Miller will be the master of ceremonies and an entertainment program will feature a floor show, trio, and other acts. Refreshments will be served and there will be a 25c charge for those attending. I - TRY in I Once you've sent that ball after the pins, you'll know the thrill of bowling! Try it today! at Dorsey's U - BOWL 29 West 11th Phone 4716 DAILY KMKRALP Friday. October 31. 1947 Page 3 Graduate Students (Continued from pai/e one) liason officer to be appointed from the Oregon graduate school who will be responsible for the course and thesis supervision of any Ore gon graduate students enrolled in the graduate school of nuclear engineering, Johnson revealed. The Oregon graduate school will maintain certain requirements such as residence and thesis super vision. The minimum residence requir ment is one year for the degree of Ph.D. The program of the school will be highly individualized. All work taken in nuclear engineering will be examined and acceptance of credits will be by individual merit of the work done. Among the Pacific Northwest graduate schools beside the Univer Miss Johns Calls For Bazaar Bids Petitions are requested from junior and sophomore women for the AWS Bazaar. Petitions may be turned in to Barbara Johns at the Delta Gamma house before Saturday, November 8. Proceeds from the bazaar will be used to fill Christmas boxes for needy Eugene families. Each house will be asked to send con tributions to a pool at Gerlinger hall. Townspeople will be asked to participate. sity of Oregon who have signified their intentions of participating in the graduate school of nuclear en gineering are the University of Washington, Washington State col— ege, and the University of Idaho. YOU are invited to FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Broadway at High Dr. Vance H. Webster, Pastor 9:45 - University class Ronald Lundy, Teacher 11 a.m. - "I Sought a Man” 6:30 University Fel lowship, John Chatt, President 7:30 - “A Casket in the Pulpit” 8:45 - Singspiration — If Your car won't GO, Stop at WALDERS Associated Service llth and Hillyard Hand woven Danish, Swedish, Norwegian Art All hand loomed in Scandinavian patterns and colors Scarfs - Mittens - Hoods - Lapel Pins MARLEY SPORT SHOP 181 West 6th Mittens $4.50 100% Wool Scarfs 4.50 ' Hoods 5.50 ]>re shrunk Lapel Pins .85 , , Sets $9 and $10 color fast For skiing or regular cold weather use.