Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 25, 1947, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon Emerald
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the University of Oregon, published
daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, and final examination periods.
Entered as second-class matter at the postomce, Eugene, Ore.
Member of the Associated Collegiate Press_
BOB CHAPMAN, Business Manager
Managing Editor
Co-News Editors i
An Unpopular Suggestion
Ten days ago this page carried an editorial entitled “Smiles,
Smiies, Smiles,” in which we suggested (dead pan) that a
“Go to Hell Week” would be most relaxing after the social
whirl to which most students are subjected. We thought it was
A few days later Columnist Larry Lau came through with a
suggestion that we also elect a “Go to Hell Queen,” and then
; went on to suggest a few of the activities that might be carried
out in this week of weeks. We thought that was funny, too.
Campus coment has convinced us that maybe we had some
thing there, that mayhap people are a little tired of having so
much fun, of being good fellas all the time.
While we stand by our statement that the Go to Hell Week
was just an attempt (successful) at humor, rve are ready to
submit that our basic idea was good.
In short, it is high time to do a little stock-taking to evaluate
the side show and the main tent. Scholarship regulations are
being enforced at this University. It is more difficult to
graduate today than it was before the war. But despite this
there is a trend toward more enforced fun, toward dragging the
student out of the library and into the social whirl.
Every week there are half a dozen fine activities, programs,
concerts, rallies, dances, or firesides to which the student who
would be hep must go. When does the poor kid study?
This situation has been brought about by over-zealous chair
men who have labored so successfully to make their activities
more desirable than the others. All of them have succeeded.
It is a mater of prestige that each living organization boast
as many “activity people” as possible. All they need is a 2-point
and a lot of ambition, and they are certain to be big wheels in
some' activity.
At the same time (and this isn't a joke) the living organiza
tions insist they are looking after the scholarship of their mem
bers, particularly their pledges. The Greek organizations us
ually have it in their charters and national statements of pur
pose that they will work to foster better scholarship. How well
they succeed is readily seen in the list of "house grades"
published in the Emerald each term.
Xo, they don’t do so well. Non-affiliated students always
beat 'em, and the student who lives in no organized group at
all stands the best chance of getting the good grades.
Following is a statement that will doubtless prove very un
popular :
It would seem reasonable that the organized groups, espec
ially the Greek-letter groups, pay some atention to LIMITING
the number and type of activities allowed their members. They
could do worse than allowing them a free choice, which would
doubtless be better than the present mad scramble for activity
These groups hold the key to a reasonable pruning of the
activity program. If they really wish to be of service to the
University and to their membership, they will encourage their
members to do good jobs on a restricted list of wisely-selected
The campus is already plagued with too many “activity
tramps” who try to spread themselves too thin.
A Purposeful Change
Purposeful changes have been made in the features of rel
igious week, 1947-48. A change from Religious Emphasis Week
to Religious Evaluation Week has been recorded, and the
Emerald notes the significance. To emphasize—“to articulate
with special force or stress, or to bring out clearly and forcibly”
according to Funk and Wagnalls Unabridged Aid to Aspiring
Journalists, denotes a basis quite different from that of evalua
tion. Referring again to F & W’s Invaluable Piece of Prose,
we find to evaluate means “to fix the value of; estimate the
force of; appraise”—in other words, to weigh, to think, to in
vestigate, and to re-weigh. The emphasis of last year’s Reli
gious Emphasis Week implied a foregone conclusion; the eval
uation of this year’s invites queries, probings, and even skep
The leaders invited for the week are well grounded in the
fundamentals of religion, as well as possessors of forthright and
sincere spiritual beliefs. Their backgrounds are amazingly cos
mopolitan, their faiths divers. Quakers, Presbyterians, Epis
copalians, Jews, and Catholics are coming to the campus to
teach, inspire and encourage evaluation. Their goal is not to
proselyte but to educate, and the men are on the college level.
It's discouraging to be coerced—the campus, should realize
this well, for political, social, and economic coercion is forever
with the University of Oregon. As we see it. coercion is disgrun
tling, but instruction is noble. The instruction, not coercion,
which these men will present in the week of Religious Evalua
tion, will appeal to a sensible student body. The discussions will
be appealing and informative for the student in search of truth—
the ostensive goal of any University registrant. The leaders are
of a college caliber, for masters degrees, Ph. D.’s, Phi Beta
Kappas, and graduate studies are freely interspersed in their
qualifications. They are not only spiritually convinced, but they
have the facts that convinced them.
It might just be, during the next week, that “those who come
to scoff remain to pray.” J. B. S.
Why in the name of all that is
Holy Joe College, .do fraternity
sweethearting ditties roar the
praises of wistful blondes with lim
pid eyes-of-blue ? Anthropological
ly speaking, there IS a large pro
portion of Scandinavian stock in
the great Northwest, but most
coeds are Jeanies-with-light-brown
hair. The ballads, besides being
contrary to our democracy way of
life, are rather annoying to Miss
Melting Pot of 1947.
The Betas neatly sidestep the is
sue by passing the loving cup
around, but K-Sig and Sigmk song
sters persist in extolling the
charms of maidenly addicts to ye
olde peroxide bottle.
In a recent quiz, Dr. Lester Beck
asked, “Is blonde or brunette hair
a secondary sex characteristic’’
“Blonde,” is the answer, said I.
% $ sjs
Another thing, is it fair that fel
lows like Bob Frazier, Ed Allen,
Stu Norene, Joe Gurley, Ward
Christensen, Tom Wright, Bob
Prodinger, Jim Thayer, Harry
Glickman, Johnny Kahananui, Er
ling Erlandson, Marvin Tims, Win
Kelker and Smitty, the Co-op jani
tor, be overlooked in the search for
a truly representative Joe College ?
They all can remember when the
tall firs around here were little
* * *
More of Joes, queens, and con
tests . . . The shorties in the Sigma
Chi tong have organized a midget
club, selecting as “Girl We Would
Most Like to Shrink” the Deegee’s
pleasant-personality girl, Barbara
❖ <• ❖
And then, we have a candidate
for “Most Wide-Eyed Freshman of
the Week,” a pledge at the ADPi
house who asked Social Chairman
Gerry Healy when they were going
to have an exchange with the
One World Club Raises Some Points
About Super Government Blueprints
(The following article includes excerpts of Dr.
C. F. Schleicher’s speech “World Government—
Its Practical Difficulties” given before the One
World club.)
An intellectual revolution against the present
system of multi-state governments and power poli
ties is brewing. Today many people who feel world
government is desirable or necessary, if asked a
few years ago would have taken the negative.
More people than those engaged in the social sci
ences now feel that a central government is a ne
cessity. The physicists, for example, came out of
their shells after the atom bomb had been dropped
and declared their support of such a system. Promi
nent citizens including Einstein, and even Truman,
have expressed their desire for world government.
But how car. this come about ? The world musP
first, agree on the fundamentals. At present the
world’s super-states, United States and Russia, are
at the greatet odds. Most of this trouble is based
on nothing more than fear. We are deathly afraid of
each other how can we meet this problem ?
Basie Differences
Supposing this will eventually be worked out to
the satisfaction of world government advocates,
then what of the basic differences in all countries
governmental, social, cultural, and economic?
How can individuals compete under such a set-up?
The details can be bickered over, but can the
fundamentals of nations be fused or given up peace
Many distrust government, i.e., in their own
countries and localities, yet want more under a
universal scheme. Is it possible that this world gov
ernment would glow so strong that the world would
be caught in the grasp of a Frankenstein it had
created ?
Good Questions
Of what would this central power consist? A gen
eral assembly composed of peoples of the world?
Of an amended UN charter? If the assembly, how
would delegates be chosen ? If not based on individ
ual governments, how ? How would the votes be
distributed ? Who could enforce the law ? Logically,
all this would go back to the sovereign nations, but
would not that defeat the underlying purpose ?
Amending the charter requires the vote of all
five permanent UN members and a two-thirds vote
of the rest. Again, nations are resorted to, and these
nations could block the plan easily.
Assuming this world parliament could material
ize, it follows that political parties would develop.
Since it is a government of the world, these parties
would need to cut across old national boundaries.
Would it be possible? Would Russia allow capital
istic propaganda within her territory? What of the
United States and communistic ideas?
If this barrier were also overcome, then what of
the government's scope? Could it, for instance,
abolish existing immigration laws ? If so, would not
this wreck the standard of living for many sections?
Could racial and religious relations be regulated ?
Would we have a bill of rights ?
And what of the old internal governments ?
Could each former nation have what it wanted? How
far could the central agency interfere in internal
administrate i? What type of government would
be allowable ? What of national disarmament ?
Would the central power have the only army and
the states hr e militia, if anything?
The pres nt national sovereignty plan is prob- 1
ably not good, but would world government be any
better ?
Reader Cites Disc Statistics
Takes Issue with Columnist
To the Editor:
To the few who Clearly understood (and I was not among them)
Ted Hallock’s pedantic column in Wednesday’s Emerald defending the
recent Petrillo ban on records, it must be evident that Hallock defeated
his argument on three counts.
(1) Hallock—the radio program director—could, not afford to re
place records and transcriptions with live. entertainment over his
KUGN, or any other station in h city of less than 100,000. In the first
place, local stations could not afford to pay union, wages, and. in the
second and. more important place, the radio audience would, not listen
to the live music because local talent, on the average, never rises above
the worst in recorded music level.
(2) Hallock the musician—must realize that without recordings,
no musician could get to be famous and make a wage above that of a
laborer. Bands, such as the Kenton crew, could not progress past the
Balboa stage without recordings. Hallock will probably agree that with
out records the Kenton orchestra would be nowhere—and Kenton would
be the first to admit it.
(3) Hallock—the record collector—should realize that the public is
not particularly interested in the music of union musicians at this time.
For instance, out of the three records reaching the million mark in
sales during 1947, only one—Francis Craig’s “Near You”—was in need
of union musicians. Ted Weem's "Heartaches” was a ten-year-old. re
pressing and the Harmonicat’s “Peg O’ My Heart” was not considered
union-made because the AFM does not recognize the harmonica as a
musical instrument.
The public, in their record purchasing today, is concerned first with
the title of the song, and second, with the vocalist. Even if the record
companies did not have a backlog of unreleased masters which should
last a year, they could make records of popular tunes using a vocal
group to back up the soloist. During the first Petrillo ban a few years
back, this was tried and it certainly did not hamper the selling of
records such as Sinatra’s "You’ll Never Know,” Kayme’s “Wait For Me
Mary,” and Crosby’s “Oh What a Beautiful Morning.”
Another cat in the bag of the platter pressers is reissuing of masters
(Please turn to page three)